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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

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How Does FEMA Help Homeowners After Storms?

8/25/2022 (Permalink)

FEMA can aid you after a storm

How Does FEMA Assist Homeowners Following Storms?

After your home in Hebron, KY, has been affected by storms and flooding, it can be helpful to seek assistance. Understanding how FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) can assist homeowners can be useful to you after a flood.

1. Evaluates the Home

Once your application for assistance has been received and when it is safe to do so, the agency will send someone from the organization to evaluate your home. Storms can cause a vast amount of damage to a home, and it’s important that each home is assessed on an individual basis. Homes that have sustained widespread damage may require more thorough evaluations, whereas homes that have only been minorly impacted will likely be quicker since damage can be more easily spotted.

2. Provides Documentation

In addition to evaluating the damage that has occurred to your home, FEMA also will document the damage as well. This documentation is often necessary in order for the agency to determine whether or not you qualify for financial aid. Many insurance companies require documentation after a storm has occurred, so it can also be helpful to send the information to your insurance provider.

3. Offers Compensation

In some circumstances, the agency offers financial aid to homeowners whose homes have been majorly affected by a disaster. Regardless of whether or not you do receive aid, you the organization will send you a letter explaining how the decision was made. If you have received aid, the letter will generally suggest that you spend the money on services and items that will improve the state of your home, such as emergency restoration services. Those who were denied aid, however, can make an appeal.

Knowing how FEMA can aid you after a storm can you determine what additional assistance you may require. After a storm, the agency will evaluate your home, document what has occurred and may provide you with compensation.

4 Steps To Effectively Use a Fire Extinguisher

8/2/2022 (Permalink)

Follow these steps for using a fire extinguisher

How to Use a Fire Extinguisher

Handling a kitchen fire in Burlington, KY can be a challenge, but it's nothing you can't handle with a little training. Stay calm and follow these steps for using a fire extinguisher as directed by the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration.

1. Pull the Pin
Pull the pin from the extinguisher immediately before use. Do not remove the pin in advance of any fires or you risk accidentally spraying the contents should you knock the canister over or move it for any reason. Pulling the pin will also break the tamper seal.

2. Aim the Fire Extinguisher
Aim the nozzle or hose at the point where the flames originate (at the base of the fire). Do not aim at the middle or top of the flames, as this will not properly extinguish the fire. Be careful not to touch the discharge nozzle or hose as the carbon dioxide is extremely cold and can damage your skin.

3. Squeeze the Handle
Squeeze the handle firmly to release the fire-stopping chemicals from the canister. Maintain firm, even pressure, and do not pump the handle in bursts like a gun trigger. Remember to keep your skin away from the cold chemicals being released.

4. Sweep the Area
Sweep the nozzle from side to side, maintaining aim at the base of the fire. Continue to spray in this manner until the fire appears to be out. At that point, release the handle and observe the area. If the fire re-ignites or if smoke increases in volume, repeat steps two through four.

If the fire continues to grow even as you attempt to extinguish it (and especially if it begins to intensify after the fire extinguisher has been emptied), vacate the property immediately and call the fire department for assistance. Once the smoke clears, you can begin a claim with your insurer and start working with a fire restoration company.
Stay calm and follow these steps to extinguish the fire quickly and minimize fire damage.

What Items Should You Throw Away After a Fire?

7/23/2022 (Permalink)

The high heat that accompanies a fire could affect your medications.

Throw Away These Belongings After a Fire

The large flames and billowing smoke that accompany a fire can be quite destructive. Fire damage restoration professionals in Hebron, KY, can salvage many items in your house. However, they will not be able to save everything. Certain items will have to be discarded for your safety.

1. Burned Clothes
Remediation experts can disinfect and clean beddings and clothes following a fire. However, charred textiles should be tossed in the trash. The chemicals in the soot and smoke could irritate your skin the next time you try to wear those clothes. You could also inadvertently inhale those chemicals.

2. Medicines
The high heat that accompanies a fire could affect your medications. Their potencies could be altered, which could harm you if you ingest the medicines. Soot, smoke and fire-dousing chemicals may damage medicines, as well. You should thus throw away those pill bottles and ask your doctor for refills.

3. Cosmetics
Excessive heat and fire suppressants could also alter the minerals and chemicals inside toiletries and cosmetics. It may be tempting to clean and keep these items, especially since they can be expensive. However, fire-damaged makeup or shampoo could harm your hair and skin.

4. Food
Food can easily get contaminated by chemicals from fire extinguishers. Heat from a blaze could also activate harmful bacteria lingering in jars and cans. Any foods that have fire extinguisher dust should be thrown out, as should any cans that are rusted or bulging.
Any perishable items left in a freezer or refrigerator that lost power should also be tossed. If you can afford to do so, you should consider replacing all food affected by the blaze.
To keep yourself and your family safe, you should throw away burned clothes after a fire. You should also discard any cosmetics, medicines and foods that were damaged by the flames and smoke. However, many of your other belongings can be restored with the help of remediation professionals.

3 Components of Irrigation Maintenance

7/18/2022 (Permalink)

When you perform regular irrigation maintenance, you will avoid accidental flooding.

Three Elements of Irrigation Upkeep

Outdoor sprinklers can inadvertently flood your property if you do not care for them. So, before you turn on your sprinklers for the season, take steps to ensure that they operate correctly. Here are three components of irrigation maintenance.

1. Maintenance Schedules Can Help Avoid Flooding
Irrigation sprinklers are not too complicated, but you need to ensure that all the parts work. At a minimum, you should check them at least once per year. For example, if you have an offseason, schedule your maintenance right before you plan to turn the sprinklers on. You can check some parts of your irrigation system without turning it on, while for others, it helps to have water flowing through the pipes. Performing this routine irrigation maintenance can help you avoid flooding on your property.

2. Electrical Problems Can Cause Sprinkler Flooding
Your irrigation system has both mechanical and electrical parts. Start your scheduled maintenance by checking the power since that is what makes the rest of the system work. The electrical components consist of transformers, solenoids, connectors, and the voltage that powers them. The transformers control the sprinklers’ timers, so a defective transformer could cause a flood by not turning off the water as programmed. A malfunctioning solenoid could fail to close valves, which could leak water.

3. Faulty Hardware Can Lead to Flooding
Pipes, valves and sprinkler heads transport water from the main valve to your lawn. You can have problems with all of them, but you can start by checking the sprinkler heads’ nozzles for dirt or debris. This fix is the simplest. Work backward to check the valves in the sprinkler heads and then the pipes for cracks or tears. Too high of water pressure can damage both parts, leading to flooding. If you have a flood, hire water restoration experts in Burlington, KY.
When you perform regular irrigation maintenance, you will avoid accidental flooding. You will also save on your water bill.

How To Replace a Leaky Toilet

7/2/2022 (Permalink)

A leaking toilet is not only annoying but can cause costly damage to your home.

What to Do If Your Toilet Is Leaking

A leaking toilet is not only annoying but can cause costly damage to your Union, KY, home. You can replace that toilet with a new one. Remove all the water from the tank and bowl and then disconnect the toilet from the water supply line. Remove the bolts and disassemble the old toilet.

Repair the Water Damage
It's imperative that you repair any structural damage to the flooring of your bathroom before replacing a leaking toilet. If the wood under the toilet is damp, rot could set in and mold could grow. Contact cleanup and restoration specialists to make the floor like new. Then get to work replacing the toilet.

Replace the Flange and Supply Tube
A cracked or broken flange will often cause leaks. Simply replacing the flange may be the only toilet repair you need. While you're at it, change the supply tube with one that's made of a polymer combined with stainless steel. They can last up to 30 years.

Replace the Leaking Toilet With a New One
You can put in a new toilet by:

Replacing the wax seal
Removing the rag plugging the hole
Placing the toilet over the hole, lining up the anchor bolts with the base
Gently rocking the toilet and pressing it down to seal the wax
Putting nuts and washers loosely back into place
Capping the bolts
Inserting the tank gasket and bolts into the tank
Setting the tank on the toilet and tightening it in place with nuts and washers
Installing the valve along with both lids and ring
Attaching the water line to the new toilet and turning on the water

Make it easy by hiring a plumber to do this task to save stress and hassles. A leaky toilet can cause damage, but with the right help, it can be restored like new.

Risks of Property Flooding After a Fire

6/23/2022 (Permalink)

Firefighters use specialized hoses which unleash hundreds of gallons of water on a house.

Property Flooding Risks Following a Fire

The FEMA NFIP, or national flood insurance program, is one way the federal government hopes to protect homeowners against flood damage, especially through unexpected circumstances, such as fire floods. According to flood damage restoration services in Florence, KY, flooding after a fire is more common than many homeowners think.

1. Suppression and Rescue System Flooding Damage
Most flooding actually occurs during rescue efforts. Firefighters use specialized hoses which unleash hundreds of gallons of water on a house every minute. While the water is effective for subduing and smothering flames, it will not all evaporate in the heat.
Additionally, if your house is outfitted with a sprinkler system, it too can lead to flooding. Most sprinkler systems do not work selectively, meaning when it goes off, it goes off everywhere in the house or structure.

2. Storm Flooding
The FEMA NFIP can also protect against other possible floods after a fire, including those brought about by storm surges. Additionally, when your home experiences fire damage, it might have several holes through the exterior walls or the roof. Rain can access these points, resulting in flooding.

3. Damaged Infrastructure Flooding
Unless you live in certain areas, you might not consider the relationship between wildfire damage and flooding. Again, rescue efforts can result in flooding and water damage. However, wildfire can also damage critical infrastructure, such as water towers or city sewers, resulting in flooding in residential areas.

4. Damaged Plumbing
It is also possible that the heat from the house fire melts or damages plumbing within the household. The damage can affect supply lines, which can lead to extensive flooding in the property if the supply is not shut down externally.
The FEMA NFIP program is a valuable tool for families with flood zones. Still, it is necessary to understand that not all flooding stems from storm systems or fractured infrastructure.

3 Safety Tips for Wet Light Fixtures

6/15/2022 (Permalink)

A leaky pipe or roof can introduce water to light fixtures.

Tips for Wet Light Fixtures

A leaky pipe or roof can introduce water to light fixtures. The presence of moisture in close proximity to electrical lighting raises the risk of electric shock at a residence in Park Hills, KY. It is important that homeowners and occupants are aware of water in light risks and take safety precautions leading up to water damage restoration.

1. Turn Off the Power

Electrical lighting and water do not mix. It is critical to shut off the flow of electricity to reduce electrocution risks. Never attempt to use a light switch. Even after the power is off, it is advisable to use a non-contact voltage tester on a dry electrical source to ensure no electricity is flowing through lines prior to any attempt to deal with ceiling damage.

2. Shut Off the Water If Necessary

If the water in light originates from a broken or leaking supply line, it will also be beneficial to shut off the water supply. While this measure will not eliminate water that has already been collected above the ceiling or in a fixture, it can prevent more water from taking the same course.

3. Contact Restoration Experts

A ceiling that has become swollen with water and flooded light fixtures pose serious safety and restoration challenges. Homeowners should schedule an inspection with certified water damage restoration professionals. These experts can take measures to minimize the risk of structural damage or ceiling collapse and try to limit water damage to a home interior.

The potential for electrical shock to occur at any point in a circuit is one of the primary water-in-light dangers. A risk is posed when interacting with a light switch in a household in Park Hills, KY, let alone attempting to directly address the ceiling leak or flooded fixture. Homeowners should shut off the power or contact the electrical company before contacting trained restoration professionals.

Understanding Commercial Generators

6/4/2022 (Permalink)

Make sure that you pick out the right generator for your business needs and budget

Three Things To Know About Commercial Generators

As a business owner in Crescent Springs, KY, it is important for you to understand how your commercial generators work, from learning how long they will last to knowing what to do if they break down. You will be thankful when and if a storm wipes out your building’s power and causes a potentially dangerous situation. Here are three things to know about your generator equipment.

1. Generators last through many uses. Typical models will work for about 3,000 hours, meaning that a typical standby option could last for more than 30 years. Contact the manufacturer of your unit for more specific information on its expected lifespan.

2. All generators are not the same. Some run on diesel, while others are fueled by natural gas. There are also prime, standby, portable and stationary models. Since there are all of these features and more that you must consider before making a purchase, make sure that you pick out the right generator for your business needs and budget.

3. Generator problems need to be considered. Even the best piece of equipment can malfunction. In the event of a broken unit, you must be prepared for flooding and other destruction that can take place, especially if bad weather is occurring. If something does happen to your business, a local commercial storm damage restoration company should be called as soon as the weather dies down so you can begin taking care of your damaged or wet property and belongings.

A responsible business owner should be aware of and understand all of the equipment that the company uses to keep things running smoothly. A generator should be no exception, even if it is just a portable model that is used sparingly. Stay in contact with your local repair shops, cleanup crews and other trusted professionals in Crescent Springs, KY, that can help when storms or other disasters threaten your property.

4 Important Facts About Nor'easter Storms

5/22/2022 (Permalink)

All households should have an emergency preparedness kit for weather emergencies.

Nor'easter Facts

A Nor’easter is a powerful, low-pressure storm system that impacts the northeastern United States. These storms are responsible for some of the most remarkable snowfalls in American history, such as the 1888 Blizzard, the 1978 Blizzard and the 1993 Blizzard.
People located in Park Hills, KY, should prepare for severe weather by watching the news, having an emergency preparedness kit and knowing the following Nor’easter facts.

1. How and Where They Form
Limited to the eastern United States, these events typically originate near the coast of Georgia and New Jersey. Cities such as Boston, New York City, and Washington D.C. are particularly vulnerable due to their locations.
When warm Gulf Stream air mixes with cold air traveling down from Canada, it creates an unstable weather pattern. As the storm strengthens, it moves up the east coast with increasing intensity.

2. The Two Classification Categories: Miller Type A and Miller Type B
In 1946, scientist J.E. Miller began to classify the weather events as either Type A or Type B. The main difference between the types is where the systems develop. Type A versions are the most common and originate in the Gulf of Mexico, while the rarer Type B events form in the Midwest and travel east.

3. What to Expect: Snow, Flooding and More
A Nor’easter can cause blizzards, excess water and high winds. Storm season typically runs from early fall through spring.
During a storm, power outages, transportation delays and flight cancellations should be expected. If your home sustains damage, a severe weather remediation specialist can help you get back on track.

4. How To Prepare
All households should have an emergency preparedness kit for weather emergencies. It should include extra water, canned food, a flashlight, a battery-operated radio and blankets. Travel should be avoided, if possible, until the threat subsides.
A Nor’easter can cause power outages and travel disruptions. However, with preparedness and weather monitoring, they can be safely endured.

4 Causes of Noisy Pipes and When You Should Worry

5/12/2022 (Permalink)

You have the information you need to prevent a pipe break.

Prevent a Pipe Break

Noisy pipes are a nuisance. There are many reasons your plumbing system may be making a racket. In addition to causing you to lose sleep, they can be an indication that something is going awry in your walls. Make sure you know the cause in order to prevent a pipe break.

1. Water Hammer

"Water hammer" is the term used to describe the phenomenon that occurs when your pipes have a fast-closing valve. This presents itself as a loud banging noise. There are several causes of water hammer, including:

  • Water in air chambers
  • High water pressure
  • Hard-working appliances
  • Loose pipes

While this is a common issue, it is one that needs to be addressed promptly. If not, this could cause excessive wear to your pipes. If you let a pipe break, you will have to:

  • Fix broken pipe
  • Repair parts
  • Address water damage

2. Obstructions and Narrowing

If the noise you're hearing is more of a whistling, this is common and probably due to narrowing or obstruction of your pipes. This can be due to mineral buildup in the plumbing system, causing higher pressure in the pipes. Again, this can lead to a pipe burst if unresolved.

3. Cold Weather

In the colder months, you may notice popping sounds during the dropping temperatures. This is likely due to thermal expansion. It depends on what material your pipes are made out of, but materials such as copper are intended to expand and contract depending on the level of heat. You'll likely be using hot water, and the freezing pipes will crackle when it runs through. This isn't too concerning unless you hear one giant pop.

4. Leaks

Usually following any of these noises above, you will notice a water leak. On the other hand, your first indication could be a dripping sound. In either instance, you should contact your local water damage remediation experts in Crescent Springs, KY. An unaddressed water leak can lead to larger issues.
Now you know the different sounds your pipes can make. You know the possible causes. You have the information you need to prevent a pipe break.

4 Steps To Stop Sewage From Backing Up Into a Bathtub

5/3/2022 (Permalink)

Insert a plumbing snake into a toilet.

Stop Contaminated Water From Backing Up Into a Bathtub

There are several steps you can take to stop contaminated water from backing up into a bathtub. Depending on your level of plumbing skill and the location and severity of a blockage, it may be possible to stop a sewer backup on your own. If your efforts are not successful, you should contact a plumber or sewage company in Erlanger, KY.

1. Block the Tub Drain

Blocking a tub drain will prevent sewage from backing up into the tub. Take this step prior to attempting to clear a clog.

2. Locate the Blockage

It may be more or less difficult to clear a clog depending on its location. Clogs in lines near a toilet can usually be cleared with a plunger or auger. If these attempts do not work, the sewer backup may be located further down the line.

3. Snake the Toilet, Floor Drain or Cleanout

Depending on the evident location of a blockage, you can insert a plumbing snake into a toilet, remove the toilet to directly snake out the floor drain, or snake the drain cleanout. The main drain is typically located in a basement or crawlspace. Use a long pipe wrench to remove the cap and insert the auger. Look out for sewage overflow.

4. Call a Plumber or Sewage Company

If these efforts are not successful, you should contact a plumber if you suspect the clog originates on the residential end or a sewage company for a backed-up municipal main. If backup results in flooding, sewer damage mitigation will also be necessary.

Blocking a tub drain can stop a bathtub backup. You should also try to limit the spread of contaminated water caused by a sewer backup. Disinfect and dry any surfaces, materials or contents exposed to sewage. You may want to seek assistance from a mitigation and restoration company in Erlanger, KY.

What Is the Extent of Renters Insurance Coverage?

4/25/2022 (Permalink)

Fire damage in an apartment in Crescent Springs, KY.

What Is the Coverage Amount of Renters Insurance?

Property owners often recommend renters insurance to tenants. These policies can be useful for covering the cost of damaged or ruined contents at a rental property in Crescent Springs, KY. It is important to check the details of any renters policy to determine the full extent of coverage in each of the following areas.

Damaged Contents

Most renters policies cover the cost of restoring damaged contents. This coverage can pay off when items can be treated by content cleaning professionals during fire restoration. Any of the following methods may be used:

  • Dry cleaning
  • Immersion
  • Wet cleaning

Renters policies will cover costs associated with content restoration up to a set limit. Additional costs associated with cleaning or temporarily storing cleaned items may require that a renter pay out of pocket.

Replacement Costs
Some renter's insurance policies cover replacement costs. It is important to check to make sure this is the case, as some policies only cover the market value. Regardless of the purchase cost of any item, its value depreciates over time. Replacement cost coverage will pay the total cost for replacing a ruined item, but market value coverage may come up short.

Temporary Relocation
The best renters policies allocate a specified amount of coverage for temporary relocation. If fire damage restoration at a property will require evacuation, this coverage can offset some of the cost of securing lodging off-site for days or weeks until cleanup is complete. Be sure to check the policy limit and any requirements for this benefit.
If a renters insurance policy only covers the market value and not the replacement cost of contents or does not extend to relocation costs, it may be worthwhile to switch to a policy that provides more complete coverage. All of these areas of coverage can be helpful in the event that a fire damages an apartment or rental home located in Crescent Springs, KY.

Protecting Your Commercial Building From Water Damage

4/12/2022 (Permalink)

Water damage in Erlanger, KY.

Ways To Prevent Water Damage

When leaks and pipe breaks occur, commercial property owners in Erlanger, KY, face several serious concerns. Water saturation in walls and flooring leads to mold and mildew. Water in home appliances ruins the devices, leading to expensive repairs and replacements. The rooms develop an unpleasant, stale odor. These hazards shut down the impacted area. It could even be half operations. To safeguard the facility and maintain workflow, proprietors should make every effort to prevent water damage. The following are three effective methods to use.

1. Install Sensors

Early detection of pipe cleanup permits owners to catch water exposure before it becomes a massive flood. Have specialists install them near any significant water source such as washing machines or water heaters. If the area becomes damp, an alarm goes off.

2. Keep an Eye on Machines

Your office space probably contains a staff room stocked with a refrigerator, sink and dishwasher. While convenient for employees, this location should be a watch zone for owners. Monthly, look around to ensure the buildup of water in home appliances isn't happening. Look behind the machinery. Open up the cabinet doors. It's easy for a hose to become loose or develop a hole, leading to lingering puddles that ruin the foundation, cabinets and drywall.

3. Analyze Your Water Bill

Complications may develop in places that are not visible, such as within walls or the irrigation line. To locate this before a broken pipe occurs, owners should scrutinize their monthly water bill. When discrepancies appear, contact a water remediation company such as SERVPRO. The professionals can perform leak detection tests, identify the primary source, fix it and tackle any secondary damage.
When commercial owners see water in home appliances, immediate attention should be given to cleaning up the mess. Work with one company to handle the job, securing the area and sanitizing it quickly and efficiently. Swift action allows for the doors to reopen and projects to resume.

Keep Your Building Secure After a Fire

4/5/2022 (Permalink)

It’s a smart decision to call in a professional fire cleanup team located in Petersburg, KY.

If a fire strikes your place of business in Petersburg, KY, you will have a lot to manage all at once. Your biggest concern will likely be about how much fire damage your building and its contents have sustained. You may wonder how quickly your business can be up and running again, how much will your insurance cover, and how to repair any damaged property and electronics. Since bad things have a way of escalating, it’s important to make sure after a fire that your premises are safe and secure from vandals and other troublemakers.

Security Tips After a Fire

As hard as it is to believe, a fire can often leave a company susceptible to looting. This certainly happened in the recent California wildfires, where looters came into the area to steal items from the damaged houses. Fortunately, there are a few things to do to limit your chances of being robbed after a fire. The following steps could prove helpful:

  • Secure the property as soon as possible by boarding up openings
  • Keep a security presence if possible
  • Contact local authorities to perform regular checkups on the building
  • Put up signs to keep out criminals
  • Install an alarm system

Fire damage is bad enough. The prospect of being robbed afterward is something that can be prevented with a little forethought.

Fire Cleanup Tips

Cleaning up after a fire can be a complicated process, as there may be soot, water, smoke and electrical damage to contend with. It’s a smart decision to call in a professional fire cleanup team located in Petersburg, KY. Having the right equipment on hand, as well as the necessary knowledge in place, can speed up the process. It’s also a great way to make sure all the damage has been cleaned up.

Fire damage to your business need not be worsened by vandals. Secure your building after a fire to protect your assets.

Educating Employees on Workplace Burns

3/22/2022 (Permalink)

A minor burn can generally be taken care of at the workplace with a first aid kit

Educating Employees on Workplace Burns

The risk of fire damage to the business you have worked so tirelessly to build is troubling, but the threat of injury to employees is unacceptable. That’s why it’s imperative that they get basic first aid training. Workplace burns can range from very minor to critical. Providing emergency care training (e.g., dressing a burn) for all employees will empower them with the knowledge and self-assurance they will need in an emergency.

Well-Stocked First Aid Kit
A well-supplied first aid kit is the first step to preparing for any accident that might occur in the workplace. It’s a good idea to place the kit in a conspicuous, easily accessible location that all employees are aware of. You will want to make sure to include burn first aid supplies in this kit and educate your employees on methods of treating burns with the following supplies:

Burn gels or lotions such as aloe vera for cooling pain relief and to prevent drying
Gauze or sterile cotton cloth to cover injury and protect from outside irritants or bacteria
Gauze tape to hold the gauze pads or cloth loosely onto the wound
Cool, moist compress for pain relief before wrapping
Pain-relieving medication such as acetaminophen, naproxen or ibuprofen

This is not one of those things that a business owner should defer until later. The fire damage that you address proactively today may mean less worry tomorrow. You might want to invite an Emergency Medical Technician to teach you and your employees more advanced burn first aid. A minor burn can generally be taken care of at the workplace with a first aid kit that is sufficiently supplied. A major burn will require emergency services, but the sterile gauze or cloth from your kit can protect the burn until help arrives. Be sure to restock your kit after the accident.
In the event of a fire at your business in Oakbrook, KY, it is nice to know that there is a fire restoration company that can ease your mind and resolve the fire damage so that you can concentrate more on the well-being of your injured employee.

Benefits of Hiring an Emergency Restoration Service

3/10/2022 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Boone County offers emergency service.

The Advantages of Hiring an Emergency Restoration Company

Water damage can halt your business operations, causing you to lose profit. SERVPRO of Boone & Kenton County is Faster to Any Size Disaster, and they'll have your business up and running again in no time. They'll arrive fast to mitigate damage and start repairing your building right away, saving you time and money.

Fast Response

Calling an emergency restoration service that's Faster to Any Size Disaster is important for many reasons:

  • Stopping the source of the flooding
  • Containing water to one location to prevent further damage
  • Fully drying the area to prevent structural damage
  • Sanitizing surfaces to stop mold growth

All of these things can save you time and money that would be spent on repairs if the problem is not addressed quickly.


Flooding can be dangerous for the building's inhabitants. The water can contain harmful pathogens if it is contaminated by substances such as sewage. These pathogens can spread through the air or by contact with the water if you aren't careful. Even if the water is not contaminated, there is a risk of electrocution if it is in contact with any electrical circuits. If the flooding is not properly cleaned, harmful mold could grow on moist surfaces. Lastly, if the water is not dried quickly, it can damage building materials such as wood or drywall. A professional restoration surface will be able to contain and kill harmful pathogens, shut off the power to prevent electrocution, prevent mold growth and repair structural damage.


A prompt response from an emergency restoration service can minimize damage. That makes your repairs less expensive, meaning your insurance claim will be smaller. They can also list all of the damaged property and create a restoration plan that will help your insurance provider determine how much capital you are owed.
When flooding occurs, an emergency restoration service in Hebron, KY, that's Faster to Any Size Disaster will help keep you safe and minimize damage.

3 Ways Smoke Can Damage Your Business After a Fire

3/5/2022 (Permalink)

Fire restoration professionals may use ozone devices to clear smoke residue.

Smoke Cleaning Services

When a fire impacts your Burlington, KY, business, assessing the damage and the cost of cleanup are both important steps to take in restoring the building. However, fire can affect a structure in many ways, including leaving smoke damage behind. While you may not realize it, failing to invest in professional smoke cleaning services can cause long-term problems in your building and have a negative effect on your business.

1. Smoke Discoloration

After a fire, smoke can discolor your business’ walls, ceiling, and even affect your operating equipment. While you might not notice smoke damage right away, it may appear several weeks later as a yellow tinge, and tables and chairs may have new or developing corrosion as well. Having a smoke cleaning service come in after the fire with air filtration devices can clear away smoke residue and protect the interior of your building.

2. Lingering Odor

Odor from heavy smoke as the result of a fire can linger for days or even weeks after a fire. In fact, smoke odor can permeate the interior walls of a building and enter the air conditioning system. This can cause smoky odors to return every time you use the HVAC system. Over time, this may cause throat or sinus irritation in your employees and customers.

3. Smoke Residue

A company that specializes in fire restoration can remove smoke residue that may otherwise damage your walls, carpets and treated surfaces. They may use specialized machines such as thermal foggers and ozone devices to clear smoke residue away. Without this type of cleaning, residue might permanently damage the interior of your building and leave behind a sticky or greasy film that can be difficult to remove with commercial cleaners.

After a fire at your Burlington, KY, business, smoke can have a negative impact on your property, from smoke residue to lingering odors. Smoke cleaning and other professional fire restoration services can remove these problems and leave your business smelling sweet and smoke-free.

Hail Damage

2/28/2022 (Permalink)

Hailstorms can be extremely destructive to commercial or residential buildings.

Hailstorms can be extremely destructive to commercial or residential buildings, especially roofs. If you are caught in a hailstorm and suspect that you have damage, SERVPRO provides 24-hour emergency restoration services including board ups and roof tarps. We respond quickly to prevent further damage to your property!

Hail is a form of solid precipitation that consists of balls of ice called hailstone and occurs during severe storms. According to the National Storm Damage Center, hail causes approximately $1 billion in damages per year in the United States to homes, buildings, cars, and crops.

Types of Hail Damage

Roof Damage – When hail storms hit, the most common damage to homes and buildings is to the roof. When the roof damage goes undetected or unrepaired, more damage can occur to the home or building as water leaks through the roof and into the walls.

Window and Siding Damage – Often high winds accompany hailstorms causing the hail to fall at angles. When this happens, windows and siding can crack which also leads to the threat for additional water damage to the home.

Automobile Damage – The glass, plastic and metal surfaces of vehicles are particularly susceptible to damage from hail. Dents in the metal or cracks in the windshield glass are common occurrences in hailstorms.

Steps to Minimize Hail Damage

There are a few steps that one can take to minimize hail damage.

Close Curtains or Blinds – Closing the window treatments can help prevent the wind from blowing broken glass into the interior of the building.

Park in Garage – To protect vehicles, park inside a garage or under a carport.

New Roof – If replacing your roof, consider using impact-resistant materials to help avoid future hail damage.

What to Do If Your Water Heater Breaks

2/22/2022 (Permalink)

Water damage in Union, KY.

What Should You Do If Your Water Heater Fails?

What would you do if you suddenly discovered water flooding the area near your water heater? Unlike floods caused by weather, homeowners rarely receive a warning about a leaking water heater. Before it happens to you, have a plan of action for a failed water heater. The necessary steps should be:

  1. Stop the water
  2. Get safe
  3. Call the professionals

Make sure you have a detailed plan and that all the adults in your home know what to do if they happen upon a broken water heater. Here is what you should know about each step.

1. Stop the Water

Before you can do much else, you must stop the water from flowing. If you can safely reach the water heater, turn off the water supply at the device itself. However, getting near a leaking water heater can be dangerous. In many cases, it is better to turn off the water to the entire house.

2. Get Safe

Once the water has stopped flowing, you need to take a few other safety precautions. Be sure to keep animals and children away from the water because it could still be hot. You should also cut electricity to the area of the home that has the failed water heater. For gas water heaters, you may find a dial with which to do this near the water heater’s thermostat. For electric heaters, you can just trip the breaker.

3. Call the Professionals

A broken water heater can be a dangerous thing to tackle on your own. Even attempting to clean the water damage without professional help can lead to significant problems down the line. It’s better to call a professional restoration crew in Union, KY, as soon as possible.

It’s important not to delay making this call. If you allow the water to sit for too long, it can create too much moisture in the air and lead to mold. If you find a leaking water heater in your home, follow these steps.

3 Types of Home Damage To Look for After a Hail Storm

2/17/2022 (Permalink)

Roof damage is the No. 1 type of damage from a hail storm.

Three Areas To Inspect After a Hail Storm

Severe weather can happen in any season in Florence, KY, and without warning, you may find yourself in the middle of a violent hail storm. Once the storm is over, you will want to give your home a thorough inspection for hail damage. Some damage may simply be cosmetic, but there could be heavier damage that will lead to greater concerns. These are the three areas you should inspect after a hail storm:

1. Windows and Doors

Large pieces of hail can reach speeds of up to 100 mph, and broken windows can easily happen. Be sure to inspect glass doors for cracks or holes. Depending on the severity of the rain, water seepage could have occurred, causing greater damage to the interior of the house. Carefully check for any water damage to the window frames or drywall.

2. Siding and Exterior

Hail can dent aluminum siding and even cause shredding and splitting. It is important to look for dents, holes or chipping on the exterior of the house. Hail can also peel away paint, exposing the wood underneath to the elements.

3. Roofing and Structure Covering

Roof damage is the No. 1 type of damage from a hail storm. A metal roof may appear to only have dents and dings, but it could also have damage to the seams, which will cause leaking. Shingled roofs should be thoroughly inspected because their damage is not easily seen. Keep an eye out for “bruising,” or dark spots on an asphalt shingle where it is missing its granule finish. Wood shingles may have splits. Shingles that have sustained significant damage and all missing shingles should be replaced.

Once you've identified roof damage or other destruction from a storm, or if you want assistance in doing so, your local storm damage restoration company can help. The professionals can give you added advice and help you maintain your peace of mind after Mother Nature makes a house call.

Is Mold Damage Covered by Homeowners Insurance?

1/31/2022 (Permalink)

Mold damage can often occur after a water leak.

Discovering mold in your home can be stressful. Not only are there concerns about safety and unsightliness, there are quickly worries about the cost of mold removal. One of the most obvious concerns is how much of the cost will be covered by homeowner’s insurance - and how much you’ll have to foot yourself. If you’re a Union, KY, homeowner worried about whether insurance will help you combat fungus growth, read on for answers.

Costs of Mold Removal

Mold removal itself is no small task. There’s air quality testing, potential removal of damaged goods and even more to consider. In fact, experts suggest the cost of a visit from a mold remediation specialist alone at up to $6,000. Some of the expenses to consider when deal with mold are:

  • Inspections
  • Air quality tests
  • Remediation
  • Restoration

It’s a lot to consider and often a highly unexpected expense. Just how much of this will your homeowners policy cover?

What IS Covered

In general, the average homeowner’s policy will pay for mold damage caused by a “covered peril,” that is, any event that is already covered in the policy. Such perils typically include fire, lightning and in some cases vandalism.

What Is NOT Covered

Unfortunately, the list of circumstances in which fungus growth is not covered is long. If mold resulted from a preventable water leak, for instance, your policy won’t likely pay out. The same is true of high humidity or flooding, which is often covered only under separate flood insurance.

Moreover, if there’s proof that maintenance neglect triggered mold, insurance adjusters balk at paying out. That means if a room was left overly humid and mold grew, it would be on you to pay for it.
Don’t wait until you’re facing active fungus growth the learn whether you’ve got mold coverage. Call a mold specialist today to learn more about mold insurance.

Tips for Staying Safe and Sane When a Pipe Breaks

1/31/2022 (Permalink)

Water damage in Burlington, KY.

How Do You Stay Safe and Sane After a Pipe Breaks

Homeownership has its rewards, but when bursting pipes leave your home flooded, it’s normal to panic. No one is expecting to see water gushing into a previously dry room. 

The best thing to do when a broken pipe causes water damage in Burlington, KY is to call a professional. Remember, a flooded room can cause the following:

  • Water damage to walls, furniture, and belongings
  • Damage to insulation, which must then be replaced

Standing water can also attract insects, so it is important to address the broken pipe and flooding as soon as possible. The following tips will help you stay protected throughout the process while providing you with peace of mind.

Stay Calm and Turn Off the Water

It can be easy to panic, but try to stay calm and remember that the first step when you have bursting pipes must be to stop the flooding. To turn off the water, you’ll need to find the stop valve on the water main. You can usually find this where the main service line connects to your house, or under the kitchen sink. You should make sure everyone in your family knows where the shutoff valve is located so the water can be turned off quickly in emergencies.

Get to Safety and Call a Professional

Once the water has been shut off, you should immediately get to safety. This is especially important if the water is contaminated, as it can be a serious health hazard. Once you are safely in a dry area, call a professional to fix the broken pipe and clean up the mess.

Trust the Professionals to Dry the Area

Even if the water damage from bursting pipes initially seems minor, you should contact a professional water restoration company when you have water damage in Burlington, KY Professionals will ensure the area is dry and free from mold and bacteria, keeping you and your family safe.

Tips When Dealing With Smoke Damage Insurance

1/26/2022 (Permalink)

Commercial fire damage in Florence, KY.

When Dealing With Smoke Damage Insurance, Here Are Some Pointers

Every commercial building owner needs to have insurance in the event of a disaster. Smoke damage could force your business to shut down operations. Even if you need to close for just a week, it could be enough for you to lose out on significant revenue. A thorough insurance policy can help tremendously with smoke cleaning costs and other essential expenses, and here are some tips for making sure you can have peace of mind in the event a fire ever occurs on your property in Florence, KY.

1. Make Sure Your Insurance Covers Fires

All insurance policies are different. You need to make sure your specific policy covers fire damage. If you are presently unsure of what your policy covers, then you need to contact your agent to double-check. In the event you do not have any insurance that covers property damage, then you need to add it to your policy posthaste.

2. Be Detailed With Damage Documentation

A fire of any size will most likely cause some amount of smoke damage around the property. This documentation should include:

  • Location of damage
  • Overall condition of the building
  • Description of damaged items
  • Date damage occurred
  • Any injuries involved

You will need to provide all these details within a certain amount of time, so do it as quickly as possible. Make sure to take plenty of photographs as evidence.

3. Pay Professional Cleaning Experts

Another thing to take care of right after a fire to handle soot damage is to hire a professional remediation service. Without an expert, more damage could occur, and your insurance may not cover damage that technically occurs further down the line. Ultimately, you should pay for the cleaning service, and have your insurance agency reimburse you later.

You may not be able to prevent every fire, but you can increase your chances of recovering more successfully. Having a thorough insurance policy will be a major asset if you ever need to pay for smoke damage repairs.

SERVPRO of Boone & Kenton County Takes Care Of Your Restaurant Cleaning Needs

11/21/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Boone and Kenton County disposed of the contents and pressure washed the walk-in freezer of this Covington restaurant.

In 2020 Covington, decided to start focusing on cleaning up the hundreds of vacant buildings in the city. SERVPRO of Boone & Kenton County is no stranger to the effects that time can have on the structure of a commercial property. As the building falls into disrepair, expenses begin to add up. For some property owners, it becomes cheaper to let the building fall apart. To remediate this problem, The City of Covington came up with a strategy to make these issues more affordable for the building owner. This plan lowers the fees associated with abandoned buildings. That gives relief to the building owner to fix it up and place it on the market. 

SERVPRO of Boone and Kenton County is proud to serve our community by offering commercial cleaning services to these property owners. One such property owner was attempting to sell an old fast food restaurant. Structurally the building was sound. However, it needed some TLC before it could be placed on the market. 

Interior Commercial Cleaning

This restaurant had been closed for years. We began by power washing and scrubbing the front and the back of house. This included the walk-in fridge and freezer. We cleaned the building from top to bottom. Afterward, we placed air movers so the interior of the commercial building could properly dry. 

Exterior Commercial Cleaning 

If you’ve ever worked in the restaurant industry, you know how quickly dirt and debris can build up near the dumpster. It doesn't matter how diligent a property owner you are. In this instance, our methods were the same. We pressure washed the concrete housing facility for the dumpster and scrubbed it down. 

SERVPRO of Boone and Kenton County feels lucky to offer our commercial cleaning services to our community. We are committed to helping beautify our home and yours. Do you have a restaurant or other type of commercial property that needs our help? Call us today at (859) 746-3400 for your free estimate. We look forward to serving you.

Thankful for Fire Safety Tips

11/4/2021 (Permalink)

Prevent property damage by following these fire safety tips.

Did you know on Thanksgiving, more Americans cook dinner at home each year than any other day. According to USFA, it’s also the day with the highest rate of fire. To prevent fires in your home this holiday season, follow the tips listed below.

Keep Children Away From The Kitchen

If you have little ones, it’s best to keep them distracted and out of the kitchen. Children can pose a danger when they come and go from the kitchen frequently. They could leave a tripping hazard on the floor, or; their curious minds could lead them to hover too close to the stove and oven. NFPA suggests that you keep your wee ones at least 3 feet away from the stove to prevent personal injury.

Some children may like to help in the kitchen, and that’s perfectly fine. But consider giving them jobs that keep them away from open flames or hot surfaces. Peeling potatoes or mashing them is a task that makes them feel useful but can be done safely with adult supervision. They may even enjoy helping you stuff the turkey!

Keep An Eye on Your Food

Hosting Thanksgiving is a big job. It’s easy to get distracted by all of your responsibilities and leave the kitchen for long periods. This is where the fire risks get higher. Delegate tasks between members of the household so that there is at least one adult in the kitchen at any given time.  

Use Caution When Frying Your Turkey

 Deep-fried turkey can be a special treat, but; the process is risky. Property Casual 360 states, there are nearly 15 million dollars in claims made each year because of frying turkeys. Follow these tips to avoid fire and property damage this Thanksgiving.

  1. Deep-fryers should be kept away from decks, garages, trees, and structures.
  2. Before cooking, make sure the turkey is thawed completely. Mixing cold water with hot oil is a recipe for disaster.
  3. Place the fryer on a level surface. Don't move it once you’ve started cooking.
  4. To avoid overfilling the vat with oil, follow the directions.
  5. Smaller turkeys are best. Deep-frying turkeys heavier than 12 pounds is not recommended.
  6. Just like food on the stove, a frying turkey should not be left unattended. 
  7. Before lowering the turkey into the oil, turn off the heat. Turn the burner on after the turkey is submerged.
  8. Don’t stuff the turkey until after it’s done cooking.
  9. Always keep children and pets away from the fryer. 
  10. When the turkey is done cooking, remove the pot from the flame. Set it on a level surface, and cover it overnight to allow the oil to cool before discarding.

SERVPRO of Boone and Kenton County is so grateful for you. We wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for our amazing customers. We hope that you have a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving. 

The 4 Toughest Household Odors to Remove

11/2/2021 (Permalink)

This little cutie had an intestinal infection causing her to have accidents on the carpets of our customer’s Covington home.

If you’ve ever gone house or apartment hunting, you may have noticed the different scents that come with someone else’s home. Sometimes these can be pleasant other times, not so much. Some scents can’t be removed without professional cleaning services. The odors we'll discuss are urine, cigarette smoke, spices, and mildew. 

The difficulty of cleaning is found at the molecular level: proteins and oils. Breaking down these molecules can be difficult, but; it’s certainly not impossible. We'd like to give our readers insight into how we attack these resilient odors.


First, we will discuss mildew. Because it doesn’t fit into either category. It is also the most common call we receive about odors. The discussion typically starts with clients describing a musty and offputting smell. Likely, what you’re smelling is mildew. 

The EPA explains that mildew is the mycelium of a fungus that grows in a flat pattern. Like all fungi, mildew must distribute its spores to reproduce. It does this by emitting gasses to disperse the spores. It’s the gas you smell when mildew is in your home. We treat mildew like we would most mold remediation. Luckily mildews like Aspergillus vs. molds like Stachybotrys has a growth pattern that doesn’t typically penetrate materials like drywall. It is often referred to as a surface mold due to its aforementioned flat growth habits. Mildew can cause staining but, it's easily cleaned with products like Sporicidin.



Do you remember a time when your pet had an accident or two? You thought you had it cleaned up. Then, on the next rainy day, the smell comes back. You’re frustrated. You clean it over and over again still, the odor continues to return. 

The smell reappears because of a protein called uric acid. This is a molecule that doesn’t break down with soap and water. So, if you’re using just a typical household cleaner, that could be why the smell always comes back. Uric acids require a cleaner that will break down the protein molecules. 

Sometimes we use a gentle product called Benefect. Other times we need something more powerful. In this case, we use a product called Vanquish. The products we use vary based on severity and the types of materials we are cleaning. For instance, what we use on carpets may not be safe for hardwood and vice versa.   



When herbs are cooked, they release volatile oils. This is what gives the spice its flavor and smell. The oil in these spices penetrates porous objects like drywall and cupboards in the kitchen. That’s why the odor remains for months, even after the previous inhabitant has left. Whether you find the smell unpleasant or it just makes you hungry every time you walk in the room, a powerful degreaser is what we need to remove these odors. 

Cigarette Smoke

The second most common call we get regarding odors is cigarette smoke. Even if they smoke outside, the smell follows them inside and lingers in the house for a long time. The reason for that is much like spices. When tobacco is smoked, it releases the chemical nicotine. It is an oily substance that will absorb into all of your porous surfaces. 

If the previous owner was a heavy inside smoker, drastic measures are needed to remove it. Often times the carpet and pad have to be replaced. We usually use an ozone machine to battle this substance. Sealing the walls is another way to keep the odor from coming back. 

Every home is different so, we won’t know the exact methods we need to use until we see your home. If you’re ready to have your house smelling fresh, give SERVPRO of Boone & Kenton County a call today! We’ll be able to schedule your free estimate and offer that 5-star service you’ve come to know and trust!

Improve Your Health By Improving Your Air Quality

9/13/2021 (Permalink)

Air Duct Cleaning is pivotal to better air quality.

Allergy season is here. If you’re like many of us at SERVPRO of Boone County, you’re dealing with sniffles and sinus headaches too. Have you ever considered that part of your symptoms could be coming from your air ducts?

Your HVAC system circulates the air in your home anywhere from 5-7 times daily. Every time, it circulates microscopic allergens. Eventually, all of those tiny particulates build up and bring down your air quality. So if you’re one of the millions dealing with seasonal allergies cleaning your ducts could lessen the severity of your symptoms. 

When Should I Get My Ducts Cleaned?

It is recommended that you get your ducts cleaned at the changes of the season. More specifically, fall or spring. It is at these times that the most dramatic changes to the weather starts. Kentuckians that are allergic to Ragweed and mold may want to consider the fall. As the nights get cooler, many of us open our windows to enjoy the fresh air. Ragweed blooms in the fall. The pollen can travel for 100 miles entering our homes while the windows are open. Damp places are the favored homes of mold and mildew. Large piles of leaves are examples of those places. Duct cleaning can also keep your energy bill down over the winter. A clean system means your HVAC unit doesn’t have to work as hard to heat your home.  

The spring is also a good time because we are generally already spring cleaning our homes. We are kicking up dust by cleaning our knick-knacks, and; our houses have been closed up all season. Kick up your spring cleaning a notch by investing in duct cleaning. Our duct cleaning services will aid in removing dust, dust mites, and pet dander from your home.

It’s also advisable to have your ducts cleaned after most reconstruction projects. The dust that accumulates post-construction can be detrimental to your air quality. Duct cleaning can keep the particulates from circulating around your house. 

New homeowners should also consider getting their air ducts cleaned. This is especially true if the last time they were cleaned isn’t disclosed during the inspection. The idea of living in someone else’s dirty air does not sound appealing.  

How Often Should I Get My Air Ducts Cleaned?

A general rule of thumb is to clean your ducts at least every 4-5 years. However, certain lifestyles may require more frequent duct cleaning. For instance, animal lovers may need to have their ducts cleaned more often. This can help pet dander build up in the vents. Homeowners that smoke in their home may also want to have air ducts cleaned more regularly to battle the smell of nicotine. 

If you're questioning how often to clean your ducts, NADCA simply suggests regular inspections. This will take the guesswork out of whether or not you're due for an air duct cleaning.  

If you are ready to move forward with duct cleaning in your home SERVPRO is just a phone call away! You can breathe easy knowing that our franchise has a $500 Minimum that cleans up to 10 vents. That includes returns. Each vent after that is just 25 bucks. Call us to schedule your duct cleaning today!

Arm Yourself against Covid-19

8/31/2021 (Permalink)

Stop the spread of Covid-19 by taking preventative cleaning measures.

Like you, we wish life could go back to normal. Unfortunately, the Delta variant is making that difficult. As covid-19 cases soar in Hamilton, Boone, & Kenton County SERVPRO wants to ensure your health and safety. Keeping your facilities clean is crucial to your health and the health of your employees. Here are some of the steps we will take to ensuring your health and safety.

Routine Cleaning

SERVPRO uses cleaning products that are CDC certified to disinfect the Covid-19 virus. If you are looking for preventative measures to ensure the health and safety of your employees give us a call. We offer regular cleaning services that will disinfect all surfaces so you and your employees can feel comfortable coming to the office day in and day out. Whether you are looking for weekly or monthly preventative cleaning we have the services that you need.

Cleaning After a Positive Case

If you or an employee have received a positive Covid-19 infection the CDC also recommends that any employee that could have had potentially close contact with the infected individual quarantine for 14 days. Before your employees return you’ll want to clean the facilities. Continue using certified disinfectants that kill Covid 19. Wipe down any and all surfaces especially phones, keyboards, mouses. Each employee should have their own station so that they aren’t using anyone else’s electronics. 

When vacuuming wear a mask. Most vacuum cleaners will blow air up towards your face potentially exposing you to the virus. When using cleaners be sure to wear gloves. When dealing with a positive case of Covid-19 it’s a good idea to consider wearing full PPE to protect yourself and others from the virus. And remember make sure the area is well ventilated and don’t mix chemicals like ammonia and bleach the fumes are toxic and could cause serious illness and injury. 

Above all else our office wants you to stay safe and healthy. That’s why we offer free, no contact estimates for all of your covid cleaning needs. If you need assistance sterilizing your office call us at (513) 541-3200 “we are always here to help.”

End Your Job Search Here and Join Our Team!

8/27/2021 (Permalink)

Be a helping hand. Join our team!

We're Hiring! If you love helping people during tumultuous times, we've got the career for you! We have a sincere drive toward the goal of helping make fire and water damage "Like it never even happened." Our Franchise is looking for someone comfortable working hard in difficult situations, enjoys meeting new people, has strong communication skills, and can multitask effectively.

The Fire & Water Production Technician prescribes, coordinates, controls, and performs work activities on restoration projects to successfully fulfill service needs and facilitate a positive customer experience.

  • As the front-line representative of the SERVPRO® brand, the Technician demonstrates to customers and clients the company’s Here to Help® commitment.
  • The successful candidate should be well-groomed with a highly professional image
  • Valid driver’s license and a good driving record
  • Great verbal and written communication
  • leadership and organizational skills
  • knowledgeable in project estimating, and quality control
  • Previous experience in fire, water, smoke, mold mitigation/restoration is desired
  • Professional certifications from IICRC, RIA, ACAC, NADCA, and others are a plus

As a valued SERVPRO® franchise employee, you will receive a competitive pay rate, with the opportunity to learn and grow. Training and development programs are available, which can include industry certifications.

If this sounds like the career for you, please email your resume to jmckinney@hartkes.com by 10/1/2021.

5 Reasons Modern Buildings Have more Mold Issues

8/27/2021 (Permalink)

This customer suffered heavy mold damage on their drywall. We made it "Like it never even happened."

Mold is an organism that appears naturally outdoors and indoors. Many property owners worry about it growing in their homes and commercial buildings. While mold can cause a significant amount of property damage, it still needs a specific type of atmosphere to grow. That’s why roof leaks, pipe leaks, or faulty window seals are so problematic. They create the perfect breeding grounds for fungi.

Here at SERVPRO we make it a point to learn something new every day. During our research, we found an interesting statistic that we'd like to share. Mold damage wasn’t as prevalent in residential and commercial buildings 100 years ago as it is today. We did more research and sussed out the top five reasons modern properties are more likely to experience mold damage than older homes and commercial buildings.   


According to The Collection Plan in 2018, the average house took about 7 months from the beginning of construction to the end. These construction goals still hold true today. Shorter construction times aren’t inherently bad. Technological advancements have allowed us to finish construction projects must faster. There is also a higher demand for more houses now than there was in the 1920s. The consumer plays a role too. As a society, we expect faster build times.

The issues that cause mold damage happens when builders shorten the construction time by cutting corners. Builders may use unskilled laborers. They might use less material where more is required to get the job done right. They might not have the architect oversee the project to ensure the house is being built correctly. Keep in mind this isn’t the case for all builders. It is, however, more common now than it used to be.   


The types of materials have changed as well. Now builders use Oriented Strand Board (OSB) and particleboard. Materials like this are more porous than the timber used 100 years ago. Modern building supplies hold on to moisture longer. It leaves your house susceptible to possible mold damage if the humidity gets too high. 

HVAC system

100 years ago, central heating and air conditioning was an expensive luxury few could afford. They were also too large for residential homes. According to Energy.gov, they weren’t widely available for residential properties until the early 1930s. It wasn’t until the 70s that forced-air HVAC systems were installed on newly built properties. 

HVAC systems create condensation. Ideally, it drips into a condensation pan. However, clogs happen and, condensation pans can potentially overflow. Additionally, condensation can build up in the ducts. When left untreated ducts, and vents are the perfect breeding ground for mold. That is why cleaning your ducts is so important. It can clean out the mold and therefore improve the overall air quality.  


Houses come in all shapes and sizes. Did you know that those shapes and sizes are usually designed for a specific climate? Flat roofs are intended for dryer climates like Arizona. Whereas Capecods and Ranch style homes are ideal for rainier parts of the world. When a property is built based on design trends instead of practicality, roofing leaks and clogged gutters are more likely to occur. If the subsequent water damage is not treated, it can cause mold.

Lower Tolerance

According to Diane Hoffmaster, a microbiologist, and writer of the blog Turning The Clock Back, American culture has a decreasing tolerance to dirt. Cleanliness is seen as a moral value. Therefore if mold is present in or on the property we fear being shunned by the community. 

The aforementioned factors may have a relatively low impact on the number of mold damages we see today. Could it just be that 100 years ago, property owners didn’t worry as much about mold damage? If only walls could talk! If you’d like to talk to us about mold damage on your property call us today at (513) 541-3200 to schedule a free estimate.

Are You the Hero We're Looking For?

8/27/2021 (Permalink)

Are you looking for a rewarding career where you can make a difference in the world? Then look no further!

Are you passionate about helping people during rough times? Then you've come to the right place! We're looking for individuals that have a sincere drive toward the goal of helping make fire and water damage "Like it never even happened." Our Franchise is looking for someone comfortable working hard in difficult situations, enjoys meeting new people, has strong communication skills, and can multitask effectively.

Primary Role:

  • Manage production crews and jobs according to SERVPRO procedures.
  • Assign and coordinate jobs with crews.
  • Keep General Manager/Owner updated on production.
  • Supervise job scheduling, coordinate requirements for the job, complete job files, supervise production, and monitor jobs from start to finish.
  • Resolve problems quickly as they arise.
  • Perform production work as needed.
  • Provide and communicate clear and accurate pretesting, scoping of services, and job estimates.
  • Monitor and follow-up on all assigned jobs ensuring that customer needs are met.
  • Communicate and establish rapport with commercial, insurance, and residential customers.

Results Expected:

  • Crews are effectively managed to maximize production.
  • Production processes are performed according to guidelines.
  • Documentation is completed in a timely and accurate manner.
  • Production costs are maintained at the established rate.
  • Additional sales are made to customers.
  • Both internal and external communications are timely and effective.
  • Jobs have completed either meeting or exceeding customer expectations.
  • Experience with Xactimate is a plus.

We are an Equal Opportunity Employer. This company does not discriminate in employment and personnel practices based on race, color, religion, sex, disability, age, national origin, veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law.

If you'd like to join our SERVPRO family, please email your resume to jmckinney@hartkes.com. Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity! The deadline is 10/1/21.

SERVPRO Has All Of Your Post-Construction Needs

8/13/2021 (Permalink)

There is no post-clean too big for SERVPRO. From the new construction of large facilities to remodels, we can do it all.

Did you begin a remodeling project on your property within the past year and a half? According to JCHS, 60-80% of property owners started remodeling their businesses and homes during the pandemic. We’ve received many phone calls from customers who are surprised by the amount of work there was still left to do. The amount of drywall dust and other debris at the end of the work leaves property owners baffled. As your local commercial and residential post-construction cleaning company, SERVPRO has the solutions you need. Here’s what you can expect from our office.

Post-Construction Cleaning

Before we can start your post-construction clean our Production Managers will need to come out to your home so they can scope the area and provide you with a free estimate. Once you have approved the appraisal, we can begin work. Your scope may contain some of the following services. 

  1. Pick Up Debris:
    1. Contractors will pick up most of the leftover materials and garbage, but; sometimes things get overlooked. That's where we come in. We'll throw away the large pieces of trash like drop cloths and nails that might get left behind.
  2. Vacuuming:
    1. HEPA or, “high-efficiency particulate air,” Vacuuming:
      1. Our vacuums are HEPA certified. That means the microscopic particulates that get left behind with the average vacuum get swept up with our equipment.
      2. We will vacuum the floors and hard-to-reach places.
    2. Vacuuming Baseboards:
      1. Baseboards and cove bases tend to get missed during day-to-day cleaning. You’d be surprised by the particulates that accumulate on such a small ledge. These spots won’t be missed by our crews!
  3. Wipe Down Surfaces:
    1. Believe it or not, even your walls will collect dust and particulates. We will wipe down all surfaces. This includes but is not limited to lamps, light fixtures, walls, windows, appliances, mirrors, and countertops.
  4. Duct Cleaning:
    1. Duct cleaning is crucial after construction. Whether your HVAC system is running during construction or not, particulates will settle in your ducts. To avoid soiling your freshly cleaned property SERVPRO highly recommend including a duct cleaning after every construction project.

Whether you need post-construction cleaning for a residential or commercial property SERVPRO has you covered. We clean single rooms, whole residential properties, and large warehouses. No job is too big or too small for us. We offer a wide variety of services that best suit your needs. Call us today to schedule your free estimate.

Is Your Commercial Property Prepared For A Power Outage?

6/25/2021 (Permalink)

70% of commercial properties will experience power outages each year.

Squirrels, their twitchy little tails are cute, but; did you know that they account for more than 1,000 power outages per year? According to Duke Energy, storms and falling trees accounted for the majority of power outages in 2016. Because they chew on the wires squirrels, and other small animals weren’t far behind. To prevent revenue loss during a power outage due to weather or small critters, follow these steps.

What To Do During A Power Outage:

For your safety during a power outage, it’s important to have a plan of action.

  1. Make sure your employees can locate the meter and electric service room.
  2. Make sure there are emergency lights in the meter room.
  3. Have flashlights available.
  4. Turn everything off
  5. Use your cell phone to find out if the outage is limited to your building or if other locations in your area are affected.
  6. When electricity is restored, only turn on essential equipment. Then slowly start turning stuff back on after 20-30 mins.

It would behoove business owners to consider investing in backup generators. This can give your commercial property temporary power until the electric company gets it back up and running. SERVPRO will also need it to run equipment should you have a water intrusion during a storm. 

Prepare Your Urban Businesses and Homes For Stronger Thunderstorms

6/22/2021 (Permalink)

Cincinnati is going to great lengths to reduce the Urban Heat Island impacts.

Have you ever noticed that in downtown Cincinnati or Covington, the temperature feels warmer by 2-5 degrees? It’s no coincidence. It actually is warmer! For centuries researchers have been studying this phenomenon. Scientists call it the Urban Heat Island Effect. Studies have shown that Urban areas like Cincinnati, Bellevue, and Covington have more severe storms because of this anomaly. The population in urban areas is predicted to increase in the coming years. SERVPRO wants to help you prepare your property now to decrease storm damage later.

What is an Urban Heat Island?

Urban Heat Islands, or UHI, are densely populated cities where buildings are built closely together. Generally, these areas have a large amount of surface area made from asphalt, concrete, steel, and other heat absorbent materials. It’s not just the building materials that make a UHI. Activities that create heat like driving, manufacturing, even a person walking can add heat to these tight spaces and raise the temperature. These factors mean the heat is trapped in the landscape. That is what creates the 2-5 degree difference in large cities. 

How Does This Effect Create Stronger Storms?

There is more to a UHI than the temperature differential. The climate inside these areas is actually different. Nasa explains the reason behind this difference best, “increased temperature may provide a source of unstable air. If air over a city is warmer than the air surrounding it, it wants to rise. As the city-warmed air rises, it cools and forms rain-producing clouds that soak the area downwind.” These factors potentially create more severe weather than what might occur in the neighboring suburbs and rural areas.

Meteorologynews.com quotes Climatologist Dev Niyogi of Purdue University in Indiana, who believes, “As we are becoming bigger and bigger in terms of our urban footprint, there’s a distinct probability we are going to see cities have their own weather patterns.” For Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky, this means higher river levels and more frequent flooding.

Protecting Your Property From Storm Damage

The best thing you can do to protect your property from storm damage is to click here for maintenance suggestions. These tips can help prevent storm damage altogether or reduce the damage to your property. Scientists believe there is more than maintenance required to reduce property damage. Changes to how we use our urban spaces are also necessary. It is possible to reverse the effects of a UHI by taking these steps.

  • Add Greenspaces
    • Part of the problem with UHIs is the lack of plant life in downtown areas. Businesses and homeowners can help by planting gardens on their roofs. Sometimes roof gardens aren't possible. Your home or business may have a peaked roof or no roof access at all. Consider replacing lawn or concrete with a native garden bed instead. 
  • Plant Trees
    • The EPA explains, “Trees shade buildings to directly reduce cooling energy demand by blocking the sun's radiation. Indirectly, trees use solar energy to release moisture into the atmosphere in the form of water vapor, which has an additional cooling effect.”
  • Use light colors on your roof and ground cover.
    • Dark surfaces absorb and hold onto the sun’s rays at a higher rate than lighter surfaces. Painting a roof white can reflect the light and decrease the heat absorption better than a black roof.

Should a large storm hit your home or business give SERVPRO a call. Our elite large-loss specialists are prequalified and strategically positioned throughout the United States to handle any size disaster.

Drinks All Around!

6/8/2021 (Permalink)

Join us for Drinks on 7/15/21 at the 8th annual Cincinnati Blue Goose Golf Outing.

We are so proud to be this year’s drink sponsor for the 8th annual Cincinnati Blue Goose Golf Outing. If you’re an insurance adjuster and want to support a good cause, join us on Thursday, July 15, 2021, from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM EDT. Click Here to preregister on 6/15/21 for an early bird special. Registration proceeds as normal on 6/16/21. We can’t wait to share a drink with you! See you soon!

We Are Proud Sponsors of Our Community

6/7/2021 (Permalink)

We are proud members of our Cincinnati community.

We are so excited to be a sponsor for this year’s Greater Cincinnati Insurance Association picnic party! Join us this Wednesday 6/9/2021 at 11 AM. The picnic is free to all members and a plus one. Click here to register! There will be steaks, sides, beer, and wine. So come and have a drink. It’s on us. You won’t want to miss this incredible networking opportunity.

3 Interesting Facts About Soot

6/3/2021 (Permalink)

This soot is in a garage we cleaned in Loveland Ohio. The fire damage affected the Homeowner's contents, ceilings, and walls.

After a fire, there is a toxic residue that clings to your ceilings, walls, and contents. This residue is called soot. It comes in many shapes and forms. Publichealth.lacounty.gov explains that “high-oxygen fires will result in dry dusty soot, whereas slow-burning, low-oxygen fires will result in greasy wet deposits that easily smear.” You might consider cleaning this substance yourself. SERVPRO is here to explain why that isn't a good idea.

What Is Soot Made Of?

Soot is a blanket of tiny particulates. These particulates are made of tiny molecules from the contents and materials that burned up in the fire. Sciencedirect.com further explains “all soots are... characterized by the presence of very small particles (submicrometer) and correspondingly a large ratio of surface area to mass.” After a fire, these small particles are actively searching for a place to land. The walls and ceiling have the perfect surface to attract them.

Why Is Soot Toxic

The toxicity of soot comes from the chemical makeup of the molecules we just discussed. In a house fire, the burnt contents are typically made up of synthetic materials such as plastic, metals, and wood. Usually, when they are in one solid piece, these materials are safe. However, when broken down to the molecular level, these materials can become carcinogenic. If your home was built before 1978, lead and asbestos are likely present. According to The National Cancer Institute, other carcinogenic substances in soot include but are not limited to arsenic, cadmium, and chromium.

Soot Takes Many Forms

After a fire, you may notice black cobwebs in the affected area. This is not a reflection of how clean your house was before the fire. This is a chemical reaction from the fire. The high temperature of the fire allows the molecules to stick together. Unlike water that evaporates, these molecules are not able to turn back into their gaseous forms. This creates a chainlike structure that many people confuse as cobwebs. Their actual name is a Soot Web or Soot Tag. They can get very messy if they are disturbed.

Because of the nature of a soot web, do not attempt to clean them yourself. Doing so can cause more fire damage than you would have otherwise incurred. Cleaning up soot after fire damage yourself is not recommended. Our professionally trained staff have the experience and equipment to ensure that the job gets done safely and correctly. For your family’s health and safety, please give our office a call. Our staff is ready to take your call any time of day.

The Dangers of Gardening

5/28/2021 (Permalink)

Prevent fire damage by following these 5 steps.

If you are an avid gardener, you know how beneficial mulch can be to your plants. It suppresses weeds, aids in preventing erosion, spontaneously combusts, holds in moisture, and adds nutrients to the soil. Wait, did that say spontaneously combusts? It sure did! Lucky for you, there are ways to prevent this from happening. We have compiled a list of 5 simple steps that you can take to prevent garden fires. 

Don’t Pile it High

Many homeowners and groundskeepers enjoy the aesthetics of a thick layer of mulch. However, that is where the danger lies. NBCWashington.com interviewed Chief Fire Marshell Linda Hale she explained, “Spontaneous combustion can happen when a decomposing, organic material such as mulch generates enough heat to ignite without an outside source." Because of the heat produced from decomposing mulch, it is recommended that you don’t go over 3 inches. This will reduce the risk of combustion and give less fuel to the fire if it does spontaneously combust.

Include Inorganic Mulch in Your Garden bed 

Cincinnati Insurance Company defines the difference between organic and inorganic mulches.

Most organic mulches come from plant materials such as pine needles, wheat straw, pine bark nuggets, shredded cedar and redwood bark, or wood chips from recycled pallets. Ground and shredded rubber are also considered organic mulches. Inorganic mulches, usually derived from non-plant materials, include rock, gravel, or brick chips.

Inorganic mulch might not give the nutrients to the soil like organic mulch but, it can help in many of the same ways organic materials can.

Keep Space Between Your Building and Mulch

Because of its combustible properties, it is not recommended to mulch right up against your structure. Some states legally require 5 feet distance between your building and mulch. To fill up this space use inorganic mulch like rock or gravel. Residential properties are not legally obligated to uphold this but, it is highly recommended for the homeowner’s safety. 

Keep the Mulch Damp

Spontaneous combustion can happen any time of the year. It’s more likely in the middle of summer when the air is dry because it hasn’t rained and winds are high. Paying attention to these weather patterns and keeping the mulch moist can prevent fire damage. Statistically, mulch fires happen during the afternoon when the day is the hottest. Consider watering in the morning. This helps prevent evaporation and keeps the ground cooler in the afternoon. 

Keep Mulch Away From Open Flames

In the past, we’ve discussed safety precautions with open flames. Ideally, your grills and campfires are a minimum of 20 feet away from any structure. Keep this distance with mulch too. The dangers are the same. Embers can pop out of the fire and cause damage, or; the fire can get out of control for a myriad of other reasons.

If you are a business owner, make sure that you have a cigarette receptacle. This will discourage people from just throwing cigarette butts into the mulched area. This is good advice to heed if you are a smoker and a property owner yourself. Never throw a lit cigarette onto these wood or rubber chips. 

Fire damage from spontaneous combustion and human error could happen at any moment. We have seen it and helped our fair share of clients through it. Should this unfortunate phenomenon happen to you do not hesitate to call our offices at (513) 693-2541.

Keep Cool By Staying Dry This Summer

5/25/2021 (Permalink)

We received a call on 5/8/2021. This pool overflowed and did a significant amount of water damage to a commercial building.

The weather is finally staying warm, schools are letting out, and Memorial Day is right around the corner. That means pool time! Recently we got a call from a company that had accidentally left the pump on overnight. Two floors of a commercial building were affected by the water damage! So put on your floaties because, today, we’re diving in with tips on how to prevent water damage from your pool. 

Storm Damage

If you own an outdoor pool, it would behoove you to keep an eye on the forecast. Large amounts of rain could cause your swimming pool to overflow. Prevent water damage by lowering the water level. If you have a pool cover, you may want to consider covering it before a big storm hits.

Not all of your pool equipment can sustain water damage. A pool overflow could damage the machinery. You can prevent further water damage by turning it off beforehand. After the storm, check on the equipment and make sure that everything is in working order. 

You can also prevent water damage by checking whether you’re in a flood zone before a pool is even installed. FEMA has guidelines to prevent overflowing in these areas. Talk with your pool company to make sure they are within FEMA’s zoning requirements. 

Human Error

If you are filling your pool up for the first time this season or topping off the water level, you’ll want to make sure that you’re giving yourself plenty of time. Rushing leads to errors like leaving the hose on for too long and causing an overflow. Make sure that you can keep an eye on the water level. Don’t plan to go on errands while you are filling the pool. Don’t fill your swimming pool at night before bed. You want to be around to stop it if the water level gets too high.

When you’re complete with all of your maintenance tasks, be sure to take the time and double-check that everything is off and in running order. This could be your biggest ally in preventing future water damages. 

Nobody’s perfect. SERVPRO understands that things come up when you plan on taking your time with pool maintenance. We also know that it’s not always easy to keep up with the weather report. If you are a pool owner, keep our number in your back pocket. (513) 541-3200. We are always here to help.

Should it Stay or Should it Go Now: Tips To Tell If Your Tree is a Potential Hazard

5/20/2021 (Permalink)

A felled tree damaging property after a storm in Goshen Ohio.

When you think of a tree falling on your home, you imagine a dead tree, right? What if we told you that a tree does not have to be dead nor dying to be a hazard? Many factors play into whether or not a tree has the potential to fall and cause damage to your property. Today, we are going to delve deeper into these potential environmental hazards.


The structure of a tree is key to whether or not it can withstanding a storm and high winds. Scientific American did interviews with several Arborists. David R. Foster, Director, Harvard Forest at Harvard University explains, 

Wood is a very strong and wonderful structural material. Wood, however, is not homogeneous or consistently strong at all places in the stem (trunk). Wood decay caused by fungi can weaken wood structure. However, the mere presence of decayed wood or even a hollow does not mean that the tree is more vulnerable to failure.” What he says next is of some comfort. “Strength comes from the quality and quantity of wood that is present, not what might have been degraded."

There are many reasons that a tree might not have a strong structure. Animals and bugs can do a lot of damage to a tree. We have all heard of the emerald ash borer. Bugs like this and the Asian long-horned beetle can kill a tree that has lived for 100 years in as little as 5-10 years. These bugs degrade the quality and quantity of wood in the infested tree.

In addition to bugs, you also have other organisms that can leach the nutrients from the tree. Mushrooms and vines are the biggest parasitic culprits. Hen-of-the-Wood and invasive vines like English Ivy have a parasitic relationship. Vines and mushrooms slowly kill trees by stealing their nutrients. Vines will wrap around a tree and branch out its own canopy stealing the light from the tree itself. To be clear, not all mushrooms and vines are parasitic. Boletes are a good example of mushroom that has a symbiotic relationship.

Softwood trees like poplars and pines grow quickly. This causes them to be weak. In some instances, these quick-growing trees can have holes in the middle. Compromising the structure. This makes them a potential hazard come winter when they are weighed down by snow or whipped around in a storm. 

Human manipulation can also weaken trees. When done correctly pruning, can encourage new, healthier growth. Oregon State University explains that it's best to prune during the tree's dormant period. For most trees, late fall is ideal. This helps the tree recover from being cut and helps prevent disease and possible insect infestations. 

But, many people do not know the proper way to prune a tree. If you are going to do it yourself be sure you are doing it in the right places. You should also be careful that you're not cutting the tree back too much. Over pruning can cause an imbalance in the tree’s structure, making large branches susceptible to felling when high winds or inclement weather hits. Not cutting it in the right spot could do the same thing.


Before you plant a new tree it’s important to know two key factors about your tree and soil. What kind of soil do you have? If you’re in Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky, the soil on your property is most likely clay. Clay is a dense compact soil that tends to hold a lot of water. This can be a bad combination when we get a lot of rain. Lots of rain and saturated soil could be the recipe for an uprooted tree. 

That’s why you should know what species of tree you are planting before you place it. Certain species thrive in different types of soils. According to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, some of the best trees for clay are White oaks, Paw Paw, and, Silky Dogwood. A sapling will ideally adapt to its habitat. But, if you are transplanting trees that are a few years old and they're not known to thrive in clay, there is a higher risk of felling when they get older. The roots aren’t going to be able to penetrate past the clay. That means the root system only goes down a few inches versus the few feet that it needs for a good sturdy hold in the earth. 


Newer developments could experience a higher rate of felled trees. In nature, we have what is called co-dominate trees. These are trees that grew up as saplings about the same time in different parts of a wooded area. A tree that grew up on the edge of the woods has more access to light. Therefore it can bush out rather than needing to grow up to reach the sunlight. This allows them to act as a buffer against the wind.

When these trees are cut down to make room for housing, a few things happen to the canopy trees. First, you’re taking away the wind buffers from trees that are, to put it simply, top-heavy. This can become a problem in the case of heavy winds, storms, and microbursts. These tall, straight trees with a heavy canopy no longer have a shield against the wind. 

In addition to no longer having a wind block, trees that were once in the middle of a wooded area and now sit on the edge of woods lack the support of other root systems. This makes them vulnerable and creates a hazard for your property. The direction of the wind plays a role in this as well. In Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky, the wind commonly comes from the south and west. That means if these trees are facing the north and east the risk of being uprooted is reduced.

There are many factors as to whether or not your tree is a risk and susceptible to felling. If you have concerns about a tree that is close to your home contact your local Arborist. They can point you in the right direction and let you know if you have a healthy, sturdy tree or; if your tree is a potential threat.

We cannot emphasize this enough. Cutting down trees is dangerous work. Unless you are a professional or you are only pruning a small branch please do not attempt to cut down trees yourself. This includes emergencies like a tree or large branch falling on your house or vehicle. Professionals like us can remove trees quickly and safely off of your property. Should you find yourself in this dangerous situation, do not hesitate to call our office at (513) 541-3200.

Storm Damage in Cincinnati Ohio

4/30/2021 (Permalink)

Commercial water damage on 4/29/21.

It rained cats and dogs yesterday. We weren’t sure it was ever going to stop. Luckily our crews were geared up and ready to go when we got the call for a commercial flood in Cincinnati, Ohio. While they didn’t sustain storm damage, they did have a fridge supply line leak. Two floors and numerous offices were affected by this leak.

We got the call from the property manager at 8:44 AM. Our crews were on site by 9:32 AM. We immediately began extracting water from the carpet. The carpet was so saturated you could see footprints every time you took a step! Afterward, they started removing cove bases so they could drill holes in the drywall. These holes allow air to flow behind the affected wall which, aids in the drying process. 

The ceiling tiles also needed to be removed. The water from above had saturated those as well. Once all the demo was completed, our crews placed equipment on both levels. Most water damages take about 3 days to dry out. A larger like this one loss will sometimes take 5 days. 

 So what happens after the 3rd or 5th day? We keep working! We offer free repair estimates to all of our clients. So if you don't know who to use for your repairs, SERVPRO has your back! We want to make you feel like this water damage "never even happened."

How To Prevent Accidental Water Damage From Your Sprinkler System

4/29/2021 (Permalink)

Fun Fact: Sprinkler systems are triggered by heat, not smoke.

A Sprinkler system is a crucial fire safety utility. According to the NFPA, they can reduce the death rate of a house fire by 80%! However, when Sprinkler systems go off accidentally, they can cause thousands of dollars of property damage. Primarily this is due to human error and not the system itself. We want you and your employees to be as safe as possible so, we came up with a list of ways to prevent accidental water damage from sprinkler heads.

What We’ve Noticed

On average, we see about 5-10 sprinkler bursts per year for various reasons. The most common water damages are caused by equipment accidents, frozen pipes, and human manipulation. With a little bit of preparation and education, all of the water damage from these causes are preventable.  

Prevent Water Damage Through Education

The most important thing you can do is educate your employees and members of your household. Explain to them that sprinkler heads are not decorations and should not be used as such. Emphasize that they should not be used as a way to hang up decorations or clothes. To discourage this behavior even further, you can look into anti-tamper devices. These will prevent anyone from hanging anything on the sprinkler heads while still allowing them to function when needed. Talk to a professional about your options and how to install them.

Let your employees know the limits of equipment heights. We receive many calls from warehouses that experience water damage because a forklift hit a sprinkler head. Some sprinkler system companies suggest that a sign is painted in the vicinity of the sprinkler head so they know if they’re close. 

Sprinkler systems can release 20-40 gallons of water per minute. Show your management team or employees where the shutoff valve is in case of accidental release. The fire department can do this for you, but relying on them could take several minutes, allowing hundreds of gallons of water to cause damage to your property. 

Prevent Water Damage With Maintenance

The next best thing you can do for your business is to get your sprinkler systems checked annually. There are companies throughout Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky that can inspect your system. They can fix any pipes that have corroded over the years. They can also point out any areas that may need insulation to help prevent frozen pipes and burst sprinkler heads.

SERVPRO knows that accidents happen despite your most thorough efforts to prevent them. If you have water damage caused by a sprinkler head burst or damage to the system, give us a call right away. Our quick and skilled teams will be able to reduce the amount of damage to your business and property.

Prevent Water Damage by Celebrating Earth Day All Year Round

4/23/2021 (Permalink)

Root systems of Non-Native vs. Native Mid-Atlantic Plants. Source- Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay

We all know the most common causes of water damage: broken pipes or hoses, sewer backups, basement moisture, accidents, and weather. Did you know that in some cases, water damage could be caused by your lawn? In Honor of Earth Day, we wanted to explain how planting native flowers and grasses can help the environment and your house! 

A Brief History of the Lawn

According to Planetnatural.com, lawns were originally open areas in the woods where villagers could take their farm animals out to pasture. These areas weren’t popularized as lawns until 16th Century Europe. Even then, it was only the wealthy who could afford their upkeep. 

When Northern Europeans immigrated to America, one of the things they brought with them was grass seed. Sometimes this was done on purpose. Sometimes it was introduced by accident, either by sticking on a person’s clothes or stowing away on shipping containers. Many non-native plants, bugs, and animals were and still are introduced this way. 

Why It Matters

For many households, the ideal lawn is free of weeds like crabgrass and dandelions. This is called a monoculture. While it looks nice, the lack of diversity does no favors to the soil in your yard. To begin with, these often non-native grasses have a small root system. The root system is then weakened even further by regularly cutting it short.  

These short root systems make your soil compact. In the Ohio River Valley, that can be a huge issue.  The University of Minnesota explains “compacted soil has a reduced rate of both water infiltration and drainage.” If you don’t have a good drainage system in your yard, the water will find the path of least resistance. If you have any cracks in your foundation, that path could lead right inside your home. 

This is one of the reasons The National Wildlife Federation encourages Americans to garden with native plants. Native flowers and grasses have deep healthy root systems. When planted around your house they help the soil become more porous. This allows rainwater and snowmelt to be absorbed into the ground. The more water that is absorbed by the soil means less water intrusion into your beautiful finished basement. 

By planting native flowers and grasses you’re helping more than just yourself you’re also helping the environment. Deep roots can work as a natural filtration system. This means cleaner water for us as fewer toxins make it into our watersheds. You can look at the EPA’s website for more information and a fun experiment with your kids.  

By planting native flowers and grasses in your yard, you’re potentially preventing water damage. That alone can save you thousands of dollars and the headache of an insurance claim. You’re also helping out your local ecosystem. The bugs, the birds, and the local wildlife relies on native flowers and grasses to survive.     

If your house is having issues with water intrusion, we suggest seeking the help of a professional. They will be able to tell you exactly where the leak is coming from. If you have compact soil planting a few native flowers and grasses may just be the solution you need.

Prevent Mold by Cleaning up Water As Soon As Possible

4/16/2021 (Permalink)

To properly remediate the mold, SERVPRO had to cut out the affected drywall.

Water damage can happen at any time and for many different reasons. When homeowners or businesses leave it untreated, the potential for mold raises exponentially. That’s why SERVPRO suggests getting the water cleaned up within the first 48-72 hours.

Last month a Cincinnati resident called us for this very reason. Water flooded their basement, and it did not dry out properly. Mold had grown on their floors and walls. Our skilled professionals went in and demoed the affected walls and used air scrubbers to improve the overall air quality. We cleaned the wall studs and sprayed the affected areas with an antimicrobial to stop any further organic growth. 

If mold has taken up residence in your home, call us today for a free estimate. “We are always here to help.”

Stop, Drop, and Read, Before You Fire Up Your RV

4/14/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO uses an RV as an office on wheels when we assist other franchises with large storms.

The weather is warming up, and; you know what that means, it’s time to start camping again! Is your Recreational Vehicle ready? According to the National Park Service, 20,000 RV fires occur nationally each year. Before you hitch up those RVs, pack up those tents, and head for the trees, make sure you’re prepared for fire safety.

Before You Hit the Road

Make a checklist before you leave to make sure that you are ready for any emergency. You can use our list or; make your own.

  • Make sure the smoke detector is working.
  • Make sure you have a Fire Extinguisher that puts out class A, B,& C fires. You can have it inspected to ensure it’s in working order.
  • Examine your appliances that use propane for leaks.
    • Refridgerator 
    • Furnace
    • Stovetop
    • Oven
  • Check that your propane leak detector is working.
  • Know your emergency exits.
    • Make sure your emergency exits are clear. 
    • Make sure your emergency exits are not stuck.
    • Make sure your family has and knows the emergency plan.
  • Inspect your power cords for wear and tear. Replace any power cords that are damaged or old.
  • Identify any attachments or chains that could drag to the ground while you are driving. The sparks could ignite and start a fire or an explosion if it reaches the propane.
  • Unrelated to fire but just as important:
  • Make sure your Carbon monoxide detector is in working order.
  • Have an emergency communication device on hand.

Relax but Stay Safe

On warm sunny days, it’s tempting to lounge outside while your meal slowly simmers on the stove inside. Statistically, most fires that happen in an RV start in the kitchen. Stay inside and keep an eye on the cooking meal. Clear the stove of anything that could catch fire.  

When your cooking with a gas stove, sometimes a pot will boil over and put out the flame. Even though the flame on the stove is out, gas will continue to flow. This makes the air combustible. Before attempting to relight the pilot light turn off the stove. Then, open all of the doors and windows to air out the RV. After you’ve given it a few minutes, it should be safe to ignite the pilot light again.

Keep your campfire at least 25 feet away from any and all structures. This includes your RV, tents, and additional vehicles you may have on your campsite. Before turning in for the night, make sure the fire is completely out. Even if it’s just embers, a fire that remains lit has the potential to turn into a wildfire.

In Case of An Emergency

In case of emergency, the first thing you should do is get out. The RV and the contents inside can be replaced life, cannot. Do not go back inside for any item. The only time you should attempt to put out the fire yourself is if you know you can do so without endangering yourself.

When your out in the woods, cellphone service can be spotty or non-existent. Plan ahead for this. Make sure that you have some form of emergency communication so you can contact the fire department or a park ranger. Here are some options that you can add to your packing list.

  • HAM radio
  • CB radios
  • Satellite phone

You can also check out the apps listed below. They can be used when there is no cell service available. 

If a fire does break out, SERVPRO can help you handle the aftermath. Our professionals are trained to clean smoke and soot out of any structure, including your RV. We can also clean your contents that were affected by the fire. 

We hope this checklist keeps you safe in case of an emergency. Most of all, we hope that you have a fun and relaxing time with your family and friends during this camping season.

April Showers Brings... Property Damage

3/31/2021 (Permalink)

This tree fell on a truck during a storm on 3/26/2021. It blocked his driveway. We were called out to remove it.

When it comes to bad weather Cincinnati and NKY are no strangers to storms. Current results, a statistical website, collected data between the years 1981-2010. With an average of 137 days per year, Cincinnati Ohio ranks number 8 for the most, rainy days nationwide!  Covington isn’t far behind with an average of 132 days. While bad weather can hit at any moment our office has observed that most of this rain comes between the months of March-June. Are you ready for the storm? Let’s find out.

Insurance Coverage

One of the easiest things you can do to protect yourself from storm damage is to speak with your insurance agent about coverage. Insurance Information Institute says that there are 5 main things covered on your insurance policy:

  • Fire
  • Hurricane
  • Hail
  • Lightning 
  • Or other disasters

In most cases, this does not include flooding. You’ll want to ask your agent about what qualifies as flooding. Claims that we see declined most frequently around here involve water intrusion from the outside. This includes water that comes up from the foundation, water that comes through a window well, and water that comes from underneath an outside door.

Further details you’ll want to ask about is whether or not you have coverage for sump pump backups. Sewage backups are also an important discussion because even though you might have coverage there may be a cap on the amount of coverage. That amount will have to last you not only through mitigation but also repairs. Nobody is going to know your policy better than your agent. Having a discussion with them can help you prepare for this year’s storm season.

Home Repairs

Another important task is taking a walk around your house before a big storm hits. Look for situations in or on your home that could be problematic.

  • Missing shingles
  • Holes in your shingles
  • Siding i.e. missing, crooked, or damaged pieces
  • Check if your gutters are clean
  • Repair any damages to your gutters
  • Check that your sump pump is working properly
  • Look for loose debris around your house
  • Trim away dead branches or branches hanging over your roof
  • Cut down dead trees that are close to your structure
  • Inspect your windows for cracks and broken seals
  • Clear leaves and debris from your drains

SERVPRO wants you to be prepared for this upcoming storm season. That’s why we also offer reconstruction services for any repairs you may need to make on your home to prevent further damage. Call us today for your free estimate and peace of mind. 

Water Damage in a Commercial Building

3/31/2021 (Permalink)

This is the path the water took in the bathroom.

A gym in Milford Ohio called after a sewage backup caused water damage in their bathroom and gym area. SERVPRO was able to get there within approximately an hour after the damage was reported. We extracted the water and sanitized the establishment. In addition to the sanitation and extraction, we also tore out baseboards and set equipment to make sure the structure dried to industry standards. 

Our swift action enabled the business to remain open and they lost no revenue due to the water damage.

Tips to Protect Your Home or Business from Lightning Strikes

3/30/2021 (Permalink)

Photo by Bhargava Marripati from Pexels

Watching the light show during a thunderstorm is awe-inspiring. But, those same lightning strikes are also a force to be reckoned with. Being inside a strong, solid structure during a storm is the safest place you can be. However, it does not offer you a 100% guarantee that you and your home or business are safe from lightning strikes. Insurance Information Institute shared a statistic that shows 19% of house fires are caused by lightning strikes. SERVPRO is dedicated to your health and safety. That's why we researched ways that could reduce the damage that can be caused to your home or business by lightning strikes.

Insurance information institute also shares an interesting quote by James Lynch, chief actuary and senior vice president of Research and Education at the Triple-I. “Homes are more susceptible to lightning damage because electronic systems have become more interconnected – think Smart Homes – which have an easy gateway to much of a home’s electronic network, damaging scores of devices and appliances at once.” 

For this reason, we suggest the first thing you do during a storm is disconnect all unnecessary electronics. This will protect your devices and make your home slightly less conductive. Some sites also suggest buying surge protectors. This can help protect your devices from damage due to a lightning strike but it’s important to note that it doesn’t reduce your risk of your house getting struck by lightning during a storm.

During a storm, lightning can strike anywhere on the outside of your house. Most homes are wired to run electricity throughout the structure. That means if your home or business is struck by lighting the current can run through any and all paths that are conductive as it searches for its way to the ground. Storm Highway suggests that installing lightning rods is a great option to protect your house or business because it creates a direct path from the lightning strike to the ground. They emphasize that it may not be the most cost-effective method but it does reduce the risk of fire and bodily harm. 

Unfortunately, there is no foolproof way to completely protect your house from lightning damage. But, there are ways to reduce the likelihood and effects of a lightning strike. If you do find yourself struck by disaster SERVPRO will be by your side every step of the way.

Practice Fire Safety This Spring

3/22/2021 (Permalink)

Prevent property damage by keeping open fires a minimum of 25 feet away from all structures.

Winter and the pandemic have forced us indoors for the last few months. Now that the weather is getting warmer many of us are itching to get outside and spend time some much-needed time with friends. Campfires offer us a way to stay outside longer and social distance safely while we’re still battling Covid 19. However, there are some safety measures and state/city laws you should be aware of before gathering around the fire.

EPA Regulations

If you’re getting together for outdoor festivities it’s best to familiarize yourself with the kind of equipment approved by the EPA. 

  • deck and patio fireplaces 
  • chimineys
  • patio hearths 
  • fire tables 
  • fire pits/kettles 
  • or similar devices

The safest place for any outdoor fire is a minimum of 25 feet away from the house or any other structures. It’s a good idea to practice this for your charcoal and propane grill as well. 

Ohio and Kentucky state laws are pretty similar when it comes to having a small campfire in your backyard. The fire should be kept small. No more than three feet wide and two feet high according to Ohio and three feet wide and three high in Kentucky. Keep in mind that these regulations can change by county and city so be sure to check with your local fire department if you have any concerns about regulations or permits. The EPA also requires that your fire is fueled only by seasoned firewood, natural gas, or other clean-burning fuel. Burning trash is not permitted so keep those styrofoam plates out of there no matter how tempting it may be to watch them melt.

Safety Tips

There are many steps to take to help prevent your small fire from getting out of control. Of these, the two most important are keeping a water source next to you and making sure that your fire is out completely when you’re done. Unattended fires, even if they’re just glowing embers, are one of the main causes of property damage and human injury.  Firesideoutdoor.com states “greater than 80% of campfire related pediatric injuries were caused by day old campfires.” Before you go inside pour water over the fire or hose it down well to keep your friends, family, and property safe. 

Basic safety tips include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Make sure any and all low hanging branches are clear and removed from the area.
  • Clear any dead leaves and dry twigs away from the area.
  • Keep your pets and children a safe distance from the fire.
  • Supervise any child roasting a marshmallow.
    • Don’t wear loose-fitting clothes.
    • Don’t shake or throw a burning marshmallow.
    • If using a metal skewer handle with care as they can cause severe burns.
  • Don’t use combustible liquids such as gasoline on the fire.

Following state laws and these suggested safety tips should keep you safe and cozy around the fire this spring, summer, and fall. In the unfortunate event that your fire gets out of hand even with safety measures in place, SERVPRO is here to help you handle the aftermath. You can count on us to help you through the process.

Important Things to Know about Fire Extinguishers

3/17/2021 (Permalink)

Contents label of our office's fire extinguisher.

Fire extinguishers are household items that everyone hopes they never have to use. Like most home and business owners, you probably bought it to protect your house from fire and put it out of your mind.  In the unfortunate event that you do have to use it, it’s important to have some basic information about it. Continue reading for the types of fire extinguishers there are, where to find that information on the extinguisher you own, what types of fires they’re used for, and some basic cleaning/ safety instructions.

Types of Fire Extinguishers

There are 9 basic types of fire extinguishers. These different chemical compounds are used for the different types of fires homes and businesses can have. 

Monoammonium Phosphate, Potassium Bicarbonate, & Sodium

These are the most common types of fire extinguishers that you will find. They work on Class AB&C fires. The University of Massachusetts Boston explains these classifications below:

Class A fires which involve "ordinary combustibles" such as wood, paper, cloth, rubber and many plastics.

Class B fires which involve flammable liquids, oils, greases, tars, oil-based paints and flammable gases.

Class C fires which involve energized electrical equipment.

For the most part, the chemicals in these extinguishers are nontoxic. However, they can be considered an eye, mucus membrane, and skin irritant. This is especially true for Monoammonium Phosphate. For this reason, it’s advisable to turn off the ventilation system, after it’s been used, so it doesn’t kick up the powder throughout the house. This also should not be cleaned up with vacuum cleaners.

Potassium Bicarbonate and sodium-based fire extinguishers are less of an irritant but should still be handled with caution. For these, you don’t have to turn off the ventilation system, and you can suck up the powder with a vacuum. Keep in mind a HEPA vac or shop-vac are the suggested types of vacuums to use.

It is important to clean up after these extinguishers quickly. The chemicals in these are often corrosive and could cause even more damage if left sitting.

Clean up is pretty simple and should you decide to do it yourself it can be done with common household items. Electrical outlets can be cleaned by using a can of pressurized air that would use to clean out your keyboard. Monoammonium Phosphate must be dry cleaned, to begin with. Sweep it up or wipe it away with a dry cloth or brush. Otherwise, the cleaning process is exactly the same. Use a paste made from baking soda and water. It’s a 1:1 ratio. Use a warm wet cloth to wipe up the remaining residue.

If the powder is stuck on there use a 1:1 ratio of 50% rubbing alcohol and water. Let the mixture sit for a bit then wipe it up as normal. 

Class D fires

A Class D fire is defined as a fire started by combustible particulates. This could be metal shavings or dust from a bread mill. Fire extinguishers for these are usually filled with one of the following 4 chemicals and elements.

  • Sodium Chloride
  • Sodium Carbonate
  • Copper
  • Graphite

Be sure to steer clear of any vacuums for these cleanups. The static charge especially in graphite can make it combustible. 

Wet Chemicals

Wet chemicals are usually used in commercial kitchen fires. It is really important that you call the professionals at SERVPRO after this type of fire. These chemicals are harmful and can cause damage to your nervous system and vital organs. After discharging these extinguishers you’ll want to make sure that the area is very well ventilated. If you have to go into the area make sure you are wearing N95 or N100 masks. A purifying respirator is also highly suggested. 

Clean Agent

The final type of extinguisher is a clean agent. This is usually made from CO2 or Hetron. As a gas-based extinguisher, there isn’t much cleanup because it dissipates into the air. However, it’s still a good idea to clean and sanitize the affected areas. 

What Kind of Fire Extinguisher do You Have?

It is mandatory that all fire extinguishers disclose what kind of chemicals they hold. If you look at the attached photo for instance you can see that ours is listed on the fire extinguisher itself under Contents. We have an Ammonium Phospate based extinguisher. Different brands may have different placements but in general, they should be in the same basic area.

SERVPRO has a lot of experience in cleaning up after fire extinguishers. We have all the tools and equipment to handle this daunting task. So, if you’ve had a fire and need the powder cleaned up give us a call at any time. We’ll be happy to provide you a free estimate and save you the headache of having to clean up after a fire extinguisher yourself.

How to Clean Your Jetted Tub

3/10/2021 (Permalink)

Maximize your relaxation.

Imagine this: You’re house hunting and you find a listing in an area you really like. You take a step through the front door and it has all of the aesthetics you desire. Then, you walk into the bathroom. The angels sing. Heaven shines down upon you, and the perfect whirlpool tub. You’re sold. You don’t need to look at any more houses.

The glorious day comes. You’re settled into your new home. You’re ready to wash away all of the stress from home buying. You’ve cleaned the tub, you’ve lit the candles, you have a glass of wine, and a good book to read. (Or your phone so you can scroll through tiktok.) 

You settle yourself into the tub relish the warm water, take a sip of wine. You turn on the jets, then, you see it. Slimy black mold flecks are floating to the surface. 

While it’s disgusting to see that in your bath water it doesn’t mean that you necessarily have a mold problem. In most cases, it just means that your jetted tub needs more maintenance than you realized. Bathtub maintenance isn’t hard, but it is an important step to keeping your bathroom mold and water intrusion-free. That’s why SERVPRO did some research to help you combat the day-to-day muck that builds up in your jetted tub.

Bobvila.com explains that the process is really quite simple. With just a few simple steps you can enjoy your jetted tub in no time!

Step 1: Soak your tub

If you haven’t cleaned your tub in a while we suggest starting there. It doesn’t have to be a thorough clean for this step. Just give it a quick wipe down and clean out any hair stuck in the drain. We’ll give a good scrub later. Then, fill up your tub with water a few inches above the last jet. After, let your tub soak with 2 cups of white vinegar. If you don’t have vinegar you can also mix half a cup of bleach and a few teaspoons of dishwasher detergent.

*Important note: Use Vinegar OR bleach, not both. Mixing the two can cause a toxic and deadly chemical reaction. 

Step 2: Run the Jets

Turn on the jets and let them run for 10-15 minutes. All the scum and mold will start to break from the surfaces and float to the top. After the time is up drain the water from the tub.

Step 3: Do It All Again

Whew! That was gross, wasn’t it? Now let’s do it again. Fill the tub back up with clean warm water. This time you don’t have to add any cleaner but go ahead and run the jets for another 10-15 minutes just to make sure you got everything.

Step 4: It’s the Final Wipe Down

Last but not least sprinkle some baking soda in your tub. Let it sit for a few minutes then gently wipe it down. This will get the last bits of soap scum and mold off of your tub. Grab a toothbrush that you use only for cleaning and clean carefully, but thoroughly, scrub around the jets themselves to get that last bit of scum off. A bottle brush would probably work here too if you have one in a horseshoe shape. Now you can rinse and relax!

During this process, if you find that you do have a large mold or water problem don’t hesitate to give us a call. Our estimators have years of experience and can help you come up with a price and game plan to fix the issue.

Thaw Out With SERVPRO

3/1/2021 (Permalink)

Get cozy

There’s no denying, it’s cold right now!! Our Boone County office has created the perfect playlist to keep you warm during these chilly winter days. We recommend cozying up next to a warm fireplace with a nice cup of hot cocoa, a fuzzy blanket, and our office’s favorite playlist Singin’ In the Rain on Spotify.

Just make sure you’ve got that flue open! A puff back could throw a kink in your relaxing weekend.

Smoke on the Water- Deep Purple

Set Fire to the Rain- Adele

We Didn’t Start the Fire - Billy Joel

Feel That Fire - Dirks Bentley

Fire - Black Pumas

Ashes on your Eyes - Deb Talan

Fire - The Ohio Players

Burning Down the House - Talking Heads

Fire and Rain - James Taylor

Ring of Fire Johnny Cash

Girl On Fire - Alicia Keys

Heaven’s on Fire - KISS

The Sun is Burning - Simon and Garfunkel

Into the Fire - Sarah McLachlan

The Stranger at My Door - Brandi Carlile 

Light My Fire - The Doors

Rooms on Fire - Stevie Nicks

Great Balls of Fire - Jerry Lee Lewis

I’m On Fire - Bruce Springsteen

Don't Let Rainy Days and Mondays Get You Down

2/22/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO is Singin' in the Rain

Cincinnati and NKY is no stranger to the dreary Midwest winter. And, if our furry friend is right we’ve got an extra 6 weeks! That’s why our office has made a playlist that’ll make you feel right as rain! When those storm clouds feel like they’re hovering over you, go ahead, and tap your feet to the beat of Singin’ in the Rain on Spotify. Our eclectic and office-friendly setlist is sure to put a smile on your face.

Ironically, I just realized that Singin’ in the rain isn't even on this playlist. Don’t worry, I’m fixing that right now!

Splish Splash - Bobby Darin

River - Patty Griffin

Its Raining Men - The Weather Girls

Downpour - Brandi Carlile

Who’ll Stop The Rain – CCR

Water Witch - The Secret Sisters

Waterfalls - TLC

The Rain - Oran “Juice” Jones

The Rain the Park and Other Things - The Cowsills

96 Tears - ? & The Mysterians

All is Found - Kacey Musgraves

Tears in Heaven - Eric Clapton

Lonely Teardrops - Jackie Wilson

Bridge Over Troubled Water - Simon & Garfunkel

Purple Rain - Prince

Rainy Day Dream Away - Jimi Hendrix

River - Joni Mitchell

Beyond the Sea - Bobby Darin

(Sittin’ On) The Dock of the Bay - Otis Redding

Insurance Vs. Direct pay

2/22/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO answers your FAQs

It’s an unfortunate truth that when disaster strikes, it doesn’t wait for you to be financially ready. SERVPRO understands that making an insurance claim on your home isn’t always an easy decision. If you have a high deductible the choice can be even harder. To help ease this burden we wanted to share with you some information.


One of the questions we get asked the most is whether the cost will be lower or higher if the customer files an insurance claim. The answer to this is simple. Filing a claim makes no difference to the cost. We charge the same amount to direct pay customers as we do the insurance companies. To charge differently would be considered insurance fraud and we will not take part in that. We use industry-approved software that most insurance companies use to generate all of our costs of the job. This way we can ensure that our costs are fair to all of our customers

Direct Pay Options 

Whether you file a claim or not, you will receive the same level of professional and courteous care. The only difference that you will notice if you are not filing an insurance claim is that we will have to do an estimate first. We have two options for you.

Option 1.

SERVPRO offers free estimates when we schedule an appointment for one of our Production Managers/Estimators to scope the loss and provide you a detailed estimate. They will inspect your home to gather information such as the rooms affected, measurements of those rooms, the type of material affected in each room, and the amount of equipment needed to mitigate your home properly. They will write the estimate within 24 hours and email you a breakdown of what needs to be done and how much it will cost. 

Option 2.

The option most of our customers pick is an onsite estimate. In this instance, we send the next available crew to your home and give an estimate for the services needed to mitigate your home. This way you know if you need to file an insurance claim or proceed as a direct pay so we can get to work started right away. The biggest difference here is that should you decline services, there would be a $125 service fee during regular business hours and a $175 service fee after hours.

No matter which option you pick, there are a few important things to note. If you aren’t filing an insurance claim, we will require a 50% deposit of the estimated cost. If you decide to file a claim afterward, just provide the insurance company and claim number as well as the name of your claim handler and we can work directly with them. Additionally, any estimate we provide is subject to change. Once we get to work we could find additional damages that require more work than anticipated. 

The most important thing we want you to take away from this is that no matter what, “we are always here to help.” We want you to feel confident and prepared for whatever decision you make. 

A Stormy Playlist to Get Your Day Started

2/8/2021 (Permalink)

Waking up with SERVPRO


We here at SERVPRO of Boone County know that mornings aren’t easy for everyone. That’s why our office has created a playlist to wake you up like a window-rattling thunderclap in the middle of a stormy night! When the coffee hasn’t kicked in yet just find our office playlist Singin’ In the Rain on Spotify and sing along with us!

Here’s just a glimpse of some of the songs you’ll find. 


I Wish It Would Rain Down – Phil Collins

Thunderstruck - AC/DC

Every Storm (Runs out of Rain) - Gary Allen

Windy - The Association 

Riders On The Storm - Doors

Blown Away - Carrie Underwood

The Eye - Brandi Carlile

Fairweather Friend - Jonny Gill

Storm - Life House

Whistles the Wind - Flogging Molly

Thunder Rolls - Garth Brooks

Umbrella -  Rihanna

Two Sparrows In a Hurricane - Tanya Tucker

Storms - Fleetwood Mac

Riding the Storm Out - REO Speedwagon

Stormy Weather - Etta James

Cloudy - Simon & Garfunkel

Here Comes the Rain Again - Eurythmics

Rainbow - Kacey Musgraves

Tips and Tricks for Bathtub Maintenance 

2/1/2021 (Permalink)

Splish Splash SERVPRO's takin' a bath

As parents we know it’s bound to happen one day. We walk into the bathroom and find water all over the floor. Your kiddo has filled the tub too high and it’s overflowed. Or they’ve made too many waves and you find yourself surfing over to the tub to soak up the water with towels. If only bathtub issues stopped there. The unfortunate truth is that, like, toilets and sinks, parts in your bathtub get old, corroded, and clogged.   

Even Your Bathtub Needs Regular Maintenance

According to TheSpruce.com many of your bathtub issues can come from issues with your overflow tube. This is the mechanism that allows the water to flow down the drain rather than onto the floor. Here are just a couple of things to look out for.

  1. Calcification

Calcification can be a big problem especially if you live in an area with hard water. Luckily it’s an easy clean and you don’t even need heavy cleaners. Calcium deposits are easily wiped off with white vinegar. But if the problem is bad enough you may need to soak the mechanisms in the vinegar before they come off. 

  1. Mold or Mildew 

Mold and mildew may require a slightly tougher cleaner, and definitely require higher safety standards. That pesky little fungus can build up and form a film over the slit in the tub where the overflow tube sits. In this case, you may need to open up the mechanisms to clean it out. Otherwise, if the issue is too bad you may need to get help from a plumber. 

Another maintenance tip is to make sure that the seal in your bathtub is still effective. Over time the silicon can come away from the tub and the tile. This break in the seal can allow moisture to get behind the tub and the tile causing issues with the drywall. It’s best to check this seal at least once a year and replace it about every 5 years. If quarantine has you feeling like Mr. or Madame Fix-it, this is an easy repair to make yourself or you can call your local plumber or handyman to do it for you.

The last and most simple thing you can do for your tub is to make sure the tile, grout, and surface of your tub are clean. It’s best to clean the soap build-up and calcium deposits off at least once a month. This can help prevent a mildew buildup as well as clogged drains. While you're at it, don’t forget to check your drain for any clumps of hair stuck in the stopper. 

The professionals at SERVPRO of Boone County know how to help you in any scenario. Whether that be a bathtub overflow or mold remediation from a broken seal gone unnoticed. Call our office today for services or a free estimate. Someone is available 24/7 to assist you with your emergency needs.

Commercial Covid 19 and Flu Prevention Tips

1/18/2021 (Permalink)

During the Covid 19 pandemic and flu season, the office is the prime location for the spread of germs. And studies have shown that the quickest way for the virus to spread is when people touch and infect commonly used items and surfaces like doorknobs, desktops, copy machines, and coffee pots! The flu virus can last up to 24 hours on surfaces which makes it easy to spread through human contact.

There are several ways to help protect yourself from the flu:

  • Get a flu shot.
  • Frequently wash your hands.
  • Cover your nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing.
  • Stay home if you are sick.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently used items.
  • Call SERVPRO for a free estimate for positive and preventive Covid 19 cleaning.

Do you know that SERVPRO offers professional commercial cleaning services? That’s right! We can help make your commercial space clean and safer with our floor to ceiling professional cleaning services. CLICK HERE to learn more and contact us today to set up an appointment!

Keeping Your Home Watertight in 2021

1/18/2021 (Permalink)

New Year’s Day often means a fresh start and new resolutions for many. One important resolution, that could actually save lives, is to commit to being better prepared for emergencies.

Having a plan in place in case of disasters like storms, fires or floods can help save lives and the American Red Cross offers a few suggestions to help prepare your family or business in the case of an emergency. 

First of all, put together an emergency kit for the home or the office. Suggested items to include in the kit are flashlights, non-perishable food and water, battery powered radio, extra batteries, first-aid items and extra cash.

Secondly, talk with family members or co-workers about what to do in the event of an emergency. Plan what to do if you are separated and choose a meeting place. Practice escaping your home or office twice a year. And don’t forget to include your pets in the plan!

And lastly, learn about the risks most prevalent to your area. For example, are earthquakes, tornadoes or hurricanes common in your area? Find out how to receive information from local officials in the event of an emergency. Learn first aid techniques so that you can respond before help arrives.

So, this year, make emergency preparation a part of your New Year’s resolutions and help protect the ones that you love! Stay safe in 2021! Be prepared!

Happy New Year from SERVPRO!

SERVPRO Restores Contents After a Fire Loss

1/18/2021 (Permalink)

When a fire occurs in a home, the damage is not always contained to the immediate area of the fire. Conversely, smoke and soot travel throughout the property, leaving a trail of damage behind. We, at SERVPRO, understand that the personal belongings in a home are treasures of life that represent hard work and accomplishments. We know that the value of photographs, books, and other life mementos cannot be measured. That is why our fire technicians specialize in restoring contents damaged by fire and keep a "restore" versus "replace" mentality during the restoration process. After a fire, they take extra care to clean and restore the contents of the home to preloss condition.

In caring for the contents of a property after a fire, our technicians have expertise in:

  • Contents Restoration
  • Move Outs / Pack Outs
  • Electronic Cleanup
  • Document / Photograph Drying
  • Contents Claim Inventory Service

Our fire technicians know that a home fire is a very stressful situation for a homeowner and they strive to provide excellent customer service by working efficiently and professionally.

Happy New Year 2021!

12/30/2020 (Permalink)

New Year’s Day often means a fresh start and new resolutions for many. One important resolution, that could actually save lives, is to commit to being better prepared for emergencies.

Having a plan in place in case of disasters like storms, fires or floods can help save lives and the American Red Cross offers a few suggestions to help prepare your family or business in the case of an emergency.

First of all, put together an emergency kit for the home or the office. Suggested items to include in the kit are flashlights, non-perishable food and water, battery powered radio, extra batteries, first-aid items and extra cash.

Secondly, talk with family members or co-workers about what to do in the event of an emergency. Plan what to do if you are separated and choose a meeting place. Practice escaping your home or office twice a year. And don’t forget to include your pets in the plan!

And lastly, learn about the risks most prevalent to your area. For example, are earthquakes, tornadoes or hurricanes common in your area? Find out how to receive information from local officials in the event of an emergency. Learn first aid techniques so that you can respond before help arrives.

So, this year, make emergency preparation a part of your New Year’s resolutions and help protect the ones that you love! Stay safe in 2020! Be prepared!

Happy New Year from SERVPRO

Dont neglect furnace maintenance

12/30/2020 (Permalink)

With the cold, winter months among us, now is the time to make sure your home heating system is working properly. Like most things, safe and efficient operation is a function of regular maintenance and check-ups. There are several things you can do to keep your heating system in top working condition.

  1. Clean or replace the filter: A clogged filter causes the furnace to work much harder and deliver less heat!
  2. Make sure blower doors are replaced.
  3. Check the systems belts: Replace any belts that are worn or cracked.
  4. Check and make sure vents in the home are clear.
  5. Ensure that the exhaust flue to the outside of the home is clear.

These are just a few tips to help maintain a home’s furnace system. But regular maintenance and periodic checkups by a licensed heating professional are also beneficial for your furnace to remain efficient. Don’t wait until it is too late and risk having a break down when you need your furnace the most!

Frozen Pipes during cold months

12/30/2020 (Permalink)

Frozen pipes can be a messy and expensive issue. Extremely cold temperatures of the winter months create a substantial risk for burst or frozen pipes. Being prepared and informed may help minimize the risk of frozen pipes and prevent extensive damage and repairs.

The American Red Cross provides several preventative measures to help reduce the chances for freezing pipes:

  • Drain water from swimming pools and sprinkler supply lines.
  • Remove, drain, and store outdoor hoses.
  • Consider insulating exposed water pipes.
  • Open cabinet doors to allow for warmer air to circulate around the pipes.
  • Let cold water drip from the faucet that is served by the exposed pipes.

The American Red Cross also provides suggested steps if frozen pipes are suspected:

  • Keep the faucet open. As the pipes begin to thaw, the running water will help melt the ice.
  • Apply heat to the frozen area of the pipe using a hair dryer, heating pad, etc. until full water pressure is restored.

Following these suggestions can reduce the risk for frozen or bursting pipes and subsequent water damage. However, if you experience a water damage, SERVPRO of Northwest Cincinnati is always here to help!

Are you prepared for an office emergency?

12/30/2020 (Permalink)

Are you prepared for an emergency at the office?

Do you…

  • …have an evacuation plan in the event of a fire?
  • …know where the nearest emergency exit is located?
  • …have someone appointed to provide direction in the event of an evacuation?
  • …practice fire drills at least once a year?
  • …know to take the stairs instead of the elevator during disasters?
  • …realize that you should move away from windows during a tornado?
  • …have specific plans for disasters common to your location? (ie. Earthquakes)
  • …have strategies to deal with power outages?
  • …have a plan to handle computer network failures?

The safest workplaces are those that plan ahead and prepare before an emergency ever strikes. Take a moment now to evaluate your emergency preparedness at work. Putting just a little time and thought into preparation now can improve your safety later if you find yourself in an emergency at work.

Steps to safety at the office

12/30/2020 (Permalink)

Accidents often happen at the office that could be prevented with just a little common sense! Slips and falls frequently cause injury at the office and a little thought and care could help prevent this.

For example:

  • Before sitting down at your desk, check behind you to make sure your chair hasn’t rolled away!
  • If you are carrying something, don’t stack things up so high that you can’t see directly in front of you!
  • Proceed with caution if the floor is wet or slippery!
  • Don’t read or text while walking!
  • Hold the handrail when using stairs!
  • When carrying larger items like boxes, use the elevator!
  • Close desk and file drawers before walking away to avoid tripping over them!
  • Wipe up spills or wet floors in order to prevent slipping!
  • Keep floors and aisles clear of electrical cords.

While it may seem easy to follow these tips, often times a hectic day at work can lead to rushing or just overlooking the small things that can be dangerous! Just slowing down a little bit to ensure safety can definitely save time in the future!

Electronics during a water damage

11/30/2020 (Permalink)

Have you ever experienced the nightmare of dropping your cell phone in the toilet or the kitchen sink or the swimming pool…watching in dismay as the phone, in what seems like slow motion, tragically plummets to its death?  But why does this mean death for the cell phone? And why, in some cases, does it seem like at first the phone survives, only to have it die a few days after the accident? What exactly happens to electronics when water damage strikes?

Corrosion is the breaking down or destruction of a material, especially a metal, through a chemical reaction. The most common form of corrosion is rusting, which occurs when iron combines with oxygen and water. The corrosion process can begin in just a couple of hours after the incident or it can take a few days to set in, giving you the false sense that your device miraculously survived the submersion. Humidity levels, the severity of the water damage, and how long the device was under water can all affect how fast corrosion occurs.

Cleaning the corrosion on a damaged electronic device should be done with caution. And in most cases, it’s probably best to leave it for the professionals. But if you decide to attempt the cleanup yourself, hzo.com suggests several helpful tips:

  • Always remove any batteries or power connectors first. This not only prevents harm to you, but also prevents any short-circuiting to the device. By doing this, you will also be exposing extra connectors that may already have corroded, so exercise caution.
  • Look for any white or green “crusty” areas on the device, especially on the battery connectors, charging ports, SIM card connectors, or any other major metal connectors on the device.
  • Use cotton swabs and a cleaning solution such as isopropyl alcohol, baking soda and water, or even vinegar to clean corrosion. Gently apply the solution to the affected area and wipe back and forth until the corrosion is removed. If necessary, leave some of the solution on the corroded area and wipe it off later.
  • Dry your device with a soft cloth or a hair dryer on a cool setting- do not use heat to dry out your device. Make sure your device is dried extremely well before attempting to replace the battery and turn the device on. Any water left in the device could cause additional water damage.

When your home is affected by a water damage situation, many times your larger electronics, like TVs and computers, are damaged as well. The corrosion process occurs with these items in the same way as with your cell phone. SERVPRO water technicians understand that the key to restoring electronics is to take prompt action to prevent further damage. Our technicians will coordinate the restoration of your electronics and ensure that they will be cleaned and inspected by a qualified electronics technician.

Green means commercial clean

11/30/2020 (Permalink)

SERVPRO is proud to be a part of the EPA’s Design for Environment (EPA/DFE) initiative! This initiative is designed to encourage the use of environmentally friendly or “Green” Cleaning products for all cleaning tasks, thus making our environment a safer place to live!

SERVPRO cleaning technicians use a Green Clean product for carpet and upholstery cleaning, all surface cleaning and window cleaning. The Carpet and Upholstery cleaner is a “one product does all” cleaner. The All-Surface cleaner is designed for any surface that can be wiped or mopped such as walls, ceilings, countertops, floors, etc. And the Window Cleaner is an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional glass cleaner. These cleaning products are all safe and non-toxic.

SERVPRO understands the potential harm to the environment that harsh cleaning chemicals can cause. We are always looking for ways to reduce these effects and improve our cleaning processes for the betterment of the environment!

Christmas Trees and mold

11/30/2020 (Permalink)

When decorating for the holidays, most people do not consider that their live Christmas tree could be a source of mold in their home. Mold thrives in moist environments. Live Christmas trees are usually cut far in advance of the Christmas holiday and then stored in a moist environment in order to keep them fresh. And once the tree is brought into the home, it is placed in a container of stagnant water. This container of water in addition to the moist tree trunk is the perfect condition to encourage mold growth.

According to webmd.com, a study was done measuring the relationship between mold growth on live Christmas trees and poor indoor air quality. Mold count measurements were taken daily for a two week period and showed that mold levels escalated as time progressed.

Unfortunately, mold spores can be difficult to destroy and the best way to reduce the problem is to take preventative measures. An artificial Christmas tree might be a better option. They do not harbor moisture and are even less expensive in the long run. But if a live Christmas tree is a must, shake as much debris as possible out of the tree before bringing it into the home and then only keep it in the home for a few days.

SERVPRO  provides professional mold remediation if you find an issue in your home. Our goal is to provide excellent customer service and we are available 24 hours a day...even on holidays!

Have a very happy holiday season!

SERVPRO assists with Storm Damage

11/30/2020 (Permalink)

Did you know that SERVPRO offers emergency service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week? Fire, water, and storm damage doesn’t always strike during regular business hours. And often, at the most inconvenient times, homeowners find themselves in need of immediate service to secure their property after an emergency event.

SERVPRO  can provide temporary protective measures to prevent additional damage to the property after a disaster. Examples of these services include board ups, roof tarps, tree removal, temporary fencing and portable power. If after a fire or flood, the contents of a property need to be removed from the affected property during the restoration process, SERVPRO can pack the contents and move them to our temporary warehouse location until the restoration process is complete. And once restoration is complete, the contents are then returned to the homeowners.

Merry Christmas! We are available 24/7

11/30/2020 (Permalink)

All of us at SERVPRO would like to take this time to express our sincere gratitude for those that make our success possible. We know that our accomplishments and achievements in the property restoration industry would not be possible without our dedicated employees, hard working colleagues in the restoration industry, and our trusting customers. We truly appreciate the efforts of all those that we work with day in and day out to help our customers in their time of need. We would like to say thank you for your continued loyalty and support. We truly appreciate working with you and our sincere wish is that you find peace, joy, hope, and happiness now and in the new year ahead!

Merry Christmas!

Emergency Storm Damage Assistance

10/21/2020 (Permalink)

Did you know that SERVPRO offers emergency service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week? Fire, water, and storm damage doesn’t always strike during regular business hours. And often, at the most inconvenient times, homeowners find themselves in need of immediate service to secure their property after an emergency event.

SERVPRO can provide temporary protective measures to prevent additional damage to the property after a disaster. Examples of these services include board ups, roof tarps, tree removal, temporary fencing and portable power. If after a fire or flood, the contents of a property need to be removed from the affected property during the restoration process, SERVPRO of Northwest Cincinnati can pack the contents and move them to our temporary warehouse location until the restoration process is complete. And once restoration is complete, the contents are then returned to the homeowners.

Safety tips at the office

10/21/2020 (Permalink)

Accidents often happen at the office that could be prevented with just a little common sense! Slips and falls frequently cause injury at the office and a little thought and care could help prevent this.

For example:

  • Before sitting down at your desk, check behind you to make sure your chair hasn’t rolled away!
  • If you are carrying something, don’t stack things up so high that you can’t see directly in front of you!
  • Proceed with caution if the floor is wet or slippery!
  • Don’t read or text while walking!
  • Hold the handrail when using stairs!
  • When carrying larger items like boxes, use the elevator!
  • Close desk and file drawers before walking away to avoid tripping over them!
  • Wipe up spills or wet floors in order to prevent slipping!
  • Keep floors and aisles clear of electrical cords.

While it may seem easy to follow these tips, often times a hectic day at work can lead to rushing or just overlooking the small things that can be dangerous! Just slowing down a little bit to ensure safety can definitely save time in the future!

Importance of Air quality

10/21/2020 (Permalink)

Over time, HVAC systems can get dirty and then potentially circulate dust, pollen, mold, or other contaminants throughout a home or business. This risk for poor air quality makes it important to have the HVAC system routinely inspected and maintained.

The SERVPRO professionals can inspect HVAC systems and make recommendations about the best way to address air quality concerns. Maintaining the HVAC system not only provides cleaner air to breathe, but it saves money by allowing the system to run more efficiently. It can also help eliminate odors as well as reduce the potential for mold growth.

Make it a priority to have your HVAC system and ductwork routinely inspected.

Fires can be devastating. SERVPRO is here to help!

10/21/2020 (Permalink)

According to ready.gov, a fire can spread quickly, becoming life threatening in just two minutes. And in just five minutes, an entire home can be taken over by flames.

In the event of a fire it is important to know what precautions to take to help ensure that you escape safely.

  • Stay low, crawling under the smoke to the exit
  • Before opening a door, feel if it is hot. If it is hot, do not open the door and find another exit. If you do open the door, open it very slowly and be prepared to shut it quickly if smoke or fire is present.
  • Tell firefighters right away if pets are trapped inside.
  • If you are unable to escape, close all doors, cover vents and cracks around doors with cloth, call 911 explaining where you are, and signal from a window with a light cloth or flashlight.
  • If your clothes catch fire, stop, drop, and roll!

Fires can be devastating, spreading quickly and leaving little time to plan an escape. Being prepared by learning important safety measures and planning escapes can help ensure safety in the unfortunate event of a fire disaster.

SERVPRO provides emergency service following fire damage. Our fire technicians respond quickly to secure the site and can help restore the structure as well as its contents following a fire.

SERVPRO preloss plan for your water loss

10/21/2020 (Permalink)

Studies show that after experiencing a disaster like a fire, tornado, or flood, many businesses never reopen or if they do survive, will shut down within 2 years following the disaster. As a business owner or manager, pre-planning ensures that emergency resources are available to you when you need them. This is why it is essential to have an emergency response plan and partner in place. Our professionals at SERVPRO can help you put an emergency plan in place that will help protect your business from disaster.

With the SERVPRO Emergency Ready Plan, SERVPRO becomes an important part of your disaster response plan by meeting with building administrators to collect site-specific information to ensure readiness should disaster strike. This information includes building layout, electrical, equipment and water protocols, etc.

By developing a SERVPRO Emergency READY Profile for your business, you minimize business interruption by having an immediate plan of action. Knowing what to do and what to expect in advance is the key to timely mitigation and can help minimize how water and fire damage can affect your business.

Water Damages need to be mitigated

10/21/2020 (Permalink)

Sometimes water damage or even excess humidity in a property can lead to mold damage as well. The SERVPRO technicians are highly trained in water and mold damage restoration. When it comes to mold damage, it’s usually best to let the professionals do the work. But what if you want to attempt to safely clean the moldy areas yourself? What should you wear?

It is important to avoid breathing in mold or mold spores. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) offers safety guidelines to handling mold in your home. In order to limit exposure to airborne mold, they recommend wearing an N-95 respirator during the cleaning process, which can be found at many hardware stores.

The EPA also suggests wearing long gloves that extend to the middle of the forearm. It is important to avoid touching mold or moldy items with your bare hands.

And finally, goggles that do not have ventilation holes are recommended. It is important to prevent getting mold or mold spores from getting into your eyes.

While some minor surface mold issues can be handled effectively by the homeowner, it is best to have professional help with larger mold infestations. SERVPRO has the specialized mold remediation equipment and the highly trained mold remediation technicians necessary to handle any size mold infestation. If you find a mold situation that is too much to handle on your own, contact us today!

Faulty Plumbing

8/26/2020 (Permalink)

Many times when water damage occurs in a home or commercial property, it is due to faulty plumbing. Those without plumbing experience may have a difficult time recognizing potential issues and then addressing these issues before they become a bigger, more expensive problem.

According to thecleanplumbers.com, there are eight common causes of plumbing leaks that can lead to water damage to a property.

  1. Advanced Corrosion – Over an extended period of time, corrosion can damage pipes and create holes where water can escape. This is a more common issue in piping that was installed over 30 years ago.
  2. Degraded Seals – In order to keep connections watertight, rubber seals are used wherever the pipes are connected to the fixtures. Over time, these seals can degrade and crack, allowing water to seep out and eventually cause damage.
  3. Excess Water Pressure – Water pressure that is too high can actually damage the inside of the plumbing pipes and create a risk for leaks. If the pressure is extremely high, it can even cause the pipes to burst.
  4. Fixture Cracks – Sometimes the actual faucet or pipe that connects directly to it can crack and cause a water leak. This usually happens due to impact. One area that this is common is under the sink. When items are stored under the sink, the pipes are often repeatedly bumped and can eventually lead to pipe damage and water leaks.
  5. Incorrect Pipe Laying – Plumbing should be handled by knowledgeable professionals. It is very important that pipes and connectors are laid properly because small mistakes that at first may not be noticeable can cause massive water damage later.
  6. Pipe Joint Damage – The bends or joints where the water is redirected through the pipes are curved connectors that attach to the straight pipes on either side. Extreme temperatures and water pressure can damage these joints and lead to water damage.
  7. Shifted Connections – Over time, homes can shift and therefore, so can the pipes inside. If the shifts are too much, the pipe connections can break and water damage occurs.
  8. Untreated Clogs – It seems obvious how clogged drains can lead to backups and water damage. But how the clogs are treated can also cause pipe damage. Chemical drain cleaners are often used to unclog drains. At times these chemicals do not remove the entire clog which causes the harmful chemicals to be trapped in one spot in the pipe system. The chemicals can then eat away at the pipe, eventually causing damage and a water leak. It is safer to treat clogs with a plumbing snake or hydro-jetting.

Hopefully learning how to recognize potential plumbing problems and how to address the issues will help you avoid future water damage to your property. But in the unfortunate event that you do end up with a water damage disaster contact SERVPRO.

Flash Floods with Rainfall

8/26/2020 (Permalink)

Flash floods are usually caused by excessive rainfall that occurs in a short period of time. They are dangerous because they are powerful, speedy and unpredictable. They can happen with little or no warning at all.

Densely populated areas are at a high risk for flash floods. Buildings, roads and parking lots in the area reduce the amount of rain absorbed by the ground. Sometimes streams that run through cities are routed into storm drains. These drains can become overwhelmed and flash flooding can result.

Areas near rivers are also at risk for flash flooding. If levees along rivers fail, flash flooding can result. In 2005, New Orleans experienced devastating floods during Hurricane Katrina due to the failure of the levees.

Dam failures and rapid runoff from mountains and steep hills can also cause flash flooding. When water is falling faster than the ground can absorb it, a dangerous, flooding condition can result.

No area is really immune to flash flooding. During storms it is important to pay attention to weather watches and warnings and take the necessary precautions. Always listen to forecasters and be prepared with a plan in place just in case a flash flooding situation arises!

Electronics and Water Don't Mix

8/25/2020 (Permalink)

Electronics and Water – They Just Don’t Mix!

Have you ever experienced the nightmare of dropping your cell phone in the toilet or the kitchen sink or the swimming pool…watching in dismay as the phone, in what seems like slow motion, tragically plummets to its death?  But why does this mean death for the cell phone? And why, in some cases, does it seem like at first the phone survives, only to have it die a few days after the accident? What exactly happens to electronics when water damage strikes?

Corrosion is the breaking down or destruction of a material, especially a metal, through a chemical reaction. The most common form of corrosion is rusting, which occurs when iron combines with oxygen and water. The corrosion process can begin in just a couple of hours after the incident or it can take a few days to set in, giving you the false sense that your device miraculously survived the submersion. Humidity levels, the severity of the water damage, and how long the device was under water can all affect how fast corrosion occurs.

Cleaning the corrosion on a damaged electronic device should be done with caution. And in most cases, it’s probably best to leave it for the professionals. But if you decide to attempt the cleanup yourself, hzo.com suggests several helpful tips:

  • Always remove any batteries or power connectors first. This not only prevents harm to you, but also prevents any short-circuiting to the device. By doing this, you will also be exposing extra connectors that may already have corroded, so exercise caution.
  • Look for any white or green “crusty” areas on the device, especially on the battery connectors, charging ports, SIM card connectors, or any other major metal connectors on the device.
  • Use cotton swabs and a cleaning solution such as isopropyl alcohol, baking soda and water, or even vinegar to clean corrosion. Gently apply the solution to the affected area and wipe back and forth until the corrosion is removed. If necessary, leave some of the solution on the corroded area and wipe it off later.
  • Dry your device with a soft cloth or a hair dryer on a cool setting- do not use heat to dry out your device. Make sure your device is dried extremely well before attempting to replace the battery and turn the device on. Any water left in the device could cause additional water damage.

When your home is affected by a water damage situation, many times your larger electronics, like TVs and computers, are damaged as well. The corrosion process occurs with these items in the same way as with your cell phone. The SERVPRO water technicians understand that the key to restoring electronics is to take prompt action to prevent further damage. Our technicians will coordinate the restoration of your electronics and ensure that they will be cleaned and inspected by a qualified electronics technician. Learn more about how SERVPRO restores your belongings that have been affected by water damage.

Storm Damage leads to Water Issues

8/25/2020 (Permalink)

When it comes to storm and other weather-related damage, many people only think of the exterior structural damage to their property like fallen trees and damaged roofs. But what some people fail to realize is that exterior storm damage can often lead to interior water damage to their property. Water will always travel the path of least resistance and unfortunately after exterior structural damage to a property, this often means the water will end up inside the property. A quick response is crucial to help limit the additional interior damage. In the event of water or storm damage, SERVPRO responds immediately, any time, day or night. We understand the importance of responding quickly to help prevent secondary damage and reduce restoration costs. Roofing service, board ups, roof tarps and tree removal are all among the emergency services we provide. Additionally, we are experts in water damage restoration and provide professional and efficient service to our customers.

Commercial Fire Loss

8/25/2020 (Permalink)


According to the U.S. Fire Administration – Federal Emergency Management Agency, from 2017 to 2019, fire departments responded to about 86,500 nonresidential building fires in the United States. These fires resulted in $2.6 billion in property losses which accounted for 22 percent of the total dollar loss from all fires (residential and nonresidential).  Because nonresidential fires include commercial properties, these fires can lead to a significant economic impact on communities due to lost jobs and closed businesses.

Fire damage can be devastating for a business property. In addition to the fire and smoke damage, water damage can also occur due to the efforts of firefighters and sprinkler systems.  Many times, after suffering a fire loss, businesses are forced to temporarily shut down. And in some instances, the damage is so devastating that the business in unable to recover and closes permanently. Commercial restoration presents different challenges. SERVPRO has the training and expertise in both commercial fire and commercial water restoration and understands that every hour spent restoring a business to pre-fire condition is an hour of lost revenue and productivity. We offer 24 hour emergency service to businesses and communities. We respond quickly to mitigate the damage and manage the project through to completion in order to get the business back up and running as quickly as possible.

So if your business experiences a fire loss emergency, call SERVPRO for immediate response. We are a trusted leader in the fire and water restoration industry and we will work tirelessly to get you back to business.

Avoid BBQ Grill Fires Labor Day Weekend

8/25/2020 (Permalink)

Today we honor the achievements of the labor movement and the strength of American workers! Some also celebrate Labor Day as the official end of summer, the start of fall, or the final day to wear white. But whatever angle you take for your celebration, we want you to have a safe and happy holiday!

Be sure to practice safety tips with outdoor grilling or fire pits. Keep the grill or open flames a safe distance from anything that can catch fire. And always keep the children and pets away from the hot fire. Have a fire extinguisher available should an accident happen!

If you are traveling somewhere to celebrate, remember no drinking and driving! Keep an emergency supply kit or a first aid kit in your car. And always buckle up!

And don’t forget to follow safety guidelines in the swimming pool! Be aware of the weather conditions, keep an eye on the children, and always swim with a buddy!

Enjoy the holiday and remember we are always available 24 hours a day if you find yourself in need of emergency service!

Do's and Dont's of Mold Damage

8/25/2020 (Permalink)

Every mold situation is different and requires a unique solution. However, the general rules as to what to do and what not to do if you find or suspect there is mold in your home are basically the same. Mold spreads quickly and can cause health effects and damage to your home.

If you find visible mold or suspect there is mold in your home…

DO stay out of the affected areas!

DO turn off the HVAC system and fans!

DO contact SERVPRO for mold remediation services! 

DON’T touch or disturb the mold!

DON’T blow air across any surfaces with visible or suspected mold growth!

DON’T spray bleach or other disinfectants on the mold! 

The SERVPRO technicians are experts in mold and mold growth. They have the training and expertise to remediate the mold in your property. So if you suspect you have a mold issue in your home, give us a call today!

Limiting damage after a fire

6/19/2020 (Permalink)

Even if a fire in a home or business is contained to one floor, the damage from the fire may affect other floors of the building as well. Soot and smoke can travel throughout the structure leaving a trail of damage behind. If the damage is not handled properly, long-term effects can result, adding to an already stressful situation.

After contacting SERVPRO of Boone County, there are a couple of steps you can take to help avoid further damage to your property. First of all, keep movement throughout the building to a minimum. This will help avoid tracking the soot throughout other areas of the building. And secondly, place clean towels or linens on the carpeted traffic areas. Realizing that there will be some movement within the building during the restoration process, this will help prevent additional soiling.

The SERVPRO of Boone County fire technicians are highly trained and well-equipped to handle the cleanup and care of your home or office building and its contents following a fire incident. Before attempting to clean the fire damage yourself, contact us for your fire restoration needs. CLICK HERE to learn more!

Disaster Preparedness for your commercial property

6/19/2020 (Permalink)

September is National Preparedness month and SERVPRO of Boone County is Here to Help you get prepared! Different types of disasters and emergencies happen throughout the year to homes, schools and businesses and the goal of acknowledging National Preparedness Month is to remind everyone to take steps to be better prepared for them.

There are different ways to prepare for a disaster. Installing smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors, practicing escape plans and tornado drills, learning basic life-saving skills like CPR and first aid, and putting together emergency kits are all simple ways to help prepare for a disaster.

An additional way that business owners and school administrators can prepare is to work with our SERVPRO professionals to develop an Emergency Ready Profile (ERP). In the event of a disaster, this profile will help minimize business interruption by having an immediate plan of action already in place. (CLICK HERE to learn more about developing an ERP with SERVPRO.)

Disaster preparedness can seem overwhelming at times and these are just some simple suggestions. For even more helpful information, check out resources like the ready.gov and fema.gov websites.

Structural Damage from storms

6/19/2020 (Permalink)

When it comes to storm and other weather-related damage, many people only think of the exterior structural damage to their property like fallen trees and damaged roofs. But what some people fail to realize is that exterior storm damage can often lead to interior water damage to their property. Water will always travel the path of least resistance and unfortunately after exterior structural damage to a property, this often means the water will end up inside the property. A quick response is crucial to help limit the additional interior damage. In the event of water or storm damage, SERVPRO of Boone County responds immediately, any time, day or night. We understand the importance of responding quickly to help prevent secondary damage and reduce restoration costs. Roofing service, board ups, roof tarps and tree removal are all among the emergency services we provide. Additionally, we are experts in water damage restoration and provide professional and efficient service to our customers. CLICK HERE to learn more!

SERVPRO Boone County Gives back

6/19/2020 (Permalink)

Alzheimer’s is a disease that attacks the brain and is the most common form of dementia. According to the Alzheimer’s Association, more than 5 million Americans are living with the disease and 1 in 3 seniors dies with Alzheimer’s or another dementia. The number of Americans living with Alzheimer’s disease is growing rapidly and by mid-century, someone in the United States will develop the disease every 33 seconds.

The Alzheimer Association is a non-profit health organization which focuses on care, support, and research for Alzheimer’s disease. The mission of the association is to eliminate Alzheimer’s disease through the advancement of research; to provide and enhance care and support for all affected; and to reduce the risk of dementia through the promotion of brain health.

SERVPRO of Boone County recognizes the impact Alzheimer’s disease can have on families, communities, and the healthcare system and is a proud supporter of the Alzheimer’s Association. By donating to the Alzheimer’s Association - Greater Cincinnati Chapter, SERVPRO of Boone County hopes to further the Association’s mission and provide support for those living with and affected by the disease.

Mold Remediation by SERVPRO Boone County

6/19/2020 (Permalink)

When a home suffers a water damage event, a mold problem can arise and spread quickly throughout the home. The SERVPRO of Boone County technicians are professionals in the mold remediation process and have been trained to properly resolve mold infestation. Special equipment and processes are used to handle the problem.

The Process:

  1. Contact SERVPRO of Boone County at (859)746-3400: Upon receiving your call, we will collect information from you to determine what is needed to handle your project.
  2. Inspection and Assessment: Our technicians will inspect the property using professional detection equipment to determine mold and moisture levels.
  3. Mold Containment: Our technicians will use different containment procedures to prevent the mold from spreading.
  4. Air Filtration: Specialized equipment is used to capture mold spores from the air and prevent the mold from spreading during the remediation process.
  5. Removing Mold and Mold-Infested Materials: In some instances, it is necessary to remove mold-infested materials, like drywall or flooring, from the home. Anti-microbial agents are used to eliminate and prevent mold growth
  6. Cleaning Contents and Belongings: Our technicians thoroughly clean and sanitize the contents in the home affected by mold.
  7. Restoration: The structure and contents of the home may require repairs to return the property to preloss condition.

Mold damage is better dealt with by professionals that have the training and expertise to effectively handle the situation. If you suspect you have mold in your home or property, take the first step in the remediation process by giving us a call today!

SERVPRO of Boone County (859)746-3400

Storm Damage leads to Water Issues

5/27/2020 (Permalink)

When it comes to storm and other weather-related damage, many people only think of the exterior structural damage to their property like fallen trees and damaged roofs. But what some people fail to realize is that exterior storm damage can often lead to interior water damage to their property.

Water will always travel the path of least resistance and unfortunately after exterior structural damage to a property, this often means the water will end up inside the property.

A quick response is crucial to help limit the additional interior damage. In the event of water or storm damage, SERVPRO responds immediately, any time, day or night. We understand the importance of responding quickly to help prevent secondary damage and reduce restoration costs.

Roofing service, board ups, roof tarps and tree removal are all among the emergency services we provide.

Additionally, we are experts in water damage restoration and provide professional and efficient service to our customers.

BBQ Grill Fire Safety

5/12/2020 (Permalink)

According to the U.S. Fire Administration, grill fires cause an estimated $37 million in property loss each year. Patios, terraces, screened-in porches and courtyards are all leading home locations for grill fires.

While outdoor barbecues can be fun times with family and friends, they can also present fire hazards if certain precautions are not taken. The misuse of outdoor grills is one of the leading causes of home fires during the warmer months.

A grilling mishap would definitely put a damper on family gatherings and outdoor fun! So, we would like to share some important grilling safety tips. Knowing and following even a few tips can help avoid a fire disaster.

  • Only use grills outdoors.
  • Keep grills away from siding and deck railings.
  • Clean grills often and remove grease or fat build-up.
  • Make sure the gas grill lid is open before lighting.

In the unfortunate event of a fire disaster at your property, SERVPRO is Here To Help! Our technicians are available 24/7 to provide emergency service!

Hail Damage

5/12/2020 (Permalink)

Hailstorms can be extremely destructive to commercial or residential buildings, especially roofs. If you are caught in a hailstorm and suspect that you have damage, SERVPRO provides 24 hour emergency restoration services including board ups and roof tarps. We respond quickly to prevent further damage to your property!

Hail is a form of solid precipitation that consists of balls of ice called hailstone and occurs during severe storms. According to the National Storm Damage Center, hail causes approximately $1 billion in damages per year in the United States to homes, buildings, cars, and crops.

Types of Hail Damage

Roof Damage – When hail storms hit, the most common damage to homes and buildings is to the roof. When the roof damage goes undetected or unrepaired, more damage can occur to the home or building as water leaks through the roof and into the walls.

Window and Siding Damage – Often high winds accompany hailstorms causing the hail to fall at angles. When this happens, windows and siding can crack which also leads to the threat for additional water damage to the home.

Automobile Damage – The glass, plastic and metal surfaces of vehicles are particularly susceptible to damage from hail. Dents in the metal or cracks in the windshield glass are common occurrences in hailstorms.

Steps to Minimize Hail Damage

There are a few steps that one can take to minimize hail damage.

Close Curtains or Blinds – Closing the window treatments can help prevent the wind from blowing broken glass into the interior of the building.

Park in Garage – To protect vehicles, park inside a garage or under a carport.

New Roof – If replacing your roof, consider using impact-resistant materials to help avoid future hail damage.

Water Damage Worsens Over Time

4/20/2020 (Permalink)

When it comes to water damage, as minutes, hours, days, and weeks pass, the damage gets worse.

Within minutes, the water spreads through the property, saturating and contaminating everything in its path. Water is absorbed into walls, floors and furniture, possibly causing furniture finishes to leave permanent stains on the carpets. Anything paper, like books and photos, begin to swell and warp.

Within hours, drywall begins to break down, metal surfaces start to tarnish, furniture begins to swell and crack, and that dreadful musty odor appears.

Within days, mold and mildew may begin to grow and spread, anything made of wood will swell and warp, paint begins to bubble and blister, and the threat of a serious biohazard contamination becomes possible.

And after a week, the structural safety of the building is compromised, biohazard contaminants pose serious risks to occupants, and the restoration time and costs have increased dramatically.

A quick response is important to help minimize the damage as well as the cleaning and restoration costs. The SERVPRO of Boone County technicians are experts in water damage restoration. They understand that water is very invasive, spreading quickly throughout a property. They arrive quickly to start the restoration process and help make it “Like it never even happened.”

Keep the Gutters Clean!

4/6/2020 (Permalink)

No matter what time of year, gutters play a key role in preventing water damage to a home. Their purpose is to channel rainwater to the downspouts and away from the home. Because of this, it is important to make sure the gutters are working properly year-round in order to protect your property against potential water damage.

Clogged gutters can cause many issues for a homeowner. In the spring, summer, and fall, gutters are often clogged with fallen leaves. And in the winter, snow and ice can be the culprit. Water that is blocked by debris in the gutters will find the path of least resistance when it tries to drain. This often means it will find its way into the walls and ceilings of the home causing interior damage.

To help avoid water damage due to clogged gutters, the gutters should be well maintained and cleaned AT LEAST twice a year. And if you do experience water damage at your home, always remember that SERVPRO of Boone County is Here to Help! Our technicians are experts in water damage restoration and respond any time, day or night to provide emergency service.

Be Productive During Time Spent At Home

3/24/2020 (Permalink)

We are all being challenged by the current situation, with the expectation to quarantine and self-isolate due to the coronavirus. Staying at home for an extended period of time can be difficult. However, there are many home improvement projects that can be undertaken by families to help pass the time productively and avoid cabin fever.

  • Freshen up a room with a different paint color and new switch plate covers.
  • Organize drawer and closet spaces.
  • For a new look, update light fixtures, faucets or cabinet hardware.
  • As weather improves, give your yard a boost by planting flowers, shrubs, and trees and pressure washing walkways, siding, and gutters.
  • Add molding or shelves to a room or backsplash in the kitchen.
  • Upgrade flooring or shampoo rugs.
  • Strip and stain cabinets or furniture.
  • Clean dryer ducts and replace furnace filters.

It is often hard to set aside extra time for home cleaning, reorganizing and simply making the home better. So even though this time of social-distancing seems stressful, we can definitely make the most of it by spending more time with the family and working on home improvements!

Take Proactive Cleaning Precautions!

3/18/2020 (Permalink)

As we all know, the CDC is responding to a respiratory disease outbreak caused by the coronavirus (COVID-19). This outbreak is prompting a lifestyle change for everyone as we attempt to slow the spread of the virus across the country.

It is believed that the virus is spread mainly from person-to-person or through respiratory droplets when an infected person coughs or sneezes. And the World Health Organization recommends basic proactive measures like frequent hand washing, social distancing, and good respiratory hygiene. Although not thought to be the main way the virus spreads, it may be possible that a person can get COVID-19 by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching their own mouth, nose, or possibly their eyes.

How can SERVPRO of Boone County Help?

Trained in adhering to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards, our professionals offer cleaning services including the removal of biohazard contaminants. While following the guidelines provided by the CDC and local authorities, we can perform a PROACTIVE CLEANUP that involves facility or structure cleaning and disinfection where there is no known threat of COVID-19 contamination or exposure. There is currently no product tested against this particular strain of the coronavirus, however, our proprietary cleaning agent, SERVPROXIDE, is an EPA-certified, hospital-grade disinfectant that has demonstrated effectiveness against viruses similar to coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19) on hard, non-porous surfaces.

The CDC encourages cleaning of high-touch surfaces such as counters, tabletops, doorknobs, light switches, etc. While proactive cleaning will not prevent or protect a building from future contamination if an infected person was to enter the building following the cleaning, it may help minimize the spread of germs by disinfecting high-touch areas and surfaces.

Contact us today to take proactive cleaning precautions and schedule your cleaning!

SERVPRO of Boone County  859-746-3400

Enter Our March Madness Bracket Challenge!

3/13/2020 (Permalink)

March is here, and we all know what that means…It is time for MARCH MADNESS! We are adding to the fun and excitement this year by hosting a March Madness Bracket Challenge. We are inviting everyone to join our Bracket Challenge for a chance to win prizes valued up to $200! And prizes will be awarded for our 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners! Not a basketball fan? That’s okay! You don’t have to be a basketball expert to play! It doesn’t matter what you base your picks on…best records, best uniforms, alma mater…whatever! To enter, simply click the link below, sign in, or create an account, and choose your favorite teams! Be sure to fill out your bracket before the opening games begin on Thursday, March 19th! Good luck!!


SERVPRO of Boone County Values Community

3/9/2020 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Boone County believes in giving back to the community whenever possible. We are always looking for ways to help out local schools, neighborhoods and charities by offering our time and talents.

For example, we were honored to help a local school district by donating labor and materials when one of the school buildings suffered water damage and needed dry out services. The school Board was very grateful for the donation because it allowed them to use funds elsewhere to better serve the students in the district.

SERVPRO of Boone County strives to have a positive presence in the community and is happy when an opportunity arises to help the students, residents and employees of our community. We value our community and are proud to support in any way we can!

Be Aware of Subtle Signs of Water Damage

2/24/2020 (Permalink)

Water damage can be a major headache for a property owner. From the actual damage it causes to the structure and contents of the property to the expense of the mitigation process, it can cause a major disruption in the lives of anyone having to deal with it. And the longer a water leak goes unnoticed, the worse the damage can be. So, it is very important to always look for subtle signs of a water problem.

Signs to Look For:

  • Blistering or bubbling paint on walls, ceilings, and baseboards
  • A loose sink faucet or a laminate counter top that is detaching
  • Floors with buckling hardwood planks or loose tiles
  • Drywall and ceilings with yellow or brown stains
  • A musty scent

If you come across any signs that there may be a water issue at your property, don’t delay in getting it inspected and the problem resolved. Quicker action results in less damage and less costs. SERVPRO of Boone County responds 24 hours a day, 7 days week. Give us a call…We are Here to Help! 859-746-3400


2/6/2020 (Permalink)

Join us for a fantastic night of fun while supporting a great cause! Blue Goose-Cincinnati Pond is hosting their 8th Annual Monte Carlo Night on Friday, February 21st from 7:00pm to midnight at Receptions in Loveland, Ohio! The night includes an open bar, appetizer buffet, gambling, raffles and dancing!

Each year, a special cause is chosen, and all proceeds raised at the event go to supporting this cause. This year, Maslow’s Army will be the special guests of honor. Maslow’s Army provides hope to Cincinnati’s less fortunate and homeless population by providing the skills and essential tools needed to become self-sufficient, healthy, and productive members of society.

Please consider joining us to support this cause!

Deadline to RSVP is February 14th, 2020! Don’t miss out! Register today!

CLICK HERE to find out more information and to register!


2/3/2020 (Permalink)

On February 13th, 2020 we are hosting a CIB Networking / Continuing Education Event entitled Earth, Wind & Fire -Loss Mitigation, Chocolate, Wine & Cheese Tasting! What makes this continuing education opportunity special? Well, following the CE class, an exclusive wine, cheese, and chocolate networking event will take place!

The event will start with the CE course and will provide participants with a specific explanation of coverage's and loss mitigation techniques associated with fire, wind, mold, and flood losses.  It will discuss what is covered, what is excluded, and loss mitigation techniques. Topics covered include, fire, wind, hail, earthquake, flood, mold, and others. This course is approved for 3 credit hours in KY(C17603), OH(35542) and IN(28695). 

And after the class, the exclusive wine tasting, cheese and chocolate networking event will take place. This will be a great networking opportunity and there will even be prizes available!

The event will take place on February 13th from 1:00pm - 6:00pm at The Ascent, One Roebling Way in Covington, Kentucky. Don't miss out on the fun...Register today!

CLICK HERE for more information and to REGISTER!!

Protect the Pipes During Cold Temperatures!

1/27/2020 (Permalink)

With the extremely cold temperatures that we sometimes experience in our area during the winter months, we often receive customer calls for water damage restoration due to frozen and burst pipes. In order to help prevent falling victim to such a water disaster, there are some precautions that can be taken:

  • Install insulation sleeves around exposed pipes that are prone to freezing.
  • Use caulking to seal any cracks or holes on outside walls and foundations near water pipes.
  • Keep cabinet doors open to allow warm air to circulate around pipes.
  • Keep slow trickles of water flowing through the faucets.
  • Drain water from sprinkler systems and pool supply lines.
  • Remove and drain garden hoses.

If, even after taking these precautions, you do experience water damage to your property, always remember that the SERVPRO of Boone County water technicians are Here to Help! We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to respond to your water restoration needs.

SERVPRO of Boone County to Offer Continuing Education Course on 1/28/20

1/20/2020 (Permalink)

We are offering a free continuing education insurance credit course entitled, “Ethics.” This course is for 3 credit hours in OHIO / KENTUCKY and will be held at our Cincinnati, Ohio location at 2115 Schappelle Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45240 on January 28th, 2020 from 8:30am to 11:30am with registration beginning at 8:00am. Please note that 100% attendance is required to be eligible to receive the CE credits and that breakfast will be provided!

The premise for this course is that although we may have solid ethical foundations and usually make rational ethical decisions, ethical lapses are likely to come when we are stressed, angry, upset or worried. We will explore what “Ethics” is by participating in group activities that will help with understanding and making ethical decisions.

For more information and reservations, contact Meg O’Brien at 513-614-1047 or email at mobrien@hartkes.com.

Course Number: C10183-KY, 37868-OH

Protect Yourself from the Flu!

1/13/2020 (Permalink)

During flu season, the office is the prime location for the spread of germs. And studies have shown that the quickest way for the virus to spread is when people touch and infect commonly used items and surfaces like doorknobs, desktops, copy machines, and coffee pots! The flu virus can last up to 24 hours on surfaces and this makes it easy to spread through human contact.

There are several ways to help protect yourself from the flu:

  • Get a flu shot.
  • Frequently wash your hands.
  • Cover your nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing.
  • Stay home if you are sick.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently used items.

Do you know that SERVPRO of Boone County offers professional commercial cleaning services? That’s right! We can help make your commercial space clean and safer with our floor to ceiling professional cleaning services. CLICK HERE to learn more and contact us today to set up an appointment!

Happy New Year from SERVPRO of Boone County!

1/1/2020 (Permalink)

New Year’s Day often means a fresh start and new resolutions for many. One important resolution, that could actually save lives, is to commit to being better prepared for emergencies.

Having a plan in place in case of disasters like storms, fires or floods can help save lives and the American Red Cross offers a few suggestions to help prepare your family or business in the case of an emergency.

First of all, put together an emergency kit for the home or the office. Suggested items to include in the kit are flashlights, non-perishable food and water, battery powered radio, extra batteries, first-aid items and extra cash.

Secondly, talk with family members or co-workers about what to do in the event of an emergency. Plan what to do if you are separated and choose a meeting place. Practice escaping your home or office twice a year. And don’t forget to include your pets in the plan!

And lastly, learn about the risks most prevalent to your area. For example, are earthquakes, tornadoes or hurricanes common in your area? Find out how to receive information from local officials in the event of an emergency. Learn first aid techniques so that you can respond before help arrives.

So, this year, make emergency preparation a part of your New Year’s resolutions and help protect the ones that you love! Stay safe in 2020! Be prepared!

Happy New Year from SERVPRO of Boone County!

SERVPRO of Boone County to Offer Continuing Education Course

12/30/2019 (Permalink)

We are excited to be hosting an upcoming Greater Cincinnati Insurance Board continuing education insurance credit course! The class is entitled, “Business Ethics and Values with Lyle Rupp.” This seminar will provide information on ethical business and insurance practices. It will address ethical topics that an agent would face in his or her day-to-day insurance work. Due diligence and fair consumer practices will be examined in the context of accepting personal responsibility in selecting and presenting products. The topic of legal versus moral values and their impact on the reality of ethics will also be presented.

This course is approved for 3 credit hours in OHIO and KENTUCKY and it will take place at our Cincinnati, Ohio location at 2115 Schappelle Lane, Cincinnati, OH on Tuesday, January 7th, 2020 from 8:30am to 11:30am.

CLICK HERE to find out more information and to register!

Merry Christmas from SERVPRO of Boone County!

12/25/2019 (Permalink)

All of us at SERVPRO of Boone County would like to take this time to express our sincere gratitude for those that make our success possible. We know that our accomplishments and achievements in the property restoration industry would not be possible without our dedicated employees, hard working colleagues in the restoration industry, and our trusting customers. We truly appreciate the efforts of all those that we work with day in and day out to help our customers in their time of need. We would like to say thank you for your continued loyalty and support. We truly appreciate working with you and our sincere wish is that you find peace, joy, hope, and happiness now and in the new year ahead!

Merry Christmas!

SERVPRO of Boone County

Practice Safety in the Kitchen this Holiday Season & Always!

12/16/2019 (Permalink)

During the holidays, to celebrate the season, families and friends will gather to enjoy delicious holiday dinners together. With cooking being the number one cause of home fires, it is very important to follow specific cooking safety tips in order to help avoid a home fire disaster.

The American Red Cross offers many suggestions to help avoid fires in the kitchen:

  • Never leave cooking food unattended.
  • If simmering, baking, roasting or broiling food, check it regularly.
  • Use a timer as a reminder that the stove or oven is on.
  • Don’t wear loose clothing or sleeves while cooking.
  • Keep children and pets away from the cooking area.
  • Keep flammable items away from the stove or oven.
  • Clean cooking surfaces on a regular basis to avoid the buildup of grease.
  • Have a fire extinguisher on hand and understand how to use it properly.
  • Make it a routine to check the kitchen before leaving the home or going to bed each night to ensure that the stove and oven is turned off.
  • Install working smoke alarms near the kitchen and on each floor of the home, near bedrooms.
  • Replace smoke alarm batteries regularly so that they are always in good working order.

In the unfortunate event of a fire disaster, SERVPRO of Boone County will be there to help, anytime, day or night. We are locally owned and operated and are ready and able to respond quickly to any fire damage emergency this holiday season and always.

Steps to Thaw Frozen Pipes

12/2/2019 (Permalink)

During the cold months, we often see water damage situations as a result of frozen and bursting pipes. If you turn on your faucet, and only a trickle of water comes out, a frozen pipe may just be the culprit. If you suspect that you have a frozen pipe, care must be taken when thawing, because if the pipe has already burst, water will flood your home. If the pipe has burst, it is important to turn off the water at the main shutoff valve.

If the water is still running and the pipe has not yet burst, there are steps that can be taken to try to thaw the pipe.

  1. Turn on the faucet. As you heat and thaw the pipe, you want the water to be able to flow through.
  2. Using an electric heating pad wrapped around the pipe, an electric hair dryer, or a portable space heather, apply heat to the frozen section of the pipe. Apply the heat to the pipe until full water pressure is restored.
  3. Check all other faucets in the home for potentially frozen pipes.

If it’s too late and you end up with a burst pipe and water damage in your home, remember that SERVPRO of Boone County is available 24 hours a day to provide emergency service!

Thanksgiving Wishes from SERVPRO of Boone County

11/27/2019 (Permalink)

We would like to take this time to express our appreciation to our valued customers as well as our talented and dedicated employees.

To our customers…We understand that when you reach out to us for help, most of the time it is when you are experiencing difficult and stressful times. We are truly grateful for the trust and confidence that you place in us to help you through these times and return your life to normal. Homeowners, business owners, agents, and adjusters…we are thankful for your trust in us to handle the job right!

To our employees…We greatly appreciate your hard work and commitment. Whether you are in the office or out in the field as a water or fire technician, we are grateful that you are willing to put in long hours day after day in messy situations in order to help families and businesses get their lives back in order. We admire your willingness to continually learn and grow in order to improve our services to our customers. We realize that our successes would not be possible without you!

Happy Thanksgiving!

SERVPRO of Boone County

HVAC Systems Should Be Routinely Inspected!

11/18/2019 (Permalink)

Over time, HVAC systems can get dirty and then potentially circulate dust, pollen, mold, or other contaminants throughout a home or business. This risk for poor air quality makes it important to have the HVAC system routinely inspected and maintained.

The SERVPRO of Boone County professionals can inspect HVAC systems and make recommendations about the best way to address air quality concerns. Maintaining the HVAC system not only provides cleaner air to breathe, but it saves money by allowing the system to run more efficiently. It can also help eliminate odors as well as reduce the potential for mold growth.

Make it a priority to have your HVAC system and ductwork routinely inspected. Call us at 859-745-3400 or CLICK HERE to learn more about how SERVPRO of Boone County can help!

Beware of Frozen Pipes this Winter!

11/4/2019 (Permalink)

As we near the cold, winter months, the risk for frozen pipes increases. And burst pipes is one of the most common causes of water damage to properties during the winter.

Pipes most at risk for freezing are those located in the unheated interior spaces of a property such as basements, attics, and garages. Luckily, there are steps that can be taken to help keep the pipes warm, the water running, and your property dry!

  • If there are water supply lines in the garage, always keep the garage doors closed.
  • In order to keep warmer air circulating around the pipes, open kitchen and bathroom cabinet doors.
  • Let the cold water slowly drip from the faucets.
  • If you plan to be away during the cold months, keep the heat on and set the temperature to no lower than 55 degrees F.
  • Add insulation to attics, basements, and crawl spaces.

Experiencing water damage can be very stressful and, depending on the extent of the damage, also very costly. It is important to be aware of the common causes of water damage and take steps to alleviate the risks as much as possible.

If you find yourself with a water damage situation in your property, SERVPRO of Boone County is always here to help. CLICK HERE to learn more about the steps of the water damage restoration process.

Happy Halloween from SERVPRO of Boone County!

10/31/2019 (Permalink)

Happy Halloween to all our valued customers, coworkers, and friends! Here are just a few quick tips to help ensure your night isn’t spoiled by an accident or mishap! Have the kids wear reflective tape or stickers and always cross the street in a crosswalk…carrying flashlights is also suggested. These tips are always important, but especially if it happens to be a dark, stormy night! For better vision, try makeup or face paint instead of masks. And for fire prevention, costumes should be flame-resistant or flame-retardant and decorations should never be placed near flames. A battery-operated light to light up your carved pumpkin is also a much safer option than a real candle. Don’t forget to check the kids’ candy for anything that looks suspicious.  And if you are out driving during trick or treating hours, use extra caution. Be safe and enjoy the night!

SERVPRO of Boone County

Structural Damage from Storms Can Cause Interior Water Damage

10/21/2019 (Permalink)

When it comes to storm and other weather-related damage, many people only think of the exterior structural damage to their property like fallen trees and damaged roofs. But what some people fail to realize is that exterior storm damage can often lead to interior water damage to their property. Water will always travel the path of least resistance and unfortunately after exterior structural damage to a property, this often means the water will end up inside the property. A quick response is crucial to help limit the additional interior damage. In the event of water or storm damage, SERVPRO of Boone County responds immediately, any time, day or night. We understand the importance of responding quickly to help prevent secondary damage and reduce restoration costs. Roofing service, board ups, roof tarps and tree removal are all among the emergency services we provide. Additionally, we are experts in water damage restoration and provide professional and efficient service to our customers. CLICK HERE to learn more!

Promoting Fire Safety in the Community

10/7/2019 (Permalink)

The staff at SERVPRO of Boone County welcomes any opportunity to give back to the community and bring awareness to fire safety. For example, we were thrilled to participate in a community event for the residents of Forest Park, Ohio. Teaming up with the City of Forest Park Fire Department, the Home Depot of Forest Park, the City of Forest Park and Bryant Hartke Construction, we helped provide a day of fun activities including “touch a fire truck”, “touch a helicopter”, a mobile smoke house, fire demonstrations, craft making, chili tasting contests, and a grill-out. All the activities were meant to promote fire safety in an enjoyable and engaging way. Our staff provided food and drinks for the event and had a fantastic time grilling hot dogs, serving food and drinks and interacting with the community!

Are You Prepared if Disaster Strikes?

9/23/2019 (Permalink)

September is National Preparedness month and SERVPRO of Boone County is Here to Help you get prepared! Different types of disasters and emergencies happen throughout the year to homes, schools and businesses and the goal of acknowledging National Preparedness Month is to remind everyone to take steps to be better prepared for them.

There are different ways to prepare for a disaster. Installing smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors, practicing escape plans and tornado drills, learning basic life-saving skills like CPR and first aid, and putting together emergency kits are all simple ways to help prepare for a disaster.

An additional way that business owners and school administrators can prepare is to work with our SERVPRO professionals to develop an Emergency Ready Profile (ERP). In the event of a disaster, this profile will help minimize business interruption by having an immediate plan of action already in place. (CLICK HERE to learn more about developing an ERP with SERVPRO.)

Disaster preparedness can seem overwhelming at times and these are just some simple suggestions. For even more helpful information, check out resources like the ready.gov and fema.gov websites.

SERVPRO OF BOONE COUNTY to Offer 3 Hour Continuing Education Course for OHIO & KY Credits on September 19th from 12:30pm - 3:30pm

9/12/2019 (Permalink)

We are excited to be hosting another upcoming Greater Cincinnati Insurance Board continuing education insurance credit course entitled, “Distracted Driving with Tom Ryan, AIC.” This seminar will give the attendee an analysis of how distracted driving affects insurance. Distracted driving is defined as any activity that diverts attention from safe driving. It includes talking or texting on your phone, eating or drinking, talking to people in your vehicle, adjusting the radio or navigation systems, and impairment due to alcohol or drug use. This seminar will address these issues as they relate to auto liability insurance. Topics covered include the history of distractions, coverage issues, claims analysis issues, and criminal issues based on distracted driving statutes.

The course is approved for 3 credit hours in OHIO and KENTUCKY and it will take place at our Cincinnati, Ohio location at 2115 Schappelle Lane, Cincinnati, OH on Thursday, September 19, 2019 from 12:30pm to 3:30pm.

CLICK HERE to find out more information and to register!

Restoring the Contents of a Home After a Fire

9/9/2019 (Permalink)

When a fire occurs in a home, the damage is not always contained to the immediate area of the fire. Conversely, smoke and soot travel throughout the property, leaving a trail of damage behind. We, at SERVPRO of Boone County, understand that the personal belongings in a home are treasures of life that represent hard work and accomplishments. We know that the value of photographs, books, and other life mementos cannot be measured. That is why our fire technicians specialize in restoring contents damaged by fire and keep a "restore" versus "replace" mentality during the restoration process. After a fire, they take extra care to clean and restore the contents of the home to preloss condition.

In caring for the contents of a property after a fire, our technicians have expertise in:

  • Contents Restoration
  • Move Outs / Pack Outs
  • Electronic Cleanup
  • Document / Photograph Drying
  • Contents Claim Inventory Service

Our fire technicians know that a home fire is a very stressful situation for a homeowner and they strive to provide excellent customer service by working efficiently and professionally.

SERVPRO OF BOONE COUNTY to Offer 3 Hour Continuing Education Course for OHIO Credits on September 19th from 8:30am - 11:30am

9/2/2019 (Permalink)

We are excited to be hosting an upcoming Greater Cincinnati Insurance Board continuing education insurance credit course! The class is entitled, “Ohio FAIR Plan Seminar with Jim McKee, CPCU, AIS, API, AIM.” This seminar will give the attendees valuable information about the Ohio FAIR Plan Underwriting Association. It will provide an overview of Ohio FAIR Plan procedures, policies, coverages and other information. Topics covered will include types of policies written, coverages, application, underwriting procedures, claims as well as other helpful information.

This course is approved for 3 credit hours in OHIO only and it will take place at our Cincinnati, Ohio location at 2115 Schappelle Lane, Cincinnati, OH on Thursday, September 19, 2019 from 8:30am to 11:30am.

CLICK HERE to find out more information and to register!

Limit Damage After a Fire

8/26/2019 (Permalink)

Even if a fire in a home or business is contained to one floor, the damage from the fire may affect other floors of the building as well. Soot and smoke can travel throughout the structure leaving a trail of damage behind. If the damage is not handled properly, long-term effects can result, adding to an already stressful situation.

After contacting SERVPRO of Boone County, there are a couple of steps you can take to help avoid further damage to your property. First of all, keep movement throughout the building to a minimum. This will help avoid tracking the soot throughout other areas of the building. And secondly, place clean towels or linens on the carpeted traffic areas. Realizing that there will be some movement within the building during the restoration process, this will help prevent additional soiling.

The SERVPRO of Boone County fire technicians are highly trained and well-equipped to handle the cleanup and care of your home or office building and its contents following a fire incident. Before attempting to clean the fire damage yourself, contact us for your fire restoration needs. CLICK HERE to learn more!

Be Better Prepared for Disasters

8/12/2019 (Permalink)

Different types of disasters and emergencies happen throughout the year in homes, businesses and communities. And SERVPRO of Boone County likes to remind everyone to take steps to be better prepared for them.

There are many ways individuals can prepare for an emergency or disaster event including installing smoke alarms, taking first-aid classes and practicing fire escape plans.

But what can businesses do?

Studies show that after experiencing a disaster, many businesses are forced to close. Pre-planning can help ensure that emergency resources are readily available, minimizing business interruption and increasing the chance for survival.

SERVPRO of Boone County is pleased to offer the SERVPRO Emergency Ready Program. With this program, at NO COST, an Emergency Ready Profile is developed specific to your business and an immediate plan of action is put in place. In the event of a disaster, this plan is the key to timely mitigation and can be the difference between surviving a disaster or completely shutting down.

Helpful Tips for Safer Grilling

7/29/2019 (Permalink)

With the summer season, comes family picnics and outdoor grilling. According to the U.S. Fire Administration, grill fires cause an estimated $37 million in property loss each year. Patios, terraces, screened-in porches and courtyards are leading home locations for grill fires.

SERVPRO of Boone County would like to share the following grilling safety tips to help prevent outdoor cooking fire damage.

  • Only use grills outdoors
  • Keep grills away from siding and deck railings.
  • Clean grills often and remove grease or fat build-up.
  • Make sure the gas grill lid is open before lighting.
  • Always have a three foot safe-zone around grills.
  • Dispose of coals after they have cooled in a metal can.
  • Never leave grills unattended.

Knowing and following even a few fire safety grilling tips can help everyone have a safer and happier summer. In the event that you experience a grilling mishap and have a fire damage situation at your home, give us a call for quick, professional help!

SERVPRO of Boone County 859-746-3400

American Red Cross Offers Mobile Apps

7/15/2019 (Permalink)

The American Red Cross has designed a great, new smartphone app designed to give users instant access to very valuable information. The app presents the user with lifesaving first aid instruction as well as helpful disaster preparedness information. The idea behind the app is that by having this useful information at the fingertips of millions of people, many lives will be saved.

The app includes videos and interactive quizzes. And to make learning more fun, users who take the quizzes can earn badges to share on social media and boast about their new lifesaving expertise!

Some highlights of the new app include:

  • Every day scenario first aid instructions
  • Emergency event instructions and 9-1-1 call button
  • Shareable badges unlocked with interactive quizzes
  • Videos and animations to make learning more fun
  • Disaster preparedness tips for severe weather situations like hurricanes and tornadoes

This new app is free and available to all iPhone and Android users. To learn more, CLICK HERE to visit the American Red Cross website!

Emergency Service in Northern Kentucky

7/1/2019 (Permalink)

When severe storms hit, they most often hit unexpectedly and can be devastating to a home. Hail storms, tornadoes, floods and blizzards all have the potential to damage a home.

Roof Damage

Roofs are most commonly affected by storms and can be very costly for homeowners to repair. Tornadoes and high winds can cause fallen trees and branches. Shingles can be blown off leading to water leaking into the home and causing water damage. Vents, gutters, downspouts and flashing are all susceptible to damage during storms as well.

Following a storm, in order to prevent further damage, it is always important to look for signs of roof damage.  Some things to look for are holes, missing or dented shingles, and dented or cracked gutters and downspouts.

SERVPRO of Boone County is available 24/7 for emergency service in Northern Kentucky if your home is damaged by a storm and you need help immediately. We understand the importance of responding quickly to help prevent secondary damage and reduce restoration costs. Some of the emergency services that we provide include temporary board up, temporary fencing, tarping, and tree removal. So if you find yourself in need of emergency service, give us a call any time day or night! (859)746-3400


6/24/2019 (Permalink)

We are hosting a Greater Cincinnati Insurance Board continuing education insurance credit course entitled, “What Happens After the Loss with Tom Ryan, AIC.” This seminar will give an overview of the basic rules of evidence as they are used in the claims handling process. This information will help the agent in advising policyholders to understand the investigations required in settling claims. It will give the attendees knowledge about the various aspects of claims handling. The basic laws of evidence, the relevancy of this evidence and how this evidence is used to protect the client will be discussed. The instructor for this course is Tom Ryan, AIC and it is approved for 6 credit hours in OHIO and KENTUCKY. The course will take place at our Cincinnati, Ohio location at 2115 Schappelle Lane, Cincinnati, OH on Tuesday, July 9, 2019. from 8:30am to 3:30pm.

CLICK HERE for more information and to register!

SERVPRO of Boone County Supports the Alliance for Catholic Urban Education

6/17/2019 (Permalink)

The Alliance for Catholic Urban Education (ACUE) is an organization within the Department of Catholic Schools of the Diocese of Covington committed to offering the gift of a quality Catholic education to economically disadvantaged students. This organization works with the urban community in Kenton and Campbell counties in Northern Kentucky to ensure that children within the inner-city areas of the diocese continue to have access to a Catholic education. Their hope is to instill in each student the ability and determination to be spiritually, intellectually, physically, morally and socially adept as they mature into adulthood.

SERVPRO of Boone County understands the importance of providing an exemplary moral and academic education to the young and we value any opportunity to support our local community. We are proud to offer continuing support for such a great organization.

What to Look for During Severe Weather

6/3/2019 (Permalink)

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is a scientific agency within the United States Department of Commerce that focuses on the conditions of the oceans, major waterways, and the atmosphere. One of the main functions of NOAA is to warn of dangerous weather.

According to The Storm Prediction Center of the NOAA, when it comes to tornadoes, there is no guaranteed safety. Weather forecasting is not perfect, so it is possible for a tornado to occur without a warning. Knowing the signs of a tornado is one way to increase safety.

Here are several things the NOAA website says to look or listen for:

  1. Strong, persistent rotation in the cloud base.
  2. Whirling dust or debris on the ground under a cloud base -- tornadoes sometimes have no funnel!
  3. Hail or heavy rain followed by either dead calm or a fast, intense wind shift. Many tornadoes are wrapped in heavy precipitation and can't be seen.
  4. Loud, continuous roar or rumble, which doesn't fade in a few seconds like thunder.

These are just a few tips on what to look for during severe weather. More information can be found on the NOAA website. Tornadoes or severe storms often hit suddenly and can cause property damage that needs immediate attention. The SERVPRO of Boone County crews are always ready to help with services like securing a property, removing fallen trees, and tarping a roof. CLICK HERE to learn about other ways we are here to help.

Watch Out for Roofing Scams!

5/20/2019 (Permalink)

Due to its critical role of keeping the elements out, the roof of a property is one of its most important components. So when repair is needed, there is no time to waste! Unfortunately, because of this, the roofing industry is very prone to scammers that prey on those that are desperate for roofing work. Understanding the signs of roofing scams and doing a little extra research can help prevent falling victim to a scammer! Here are different types of roofing scams and some helpful tips to avoid them:

Types of Roofing Scams:

  • Recommending Unnecessary Repairs – New roof or just repairs?
  • Inadequate Repair Work – The actual damage is often below the surface and cannot be seen once work is completed.
  • Overcharging
  • Disappearing Down Payment – The roofing company requires a down payment to begin and then never returns to do the work.
  • Fluctuating Bid – The initial bid is low but when work begins unexpected costs or unforeseen problems arise.

Tips to Avoid Roofing Scams:

  • Speak to multiple contractors before hiring one. Be sure to compare recommended repairs, completion times, and costs.
  • Ask friends, neighbors, and family for recommendations.
  • Make sure all estimates and contracts are in writing.
  • Be cautious when providing down payments before work begins or at least before materials are dropped off.
  • Don’t sign until your insurance company has inspected the roof.

If the roof of your property is damaged and needs to be repaired or replaced, act quickly to avoid interior water or mold damage! And if you find water or mold damage, SERVPRO of Boone County is Here to Help!


5/14/2019 (Permalink)

We are hosting a Greater Cincinnati Insurance Board continuing education insurance credit course entitled, “In’s & Out’s of the CGL Policy” This seminar will cover the various aspects of the Commercial General Liability policy. It will review definitions, policy structure, insuring agreement, exclusions, coverages, coverage triggers, and duty to defend. ISO forms will be used as the basis of the presentation. One of the most frequent problem areas is the idea that a contractual requirement to add an additional insured to an insurance policy is the same as a contractual hold harmless or indemnification agreement. While both clauses frequently appear in the same contract, they are separate and distinct from one another. The recent Oio Supreme Court decision about faulty workmanship of subcontractors will also be discussed.

The instructor for this course is Tom Ryan, AIC and it is approved for 3 credit hours in OHIO and KENTUCKY. The course will take place at our Cincinnati, Ohio location at 2115 Schappelle Lane, Cincinnati, OH on Tuesday, May 21, 2019. from 12:30pm to 3:30pm.

CLICK HERE for more information and to register!


5/9/2019 (Permalink)

We are hosting a Greater Cincinnati Insurance Board continuing education insurance credit course entitled, “UM/UIM Coverage Issues with Tom Ryan, AIC.” This seminar will review Uninsured and Underinsured coverage and policy provisions of the Personal Automobile Policy. It will discuss how to properly interpret the uninsured/underinsured motorist coverages and provisions. Topics include: who is a family member, definition of occupying a vehicle, stacking, emotional injuries, co-ownership of a vehicle, intentional acts, and more.

The instructor for this course is Tom Ryan, AIC and it is approved for 3 credit hours in OHIO and KENTUCKY. The course will take place at our Cincinnati, Ohio location at 2115 Schappelle Lane, Cincinnati, OH on Tuesday, May 21, 2019. from 8:30am to 11:30am. Breakfast will be provided!

CLICK HERE for more information and to register!

SERVPRO of Boone County Supports the Alzheimer's Association

5/6/2019 (Permalink)

Alzheimer’s is a disease that attacks the brain and is the most common form of dementia. According to the Alzheimer’s Association, more than 5 million Americans are living with the disease and 1 in 3 seniors dies with Alzheimer’s or another dementia. The number of Americans living with Alzheimer’s disease is growing rapidly and by mid-century, someone in the United States will develop the disease every 33 seconds.

The Alzheimer Association is a non-profit health organization which focuses on care, support, and research for Alzheimer’s disease. The mission of the association is to eliminate Alzheimer’s disease through the advancement of research; to provide and enhance care and support for all affected; and to reduce the risk of dementia through the promotion of brain health.

SERVPRO of Boone County recognizes the impact Alzheimer’s disease can have on families, communities, and the healthcare system and is a proud supporter of the Alzheimer’s Association. By donating to the Alzheimer’s Association - Greater Cincinnati Chapter, SERVPRO of Boone County hopes to further the Association’s mission and provide support for those living with and affected by the disease.

SERVPRO is the Official Cleanup and Restoration Company of the PGA Tour

4/22/2019 (Permalink)

Did you know that SERVPRO is a sponsor of the PGA Tour? We are very proud to be designated as the official cleanup and restoration company of both the PGA Tour and the Champions Tour! We are excited that for the upcoming 2019 schedule, SERVPRO will have brand presence at the following events:

  • Farmers Insurance Open, January 24-27 San Diego, CA
  • Chubb Classic February 11-17 Naples, FL
  • THE PLAYERS Championship March 14-17 Ponte Vedra Beach, FL
  • Valero Texas Open April 4-7 San Antonio, TX
  • ShopRite LPGA Classic June 3-9 Galloway, NJ
  • American Family Insurance Championship June 15-23 Madison, WI
  • Wyndham Championship August 1-4 Greensboro, NC
  • THE NORTHERN TRUST August 8-11 Jersey City, NJ
  • PURE Insurance Championship September 24-29 Pebble Beach, CA
  • The RSM Classic November 15-18 Sea Island, GA

So, for all the golf lovers either attending or tuning in to these great events, be sure to look for signs of SERVPRO!

Be Prepared & Stay Safe in the Event of a Tornado

4/8/2019 (Permalink)

Now that the warmer months have arrived, we are seeing beautiful flowering trees, warmer temperatures and budding tulips. But with the wonderful warmer season, also comes the threat of tornadoes.

Tornadoes often appear with little warning and bring strong, disastrous winds. Serious damage, including structural and water damage, often occur. While tornadoes are difficult to predict, we can prepare for them by thinking ahead and coming up with a tornado safety plan ahead of time.

Dr. Greg Forbes, a severe weather expert at The Weather Channel, suggests following these tips in order to be ready if a tornado strikes:

  1. Figure out a safe place to ride out the storm – If caught out in a storm, get home as quickly as possible, and if that’s not possible, get to a sturdy building.
  2. Get away from windows and get underground – Stay as far away from windows as possible and make every effort to get underground. A basement or a storm shelter is an ideal location to ride out the storm.
  3. If a tornado appears while you’re on the road… Make every attempt to find a safe building for shelter. If you can’t find one, NEVER hide under an overpass. It is safer to find a ditch, get down and cover your head. Get as far away from your vehicle as possible.
  4. Put on your shoes and a helmet – If you are home when the storm hits, prepare for the worst. Put on shoes just in case your home is damaged and you may be forced to walk through debris. If you own a bike helmet, it could save you from life-threatening head trauma.
  5. Keep your pets on a leash or in a carrier, and bring them with you – Your pets are part of your family so make sure to bring them with you to your safe place. Make sure their collar is on for identification and keep them leashed if they are not in a crate.
  6. Don’t leave your home and try to drive away from a tornado – Tornadoes can shift their path, and if you think you are directly in line of the storm, being in your home is safer than being in your car.

Tornadoes are unpredictable and can devastate a home and neighborhood in seconds. Flooding and water damage can also occur due to structural damage caused by the severe winds. Being prepared and knowing what to do if caught in a tornado increases the chances of safety and survival during the storm.

SERVPRO of Boone County is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to provide emergency service after storm damage. So if you need help, call us anytime!


What are the Best Conditions to Paint Your Home's Exterior?

3/25/2019 (Permalink)

Many homeowners are looking for a simple, lower-cost way to update their home. A fresh coat of exterior paint is inexpensive, protects the home from water and mold damage, and offers better curb appeal. So when is the best time of year to paint a home’s exterior? In order to ensure that you will get the most out of your new paint, it is essential that the job is done in the most ideal conditions.

Ideal Conditions for Exterior Painting

    1. Outside temperatures: Paint manufacturers will usually recommend minimum temperatures for painting. Generally, a good guideline is that if you are comfortable without the heat or air conditioning, then it is a good time for painting. It is also best to paint in times with smaller temperature fluctuations. Big temperature swings from morning to night are not good when painting.
    2. Rain and humidity: It is important to remember that paint should only be applied to a dry surface. The painting surface can become moist either by direct contact with rain or snow or indirectly by humidity or dew in the air. Always plan your painting project for times when there is no rain in the forecast for the next couple of days and be sure to wait to start painting after a rain until everything is completely dry. Also take note of humidity levels, as too high or too low humidity will influence how the paint dries.
    3. Wind: High winds while painting or before the paint is completely dry will cause complications. Dust and other particles blown onto the wet paint surface will stick. Paint sprayers do not operate as effectively in windy conditions and ladders may be unstable.
    4. Sunlight: Direct sunlight on drying paint can cause it to dry too quickly, leading to cracking or peeling. It is best to plan your painting route around the shifting sun.

Upcoming Continuing Education Course - April 4th, 2019

3/18/2019 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Boone County is offering a free continuing education insurance credit course. This course is for 3 credit hours in OHIO / KENTUCKY and will be held at our SERVPRO of Northwest Cincinnati location at 2115 Schappelle Lane, Forest Park, Ohio, 45240 on April 4, 2019 from 8:30am to 11:30am with registration beginning at 8:00am. Please note that 100% attendance is required to be eligible to receive the CE credits!

The premise for this course is that although we may have solid ethical foundations and usually make rational ethical decisions, ethical lapses are likely to come when we are stressed, angry, upset or worried. We will explore what “Ethics” is by participating in group activities that will help with understanding and making ethical decisions.

For more information and reservations, contact Meg O’Brien, SERVPRO of Boone County at 513-614-1047 or email at mobrien@hartkes.com.

Course Number: C10183-KY, 37868-OH

Sprinkler Systems in Commercial Buildings

3/11/2019 (Permalink)

Fire is a major concern for business owners. Commercial fires can lead to injury or death of employees, damaged merchandise and equipment, lost records, and quite possibly, the permanent closure of the business.

Sprinkler systems in commercial building are one factor that improves fire safety in the workplace. Commercial buildings of all kinds should be equipped with a sprinkler system.

But how does a business owner know the sprinkler system requirements for his building? Fireline.com conveniently outlines sprinkler system requirements on their website.

According to the website, here are some of the requirements of the National Fire Protection Association for commercial sprinkler systems:

  • Buildings more than 55 feet high must have sprinkler systems.
  • Any new building with a fire area of more than 5000 square feet must have sprinklers.
  • Fire pumps should be installed to increase the amount of pressure in a single sprinkler system.
  • Fire pumps should be housed in a separate building whenever possible.
  • Water supply control valves should be accessible for easy operation.

There is never a convenient time for a fire disaster to strike a business. But SERVPRO of Boone County understands that in the unfortunate event of a fire, it is important to provide excellent service while minimizing the disruption to the daily operations of the business. We are always here to help in the event of a commercial fire. CLICK HERE to learn more about our expert commercial restoration services. Keep your business safe!

New Home Exterior Paint Has Functional Benefits

2/25/2019 (Permalink)

Are you looking for ways to update the look of your home and gain functional benefits as well? Painting your home’s exterior might be something to seriously consider.

Functional Benefits of Fresh Exterior Paint

    1. Protection against the elements: Rain, wind, snow, and intense sunlight can all be harsh on a home. Paint acts like a protective shield to the exterior surfaces and can even increase the life span of siding.
    2. Maintains structural integrity: Unprotected wood is susceptible to water damage which can lead to mold and mildew which in turn, can break down the structural integrity of the home.
    3. Better curb appeal: A home with a fresh coat of exterior paint can be attractive to a potential buyer. If a buyer likes the outside, there is a better chance he will like the inside.
    4. Identification of insect damage and prevention of termite damage: The painting process can uncover insect damage and infestations can be stopped.

Not only is fresh exterior paint one of the most cost-effective home projects, it makes a home more pleasing aesthetically and offers these functional benefits as well.

Green Means Clean at SERVPRO of Boone County

2/11/2019 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Boone County is proud to be a part of the EPA’s Design for Environment (EPA/DFE) initiative! This initiative is designed to encourage the use of environmentally friendly or “Green” Cleaning products for all cleaning tasks, thus making our environment a safer place to live!

The SERVPRO of Boone County cleaning technicians use a Green Clean product for carpet and upholstery cleaning, all surface cleaning and window cleaning. The Carpet and Upholstery cleaner is a “one product does all” cleaner. The All-Surface cleaner is designed for any surface that can be wiped or mopped such as walls, ceilings, countertops, floors, etc. And the Window Cleaner is an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional glass cleaner. These cleaning products are all safe and non-toxic.

SERVPRO of Boone County understands the potential harm to the environment that harsh cleaning chemicals can cause. We are always looking for ways to reduce these effects and improve our cleaning processes for the betterment of the environment!

Use Caution When Burning Candles in the Home

1/28/2019 (Permalink)

In the winter months many enjoy enhancing their rooms with beautiful scented candles hoping to bring a calm and cozy feeling to their home. Candles are a very popular accessory to home décor, but can also cause serious damage to homes if not used with caution. As a matter of fact, according to the National Candle Association (NCA), accidental candle fires account for approximately four percent of all U.S. residential fires.

The NCA provides a list of Candle Safety Rules with the hopes of reducing residential fire incidents caused by candle mishaps. Several of these tips include:

  • Always keep a burning candle within sight.
  • Never burn a candle on or near anything that can catch fire.
  • Keep burning candles out of the reach of children and pets.
  • Trim candlewicks to ¼ inch each time before burning.
  • Keep burning candles away from drafts, vents and ceiling fans.
  • Never touch or move a burning candle when the wax is liquid.
  • Never extinguish a candle with water.
  • Never use a candle as a night light.

Burning candles can have a calming effect, bringing a sense of peace and relaxation after a long day. The National Candle Association provides many more safety tips and suggestions and can be found on their website at candles.org. Help protect your home and safety by following these suggestions when enjoying your candles!

Minimize Business Interruption After Disaster by Developing an Emergency Ready Profile!

1/14/2019 (Permalink)

Studies show that after experiencing a disaster like a fire, tornado, or flood, many businesses never reopen or if they do survive, will shut down within 2 years following the disaster. As a business owner or manager, pre-planning ensures that emergency resources are available to you when you need them. This is why it is essential to have an emergency response plan and partner in place. Our professionals at SERVPRO of Boone County can help you put an emergency plan in place that will help protect your business from disaster.

With the SERVPRO Emergency Ready Plan, SERVPRO of Boone County becomes an important part of your disaster response plan by meeting with building administrators to collect site-specific information to ensure readiness should disaster strike. This information includes building layout, electrical, equipment and water protocols, etc.

By developing a SERVPRO Emergency READY Profile for your business, you minimize business interruption by having an immediate plan of action. Knowing what to do and what to expect in advance is the key to timely mitigation and can help minimize how water and fire damage can affect your business.

CLICK HERE to learn more about the SERVPRO Emergency READY Profile!

Continuing Education Course on February 1st, 2019

1/7/2019 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Boone County is offering a free continuing education insurance credit course entitled, “Ethics.” This course is for 3 credit hours in OHIO / KENTUCKY and will be held at our SERVPRO of Northwest Cincinnati location at 2115 Schappelle Lane, Forest Park, Ohio, 45240 on February 1st, 2019 from 8:30am to 11:30am with registration beginning at 8:00am. Please note that 100% attendance is required to be eligible to receive the CE credits and that breakfast will be provided!

The premise for this course is that although we may have solid ethical foundations and usually make rational ethical decisions, ethical lapses are likely to come when we are stressed, angry, upset or worried. We will explore what “Ethics” is by participating in group activities that will help with understanding and making ethical decisions.

For more information and reservations, contact Meg O’Brien, SERVPRO of Boone County at 513-614-1047 or email at mobrien@hartkes.com.

Happy New Year from SERVPRO of Boone County!

12/31/2018 (Permalink)

Ringing in the New Year means new resolutions for many, such as living healthier lives, dropping bad habits or developing better organizational skills. Our goal at SERVPRO of Boone County is to have a team of quality people that will always provide excellent customer service to help our clients in their times of need. Our New Year’s resolution is to be committed to continuing to improve on the services we provide. We strive for 100% customer satisfaction. We know that by staying up to date on the latest techniques, equipment and resources, we will be ready for whatever happens. With open minds and continued training we will become even more efficient at making it “Like it never even happened.”

Happy New Year from SERVPRO of Boone County! We hope 2019 brings success, happiness, and prosperity!

Holiday Wishes from SERVPRO of Boone County!

12/24/2018 (Permalink)

During the holiday season, our thoughts turn gratefully to those that have helped make our accomplishments a reality. We understand that our success in the mold, water, and fire damage restoration industry would not be possible without teamwork. Our dedicated colleagues in the restoration industry, our great team of committed employees, and our trusting customers are all a crucial part of our successes. We truly appreciate the efforts of all those that we work with on a daily basis to help our customers in their times of need. We would like to take this time to say thank you for your continued loyalty and consideration throughout this past year. We sincerely wish that you find peace, joy, hope, and happiness today and in the new year ahead!

Merry Christmas from your friends at SERVPRO of Boone County!!

Holiday Travel Can Be Hectic!

12/17/2018 (Permalink)

Are you traveling during the holiday season? Many experience stress during the hustle and bustle of the holidays due to traveling during winter storms, heavy traffic or crowded airports. But taking steps to help cope with situations that may arise can help get you to your destination calmly. Travelchannel.com has provided the following tips to help you survive.


  • Do Your Research: Plan alternative routes when traffic gets overwhelming. Maybe there is a more scenic route that might take a little longer but has less traffic. When flying, be sure to check the airline’s restrictions ahead of time. Know the fees for carry-on luggage and checked bags.
  • Stay Connected: Load your smartphone with all the latest travel apps before leaving home. There are apps to provide updates on flights, airport lines, cheapest gas, cleanest bathrooms, etc. You name it and there’s probably an app for that!
  • Pack Light: If possible, avoid checking bags at the airport altogether.
  • Ship the Gifts or Give Gift Cards: For lighter travel, ship your gifts ahead of time or give gift cards.
  • Travel on Off-Peak Days: The day before the holiday is always the most highly traveled. Try traveling on the actual holiday to avoid crowds and traffic.
  • Travel Early or Late in the Day: Flights that leave early in the day are on-time more often. And avoid heavier traffic on the highways by traveling by car through the night.

Busy holiday travel is much easier to cope with if it is expected and planned for accordingly. While the hectic crowds and stress may not be completely avoided, one can definitely overcome the challenges by considering these tips when planning travel. Happy Holidays from SERVPRO of Boone County!

Be Aware of Fire Risks and Christmas Trees

12/3/2018 (Permalink)

Unfortunately, the holiday season is a time of the year that we see an increase in home fires. As families decorate their Christmas trees, they often do not realize the risk of fire that accompanies having a live Christmas tree in the home.

If a live Christmas tree is a part of your holiday traditions, there are some safety precautions to follow that can help guard against a home fire.

  • Be sure to choose a fresh tree.
  • Keep the tree away from any source of heat in the home.
  • Make sure the tree base is always filled with water.
  • Ensure that all Christmas lights are turned off at bedtime.
  • Avoid using damaged lights.
  • Dispose of the tree when it begins to lose its needles.

We wish for everyone to have a safe and happy holiday season. However, in the unfortunate event of a fire damage emergency, remember that SERVPRO of Boone County is always close by and ready to help, day or night, and even on holidays!

Upcoming Continuing Education Opportunity

11/28/2018 (Permalink)

We are hosting a Greater Cincinnati Insurance Board continuing education insurance credit course entitled, “Agents Ethical Responsibilities w/ Tom Ryan, AIC.” This course will discuss the ethical responsibility of the agent to the client and the insurance company in the transaction of insurance. It will review the legal and moral ethical responsibility in the transaction of insurance and examine the ethical duties an agent must understand. Topics will include introduction, ethical responsibilities of an agent, criminal activities of an agent, the justice system, negligence, duty of care agency law, and dual agency.

This course is approved for 3 credit hours in OHIO and KENTUCKY and will be held at our Covington, Kentucky location at 1001 Madison Avenue, Covington, Kentucky 41011 on Wednesday, December 12th, 2018 from 8:30am to 11:30am.

CLICK HERE for more information and to register!

Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at SERVPRO of Boone County!

11/22/2018 (Permalink)

On this Thanksgiving Day, we would like to say a special “Thank you” to our valued customers as well as our dedicated employees! Most times, when our customers reach out to us for help, they are experiencing difficult times in their lives. We appreciate the trust and confidence that they place in us to help them through and return their lives to normal. Homeowners, business owners, agents and adjusters…we appreciate your trust in us to handle the job right!

Additionally, we are very thankful for our dedicated employees. Our office staff and the water and fire crews put in long hours day after day. They are willing to put themselves in messy situations in order to help families and businesses get their lives back in order. They are eager to learn new processes so that we can continue improving on our services to our customers. We are very appreciative of their continual efforts and we realize that our successes would not be possible without their hard work and dedication.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Training at SERVPRO of Boone County

11/19/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO has been in the mitigation and restoration industries since 1967 and understands that professional training is critical to success in the industry. For that reason, not only is training offered at the regional level, in 1992 SERVPRO developed a National Training Center to teach valuable skills to franchise owners and insurance industry employees.

Training Opportunities within the SERVPRO System

Employee Certification Training is a self-paced program designed for franchise employees that covers topics like Fire Restoration, Crew Training, Water Restoration, and Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning. Certification is awarded at course completion.

New Franchise Training is available for new franchise owners as well as franchise employees. This 15 day in-house training program is held at the corporate training facility and covers all aspects of Fire Restoration, Water Restoration, Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning and Mold Mitigation.

SERVPRO also offers e-Learning. This web-based program is an on-going self-paced training program with video presentations and support materials. A knowledge test is given at the end of each training session to ensure a true understanding of the materials.

SERVPRO is an approved IICRC Training School that offers year-round classes. These classes cover categories including, Fire Restoration, Water Restoration, Carpet Cleaning, Upholstery Cleaning, and Applied Structural Drying.

And finally, SERVPRO offers both credit and non-credit courses for insurance agents and adjusters, real estate professionals and franchise staff. These programs are designed to improve knowledge of emergency mitigation.

SERVPRO understands the importance of improving the knowledge base of franchise owners, crew members and others involved in the restoration process. For that reason, training opportunities are always encouraged and made available to those working in the SERVPRO system.

SERVPRO of Boone County Proudly Supports First Responders

11/12/2018 (Permalink)

We are thrilled to participate in honoring America’s First Responders for their service and sacrifice with the new SERVPRO First Responder Bowl. This college football bowl game will be played on December 26, 2018 at the historic Cotton Bowl Stadium in Dallas, Texas. Kickoff is scheduled for 12:30pm and will be televised by ESPN. The purpose of this bowl game is to celebrate our friends, family, and fellow citizens who serve as first responders protecting and keeping peace in our communities. By working together, thousands of free tickets are provided to first responders and their families so that they can attend the game. The goal for this year is to distribute over 10,000 complimentary tickets. Along with the corporate sponsors, there is an opportunity to Sponsor a Responder to help provide these tickets. For just $15, a ticket can be purchased to sponsor a first responder to attend the 2018 SERVPRO First Responder Bowl with their family free of charge. CLICK HERE for tickets and information about Sponsoring a Responder.

Signs There May Be Mold Hiding in Your Home

11/5/2018 (Permalink)

Mold in a home isn’t always clearly visible to the eye or easy to find. But there are some warning signs to look out for that may indicate there is mold growth present.

Musty Odor

A musty smell that is constantly present is an indicator that mold may be growing somewhere in the home. Mold can grow behind walls and under flooring and it is important to locate the source of the odor in order to prevent further spreading.

Water and Moisture Issues

Mold thrives in moist areas. If you have ever had any issues with water damage like flooding basements, leaky pipes, or condensation, it is possible that mold has started to develop. Discoloration or water stains on ceilings, walls, and floors are all signs of water issues and potential mold growth.

Allergy Symptoms

Some people have allergies to mold. If you are allergic to mold and notice that your allergies flare up when you are home and you feel better when you are away, this may be a sign that there is hidden mold in your home.

It is very important to address mold issues quickly because if not resolved, it can spread throughout a property very fast. If you suspect that your home has a mold problem, SERVPRO of Boone County can inspect, assess and remediate your property. 859-746-3400


11/2/2018 (Permalink)

On Wednesday, November 14th, we are hosting a SERVPRO continuing education insurance credit course entitled, “Restorative Drying for Water Damage.” This course is designed for insurance agents, adjusters and real estate professionals to improve their knowledge of emergency mitigation. Ron Morehead will be the instructor and those in attendance will learn more about the water restoration process and how to better service customers. This course is approved for 2 credit hours in both Kentucky and Ohio.

The course will be held at our Covington, Kentucky location On Wednesday, November 14th at 1001 Madison Avenue, Covington, Kentucky, 41011 from 8:30am to 10:30am. Registration will begin promptly at 8:00am and breakfast and snacks will be provided to those in attendance.

If interested in attending or learning more about this opportunity, contact Megan O’Brien for more information and to register. Phone: (513) 614-1047 Email: mobrien@hartkes.com

Happy Halloween from SERVPRO of Boone County

10/31/2018 (Permalink)

We just want to wish all of our valued customers, coworkers, and friends a very happy and safe Halloween! Be cautious and practice safety tips so that a fun night isn’t spoiled by an accident or mishap! Make sure the kids wear reflective tape or stickers and always cross the street in a crosswalk. Makeup and face paint is always safer than masks and carrying flashlights is also a good idea. Make sure costumes are flame-resistant or flame-retardant and keep decorations away from open flames. A battery operated light inside the jack-o-lantern is also a much safer option than a real candle. Be sure to inspect the kids’ candy and throw away anything that is not sealed, homemade, or looks suspicious. And if you must be out driving during trick or treating hours, use extra caution. Drive slower than normal, keeping an eye out for kids darting between cars and into the road. Halloween can be a great time with the kids, dressing up, making decorations and trick-or-treating. Be safe and enjoy the night!

SERVPRO of Boone County

Exposure to Soot Can Be Dangerous

10/22/2018 (Permalink)

After facing a fire damage situation, some homeowners might think they can save some money by handling the cleanup themselves. But what many do not realize is that exposure to soot can actually be dangerous.

Soot is the fine black particles composed of carbon and produced by the incomplete combustion of coal, oil, wood, or other fuels. It can consist of toxic acids, chemicals, metals, soils, and dust. The toxic composition coupled with the fact that soot particles are extremely tiny is what makes it so dangerous. The airborne particles are virtually invisible so one can unknowingly be affected by inhalation or ingestion. It can travel into the lungs and bloodstream and has the potential to do serious damage.

So unfortunately, safety risks from a fire do not end once the fire is out. During the fire damage restoration process, it is important to have proper safety equipment and ventilation procedures to ensure the safety of those exposed. The SERVPRO of Boone County technicians have specialized fire damage restoration training and expertise to handle the cleanup in a safe and effective manner. So if you are faced with a fire damage situation, let the professionals do the work! Call us at (859)746-3400 and we can make it “Like it never even happened.”

Need OH or KY Credits? Here is an upcoming opportunity!

10/19/2018 (Permalink)

We are hosting a Greater Cincinnati Insurance Board continuing education insurance credit course entitled, “Understanding the Legal Process-Rules of Evidence w/ Tom Ryan, AIC.” This seminar will give an overview of the basic rules of evidence as they are used in the claims handling process. Those in attendance will learn information to help their policyholders understand the investigations required in settling claims. Topics will include claims litigation, the legal system, techniques in processing a claim, basic laws of evidence, and how this evidence is used to protect the client.

This course is for OHIO and KENTUCKY credits and will be held at our Forest Park, Ohio location at 2115 Schappelle Lane, Forest Park, Ohio, 45240 on Wednesday, November 7th, 2018 from 8:30am to 3:30pm.

CLICK HERE for more information and to register!

SERVPRO of Boone County Values the Community!

10/15/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Boone County is a locally owned and operated business and our staff values any opportunity to give back to our community. Our employees have graciously given their time serving meals to the hungry, packaging items to help flood and storm victims, participating in 5K walks, collecting donations for homeless shelters, and organizing food and toy drives for the less fortunate. Our tents have been spotted at local golf outings supporting organizations like The Boys and Girls Club of Greater Cincinnati and The Blue Goose Foundation. We have also enjoyed working with our local fire departments at fun events to help bring fire safety awareness to residents of the community. And children in our area have enjoyed the opportunity to explore our Disaster Recovery vehicles at local Touch-A-Truck events. When it comes to local events and helping those in need, our philosophy is that we live and work here too and we always take pleasure in supporting our neighbors!

Roof Repair is Top Priority

10/8/2018 (Permalink)

Weather can be unpredictable and when storms hit, the damage can be devastating to a home or business property.

The roofs of a property are most commonly affected by weather. And even small leaks can be critical to a property, posing structural problems, safety issues, and possibly even health risks. Roof damage can lead to interior water damage, interior mold and mildew issues, decreased energy efficiency and higher utility costs, and compromised structural integrity of the property.

Some roof damage can be difficult to spot. Signs to look for include missing or dented shingles, gutters or downspouts, water stains on interior ceilings or walls, and holes from fallen trees or branches.

It is okay to postpone some household issues or repairs, however, a roof repair or replacement should be TOP priority on your list of home maintenance projects! Avoid further damage to your property by making sure the roof is well maintained!

We Are Experts in Commercial Restoration

10/2/2018 (Permalink)

The appearance of a commercial property plays a big role in the success or failure of the business. That is why it is so important for business owners to choose wisely when they are looking for a restoration or professional cleaning company to provide service for their commercial property.

Our professional staff at SERVPRO of Boone County has the training and expertise to handle commercial restoration or cleaning projects of any kind and size. We have experience working with facilities in industries such as retail, education, healthcare, food service, and property management. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to get your business back to business! We understand that it is important to limit the disruptions to your everyday business operations as much as possible and will respond quickly to complete the job. We have extensive training in commercial restoration services that include water damage, fire damage, mold remediation, storm damage, odor removal, and professional cleaning. You can depend on us to get the job done correctly and promptly and get your property back to looking its very best!

CLICK HERE to learn more about our Commercial Services.

Why Insurance Agents and Adjusters Choose SERVPRO of Boone County

9/18/2018 (Permalink)

With years of experience in the property restoration industry, we understand that the job of the insurance agent is to keep claim costs down while still providing the best service for the insured and we are well qualified to help!

  • Our first priority is restoring the property as quickly as possible. The customer will appreciate our immediate response and the agent will know that this quick response helps limit the damage and restoration costs.
  • The SERVPRO of Boone County rule is always restore when possible and replace only when necessary. Restoring property is always less costly than replacing.
  • Our staff can provide an itemized loss inventory, complete with pictures of important items.
  • We can provide accurate information quickly because we use an electronic system for each project that provides online access to all job files.
  • Our technicians are thoroughly trained to ensure that customers receive the best service possible.

The job of SERVPRO of Boone County is to reassure the customer, provide excellent service and communicate with the insurance agents and adjusters quickly. We work together with the agents to provide quick and effective property restoration and make it “Like it never even happened.”

Be Prepared Can Help Prevent Flooding

9/10/2018 (Permalink)

According to inhabitat.com, there are two types of flooding, natural flooding and manmade flooding. Natural flooding occurs as a result of weather. Heavy rains, flash floods and snow melts are all examples of natural occurrences that can cause water damage. Man-made flooding results due to the malfunction of a man made object. Burst pipes, plumbing issues and faulty water heaters are examples of times when man made flooding can occur and cause water damage.

There are ways to prepare for and help lessen the risk for flooding. For natural disasters, it is important to have a plan in place to communicate with family, especially if evacuation is necessary. Putting together an emergency kit is also a good idea. If possible, preventing water from entering the building at all is always best. Waterproofing basements and sealing walls are both methods that can help keep the water out. For man-made disasters, first of all it is important to check the home insurance policy. Flood detection equipment can be installed to detect water and stop it from flowing into the home. Pipes, water heaters, plumbing, foundations, and drainage systems should all be checked routinely to ensure that they are functioning properly.

Of course, not all flooding can be foreseen and prevented and it can happen when least expected. SERVPRO of Boone County is available 24 hours a day and can respond immediately to a water damage situation. Our highly trained water technicians have the training, expertise, and advanced equipment to restore the property back to preloss condition. So if you have water damage and need help, call us today! (859) 746-3400.

Happy Labor Day from SERVPRO of Boone County!

9/3/2018 (Permalink)

Today we honor the achievements of the labor movement and the strength of American workers! Some also celebrate Labor Day as the official end of summer, the start of fall, or the final day to wear white. But whatever angle you take for your celebration, we want you to have a safe and happy holiday!

Be sure to practice safety tips with outdoor grilling or fire pits. Keep the grill or open flames a safe distance from anything that can catch fire. And always keep the children and pets away from the hot fire. Have a fire extinguisher available should an accident happen!

If you are traveling somewhere to celebrate, remember no drinking and driving! Keep an emergency supply kit or a first aid kit in your car. And always buckle up!

And don’t forget to follow safety guidelines in the swimming pool! Be aware of the weather conditions, keep an eye on the children, and always swim with a buddy!

Enjoy the holiday and remember we are always available 24 hours a day if you find yourself in need of emergency service!

SERVPRO of Boone County (859) 746-3400

We Expect Only the Best from our Technicians

8/30/2018 (Permalink)

Being in the field service industry, we understand that our technicians, visiting the home or business property of our customers, are often our company’s first impression to our customers. And we all know that we only get one chance at making a good first impression!

That is why at SERVPRO of Boone County we place very high expectations on our technicians. We want them to take pride in their work, their appearance and the relationships that they build with our customers.

What to Expect from a SERVPRO of Boone County Crew Member

When you contact SERVPRO of Boone County for water, fire or mold restoration services, our technicians will arrive promptly to begin service. They will be dressed professionally in SERVPRO branded gear and will be driving our SERVPRO branded vehicles. They will have open lines of communication, letting you know when to expect them and how long they estimate your project will take to complete. They will clearly explain the restoration process and answer any questions you may have regarding the process. And upon project completion, they will make sure that you are satisfied with the results and ask for any recommendations as to how they can improve their service for future customers. We are always striving to improve!

So when you contact SERVPRO of Boone County, you can relax knowing that great customer service is our top priority! We value our customers and our hope is to always make every impression a great one!

SERVPRO of Boone County is Available for Emergency Service

8/27/2018 (Permalink)

Did you know that SERVPRO of Boone County offers emergency service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week? Fire, water, and storm damage doesn’t always strike during regular business hours. And often, at the most inconvenient times, homeowners find themselves in need of immediate service to secure their property after an emergency event.

SERVPRO of Boone County can provide temporary protective measures to prevent additional damage to the property after a disaster. Examples of these services include board ups, roof tarps, tree removal, temporary fencing and portable power. If after a fire or flood, the contents of a property need to be removed from the affected property during the restoration process, SERVPRO of Boone County can pack the contents and move them to our temporary warehouse location until the restoration process is complete. And once restoration is complete, the contents are then returned to the homeowners.

CLICK HERE to learn more about the emergency, building and reconstruction services we can provide. And remember, SERVPRO of Boone County is always Here to Help!

September is National Preparedness Month!

8/24/2018 (Permalink)

The month of September, also recognized as National Preparedness Month, is right around the corner! Different types of disasters and emergencies happen throughout the year in homes, businesses and communities and the goal of acknowledging National Preparedness Month is to remind everyone to take steps to be better prepared for them.

There are many suggested ways to prepare for a disaster or an emergency event. For example, home and business owners can install smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors and practice fire escape plans or tornado drills with their families or employees. They can put together an emergency kit and learn basic life-saving skills like CPR and first-aid. Schools and businesses can develop an Emergency Ready Profile (ERP). In the event of a disaster, this profile will help minimize business interruption by having an immediate plan of action already in place. (CLICK HERE to learn more about developing an ERP with SERVPRO.) Learning the evacuation routes for the area and reviewing insurance policies are also ways to prepare. Setting up an emergency savings account is also helpful because the unexpected expense of a disaster can be devastating.

Disaster preparedness can seem overwhelming at times. These are just highlights of some of the suggestions of ways to prepare. More helpful information can be found with resources like the ready.gov and fema.gov websites. While you may not be able to take every suggestion, doing even a few can help!

Upcoming Opportunity for 6 Ohio or Kentucky CE Credits

8/17/2018 (Permalink)

We are hosting a Greater Cincinnati Insurance Board continuing education insurance credit course entitled, “Insuring Personal Assets with Craig Archer, CIC.” This course is for OHIO and KENTUCKY credits and will be held at our Forest Park, Ohio location at 2115 Schappelle Lane, Forest Park, Ohio, 45240 on August 28th, 2018 from 8:30am to 3:30pm.

This course will bring awareness to participants of coverage gaps in personal lines policies. It will discuss both the homeowners policy and the auto coverages. The goal is to help those in attendance understand the coverage and lack of coverage in special situations. Topics include: definitions, homeowners coverage limitations, special limits of liability, seasonal homes, and more.

This course is approved for 6 hours in Kentucky and Ohio.

CLICK HERE for more information and to register!

What Happens to Electronics Affected by Water Damage?

8/13/2018 (Permalink)

Have you ever experienced the nightmare of dropping your cell phone in the toilet or the kitchen sink or the swimming pool…watching in dismay as the phone, in what seems like slow motion, tragically plummets to its death? But why does this mean death for the cell phone? And why, in some cases, does it seem like at first the phone survives, only to have it die a few days after the accident? What exactly happens to electronics when water damage strikes?

Corrosion is the breaking down or destruction of a material, especially a metal, through a chemical reaction. The most common form of corrosion is rusting, which occurs when iron combines with oxygen and water. The corrosion process can begin in just a couple of hours after the incident or it can take a few days to set in, giving you the false sense that your device miraculously survived the submersion. Humidity levels, the severity of the water damage, and how long the device was under water can all affect how fast corrosion occurs.

Cleaning the corrosion on a damaged electronic device should be done with caution. And in most cases, it’s probably best to leave it for the professionals. But if you decide to attempt the cleanup yourself, hzo.com suggests several helpful tips:

  • Always remove any batteries or power connectors first. This not only prevents harm to you, but also prevents any short-circuiting to the device. By doing this, you will also be exposing extra connectors that may already have corroded, so exercise caution.
  • Look for any white or green “crusty” areas on the device, especially on the battery connectors, charging ports, SIM card connectors, or any other major metal connectors on the device.
  • Use cotton swabs and a cleaning solution such as isopropyl alcohol, baking soda and water, or even vinegar to clean corrosion. Gently apply the solution to the affected area and wipe back and forth until the corrosion is removed. If necessary, leave some of the solution on the corroded area and wipe it off later.
  • Dry your device with a soft cloth or a hair dryer on a cool setting- do not use heat to dry out your device. Make sure your device is dried extremely well before attempting to replace the battery and turn the device on. Any water left in the device could cause additional water damage.

When your home is affected by a water damage situation, many times your larger electronics, like TVs and computers, are damaged as well. The corrosion process occurs with these items in the same way as with your cell phone. The SERVPRO of Boone County water technicians understand that the key to restoring electronics is to take prompt action to prevent further damage. Our technicians will coordinate the restoration of your electronics and ensure that they will be cleaned and inspected by a qualified electronics technician. CLICK HERE to learn more about how SERVPRO of Boone County restores your belongings that have been affected by water damage.

It's Back-To-School Time with SERVPRO of Boone County

8/6/2018 (Permalink)

August has arrived and with August comes back-to-school time! In the spirit of the back-to-school season, we thought this would be a great time to present the ABC’s of SERVPRO and the restoration industry! Why leave the learning just for the kids?! How many of these facts did you already know?

A - Air: SERVPRO of Boone County inspects heating, ventilation and air conditioning units (HVAC). Keeping them clean can extend the life of the equipment. This can in turn save you money and give you cleaner air to breathe.

B – Biohazard: Exposure to biological and chemical contaminants can pose serious health consequences. A failure to properly remove such substances can contribute to unhealthy and dangerous environments. SERVPRO of Boone County is trained to safely remove biohazards and dispose of them properly in accordance with OSHA and health regulations.

C - Commercial Services: Cleaning and restoring commercial properties require a unique blend of training, experience, and equipment. SERVPRO of Boone County has the resources and expertise to give you excellent results while minimizing the disruption to your clients.

D - Disaster Recovery: The SERVPRO Disaster Recovery Team can provide help whether you're dealing with a tornado, hurricane, blizzard or flood. The SERVPRO System has a network of strategically positioned storm teams on standby should a disaster strike near you.

E – Equipment: In the event of water damage, expert knowledge and state of the art equipment are paramount for effective drying and restoration. Trained SERVPRO of Boone County professionals use exceptional equipment and expertise to first create an environment favorable for drying and then to extract and eliminate moisture from the structure.

F - Fire Damage: SERVPRO of Boone County has the specialized fire and water damage cleanup and restoration training and experience to quickly restore your home to pre-fire condition. We also have specific training and equipment for odor removal and deep cleaning of upholstery and carpet. 

G – Guidelines: As one of the nation's leading providers of restoration services, SERVPRO has developed the most extensive performance guidelines in the industry. These guidelines assure you receive the best restoration service in the industry.

H - Highly Trained: In addition to training at the regional level, SERVPRO developed the National Training Center to teach restoration and mitigation skills to Franchise Owners, employees, and insurance industry employees.

I - Insurance Services: SERVPRO strives to maximize the satisfaction of insurance companies and customers by developing and managing business-to-business relationships within the insurance industry.

J – Job: No job is too large for SERVPRO to handle. Our elite large-loss specialists are prequalified and strategically positioned throughout the United States to handle any size disaster.

K – Knowledge: SERVPRO professionals are equipped with the knowledge to restore your property. SERVPRO Franchise Professionals are highly trained in property damage restoration, from initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO’s Corporate Training Facility to regular IICRC industry certification.

L – Local: SERVPRO of Boone County is a locally owned and operated business. We live and work in this community too, so we are close by and ready to respond immediately when you need cleaning or restoration services. 

M – Mold: Any home or commercial property can quickly become infested with mold if a source of water is present. And mold can spread throughout a property in as little as 48 hours. If mold is found, we have the training, equipment, and expertise to remediate your mold infestation.

N - National Network: SERVPRO of Boone County is part of a national network of over 1,650 Franchises, which allows us to respond quicker with more resources. 

O - Odor Removal: As experts in deodorization, SERVPRO of Boone County Professionals are trained to identify and eliminate offensive odors.

P - Property Restoration: Restoring property is the first priority of SERVPRO of Boone County. Customers appreciate the immediate response and should know that everything is being done to limit the damage.

Q - Quick Response: In many cleaning and restoration situations, immediate action is needed. SERVPRO of Boone County provides emergency cleaning and restoration services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week—including all holidays.

R - Restore First: SERVPRO of Boone County Professionals clean and restore property using specialized equipment and cleaning techniques. Their “restore first” mentality reduces interruption and gets customers back to their life.

S - Storm Damage: Storms occur with little warning and can be devastating. Regardless of the type of storm, SERVPRO Franchise Professionals can handle any size disaster. During catastrophic storms and major events, our Disaster Recovery Team can respond quickly with additional resources.

T – Trusted: SERVPRO is a Trusted Leader in the industry with over 1,650 Franchises.

U - Upholstery Cleaning: Upholstery and carpet materials vary dramatically. The SERVPRO System offers a number of cleaning options to match any type of upholstery or carpet.

V – Vandalism: SERVPRO of Boone County will act quickly to remove vandalism and graffiti from home and commercial spaces. In addition to removing spray-painted graffiti from exterior walls, we can also clean driveways, walkways, asphalt, metals, wood, glass, plastic, and masonry.

W – Water Removal: Professionals at SERVPRO of Boone County are water removal and cleanup specialists and are ready to help when flooding or water leaks cause water damage. Crews quickly dry the property using state-of-the-art water removal equipment and advanced drying techniques, documenting the drying process to make sure the property is dry and the job is done right.

X – eXtraction: Water extraction removes the majority of the water from the home or property. By performing a thorough water extraction, SERVPRO Franchise Professionals help reduce the drying time which helps to prevent mold and secondary water damage.

Y - Your Peace of Mind: The goal of SERVPRO of Boone County is to restore both the customer’s property and their peace of mind through timely mitigation.

Z – oZone: SERVPRO of Boone County uses commercial grade ozone machines to eliminate odors in spaces. Ozone machines efficiently and effectively break down organic matter, killing the odor at its source.

The Mission of the American Red Cross

7/30/2018 (Permalink)

The mission of the American Red Cross is to “help people prevent, prepare for, and respond to natural and other disasters through the immediate mobilization of people and resources and the provision of community, workplace, and school-based training.” In our area, the Greater Cincinnati/Ohio River Valley Chapter of the Red Cross organization serves 18 counties in Southwestern Ohio, Northern Kentucky and Southeastern Indiana. Examples of the types of disasters they respond to are floods, tornadoes, fires, and hurricanes. Many times, following a disaster, the American Red Cross workers are among the first on the scene. Their goal is to provide people with the support and resources they need, like food, clothing, and shelter.

Because of generous donations, caring volunteers, and abundant support, Red Cross relief services are free to those in need. The Red Cross totally relies on the generosity of the American public and there are many different ways to contribute. Some suggestions include:

  • Monetary Donation
  • Fundraising
  • Giving Blood
  • Taking, Teaching, or Hosting a Class
  • Volunteering

If you would like to learn more about the American Red Cross and find out ways that you can help, visit their website by CLICKING HERE!

Recognizing Plumbing Issues Before They Become a Problem

7/16/2018 (Permalink)

Many times when water damage occurs in a home or commercial property, it is due to faulty plumbing. Those without plumbing experience may have a difficult time recognizing potential issues and then addressing these issues before they become a bigger, more expensive problem.

According to thecleanplumbers.com, there are eight common causes of plumbing leaks that can lead to water damage to a property.

  1. Advanced Corrosion – Over an extended period of time, corrosion can damage pipes and create holes where water can escape. This is a more common issue in piping that was installed over 30 years ago.
  2. Degraded Seals – In order to keep connections watertight, rubber seals are used wherever the pipes are connected to the fixtures. Over time, these seals can degrade and crack, allowing water to seep out and eventually cause damage.
  3. Excess Water Pressure – Water pressure that is too high can actually damage the inside of the plumbing pipes and create a risk for leaks. If the pressure is extremely high, it can even cause the pipes to burst.
  4. Fixture Cracks – Sometimes the actual faucet or pipe that connects directly to it can crack and cause a water leak. This usually happens due to impact. One area that this is common is under the sink. When items are stored under the sink, the pipes are often repeatedly bumped and can eventually lead to pipe damage and water leaks.
  5. Incorrect Pipe Laying – Plumbing should be handled by knowledgeable professionals. It is very important that pipes and connectors are laid properly because small mistakes that at first may not be noticeable can cause massive water damage later.
  6. Pipe Joint Damage – The bends or joints where the water is redirected through the pipes are curved connectors that attach to the straight pipes on either side. Extreme temperatures and water pressure can damage these joints and lead to water damage.
  7. Shifted Connections – Over time, homes can shift and therefore, so can the pipes inside. If the shifts are too much, the pipe connections can break and water damage occurs.
  8. Untreated Clogs – It seems obvious how clogged drains can lead to backups and water damage. But how the clogs are treated can also cause pipe damage. Chemical drain cleaners are often used to unclog drains. At times these chemicals do not remove the entire clog which causes the harmful chemicals to be trapped in one spot in the pipe system. The chemicals can then eat away at the pipe, eventually causing damage and a water leak. It is safer to treat clogs with a plumbing snake or hydro-jetting.

Hopefully learning how to recognize potential plumbing problems and how to address the issues will help you avoid future water damage to your property. But in the unfortunate event that you do end up with a water damage disaster, SERVPRO of Boone County is here to help! CLICK HERE for Water Damage Emergency Tips!

Happy 4th of July from SERVPRO of Boone County!

7/2/2018 (Permalink)

This time of year everyone talks about the risk of fires from the careless use of fireworks. What some fireworks fans fail to take into consideration is how the weather can affect fireworks and create a potentially dangerous situation.

For example, if a storm is approaching or it is just an unusually windy day, an unexpected wind gust can affect the direction of the smoke, sparks and fallout while setting off fireworks or using sparklers. Hot embers or smoke can be blown into spectators or other areas, increasing the risk of fires or fire-related injuries. So it is very important to be aware of the direction of the wind and use extreme caution when lighting and using fireworks.

Another weather related situation to be aware of is whether or not the area has been experiencing a drought. A drought leaves the ground dry and more susceptible to fire and burning. So it is important to know the condition of the fallout area in order to lessen the risk of a fire igniting.

So this year, when planning your fireworks celebrations, make sure to take the weather into consideration! Listen to weather reports and plan ahead if storms or high winds are predicted in your area. Be aware of the ground conditions where fallout occurs and be prepared to react quickly in the event of a mishap. And always remember that SERVPRO of Boone County is always available for emergency service after any water or fire damage…We are only a phone call away! (859) 746-3400 CLICK HERE to learn more. Have a safe and happy July 4th!

Continuing Education: We are hosting a class on July 10th!

6/18/2018 (Permalink)

We are hosting an upcoming Greater Cincinnati Insurance Board Continuing Education course on July 10th, 2018. The class will be held from 8:30am to 11:30am at our Covington, Kentucky office at 1001 Madison Avenue, Covington, Kentucky 41011. The title of the course is “Analyzing Commercial Property Rates with George Best, CSP, ARM. The presentation is designed to provide agents, brokers, and company representatives a detailed explanation of the Insurance Services Office (ISO) Commercial Fire ratings using the Specific Commercial Property Evaluation Schedule (SCOPES) of the ISO. Upon completion of the course, attendees should be able to review and analyze a rating survey in order to suggest rate improvement. This course is approved for 3 credit hours in Kentucky and Ohio. CLICK HERE for more information and to register!

Knowing common causes of water damage can help with prevention!

6/4/2018 (Permalink)

There are many different causes of water damage in a home. Much of the time it is impossible to predict or prevent water damage from occurring, but just knowing the most common causes might just help!

Broken Pipes and Hoses

Burst pipes, broken water lines and cracked hoses often lead to water damage in the home. Periodically checking these can prevent a water loss before it ever happens. Maintenance is key!


Accidents do happen! Overflowing sinks, toilets and bathtubs all commonly cause water damage in the home. And who is most guilty of this? The children! To help prevent an accident in your home, always check that faucets are turned off and make sure the kids aren’t overflowing the tub!

Sewer Back Ups

Sewer back-ups can cause a lot of nasty damage! Watch for tree roots growing into drain lines!

Basement Moisture and Leaks

Leaky foundations and moisture in the basement often result in damage as well. Dehumidifiers, waterproofing, and sump pumps can all be very helpful in warding off major water damage occurrences.


Interior water damage also occurs as a result of weather. Flash flooding happens when least expected. High winds and hail can cause roof damage. Regularly cleaning the gutters and inspecting the roof for damage can definitely help prevent a future water damage incident.

Knowing what causes most water damages in a home can definitely help with prevention. Take a look at your home for signs of potential problems. A few preventative steps today might just save you from a larger water disaster in the future!

Mold Remediation by SERVPRO of Boone County

5/21/2018 (Permalink)

When a home suffers a water damage event, a mold problem can arise and spread quickly throughout the home. The SERVPRO of Boone County technicians are professionals in the mold remediation process and have been trained to properly resolve mold infestation. Special equipment and processes are used to handle the problem.

The Process:

  1. Contact SERVPRO of Boone County at (859)746-3400: Upon receiving your call, we will collect information from you to determine what is needed to handle your project.
  2. Inspection and Assessment: Our technicians will inspect the property using professional detection equipment to determine mold and moisture levels.
  3. Mold Containment: Our technicians will use different containment procedures to prevent the mold from spreading.
  4. Air Filtration: Specialized equipment is used to capture mold spores from the air and prevent the mold from spreading during the remediation process.
  5. Removing Mold and Mold-Infested Materials: In some instances, it is necessary to remove mold-infested materials, like drywall or flooring, from the home. Anti-microbial agents are used to eliminate and prevent mold growth
  6. Cleaning Contents and Belongings: Our technicians thoroughly clean and sanitize the contents in the home affected by mold.
  7. Restoration: The structure and contents of the home may require repairs to return the property to preloss condition.

Mold damage is better dealt with by professionals that have the training and expertise to effectively handle the situation. If you suspect you have mold in your home or property, take the first step in the remediation process by giving us a call today!

SERVPRO of Boone County (859)746-3400

Are You Prepared for an Emergency at the Office?

5/7/2018 (Permalink)

Are you prepared for an emergency at the office?

Do you…

  • …have an evacuation plan in the event of a fire?
  • …know where the nearest emergency exit is located?
  • …have someone appointed to provide direction in the event of an evacuation?
  • …practice fire drills at least once a year?
  • …know to take the stairs instead of the elevator during disasters?
  • …realize that you should move away from windows during a tornado?
  • …have specific plans for disasters common to your location? (ie. Earthquakes)
  • …have strategies to deal with power outages?
  • …have a plan to handle computer network failures?

The safest workplaces are those that plan ahead and prepare before an emergency ever strikes. Take a moment now to evaluate your emergency preparedness at work. Putting just a little time and thought into preparation now can improve your safety later if you find yourself in an emergency at work.

Mold Comes in a Rainbow of Different Colors

4/23/2018 (Permalink)

When many people think of mold, they think of it as being black in color. But mold actually comes in a variety of different colors including white, green, yellow and even pink!

While many fear that black mold is toxic, white mold does not usually cause the same concerns. It can be found on about any type of surface. Attics, basement walls and exposed dirt in crawlspaces are all common areas where white mold can be found. It also can appear on food as it is going bad.

Green mold is very common and prefers cool to moderate environments. Due to this, it is commonly found on rotting refrigerated foods and breads.

Yellow mold can be very bright in color and is usually easy to spot. According to moldguide.net, this variety of mold can be dangerous. It should not be touched or inhaled and it should be removed as soon as possible.

Pink mold often develops on shower floors and the bottom of shower curtains because it thrives in moisture-rich environments. It is difficult to completely prevent pink mold in the bathroom and usually requires continual maintenance to control the issue.

Although mold comes in a variety of colors, all thrive in similar, moist environments. To control or prevent mold, be sure to ventilate damp areas and monitor pipes and other areas susceptible to leaking! If you suspect a mold issue at your property, call SERVPRO of Boone County. We are experts in mold testing and remediation!

(859) 746-3400

Take Precautions When Handling Mold Cleanup

4/9/2018 (Permalink)

Have you found mold in your home? The SERVPRO of Boone County technicians are highly trained mold remediation specialists and it’s always best to let the professionals do the work. But what if you want to attempt to safely clean the moldy areas yourself? What should you wear?

It is important to avoid breathing in mold or mold spores. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) offers safety guidelines to handling mold in your home. In order to limit exposure to airborne mold, they recommend wearing an N-95 respirator during the cleaning process, which can be found at many hardware stores.

The EPA also suggests wearing long gloves that extend to the middle of the forearm. It is important to avoid touching mold or moldy items with your bare hands.

And finally, goggles that do not have ventilation holes are recommended. It is important to prevent getting mold or mold spores from getting into your eyes.

While some minor surface mold issues can be handled effectively by the homeowner, it is best to have professional help with larger mold infestations. SERVPRO of Boone County has the specialized mold remediation equipment and the highly trained mold remediation technicians necessary to handle any size mold infestation. If you find a mold situation that is too much to handle on your own, contact us today!

SERVPRO of Boone County (859)746-3400

Steps to Safety at the Office

3/26/2018 (Permalink)

Accidents often happen at the office that could be prevented with just a little common sense! Slips and falls frequently cause injury at the office and a little thought and care could help prevent this.

For example:

  • Before sitting down at your desk, check behind you to make sure your chair hasn’t rolled away!
  • If you are carrying something, don’t stack things up so high that you can’t see directly in front of you!
  • Proceed with caution if the floor is wet or slippery!
  • Don’t read or text while walking!
  • Hold the handrail when using stairs!
  • When carrying larger items like boxes, use the elevator!
  • Close desk and file drawers before walking away to avoid tripping over them!
  • Wipe up spills or wet floors in order to prevent slipping!
  • Keep floors and aisles clear of electrical cords.

While it may seem easy to follow these tips, often times a hectic day at work can lead to rushing or just overlooking the small things that can be dangerous! Just slowing down a little bit to ensure safety can definitely save time in the future!

Continuing Education Courses at SERVPRO of Boone County

3/12/2018 (Permalink)

At times throughout the year, SERVPRO of Boone County offers Continuing Education courses. The courses are usually held at our Northwest Cincinnati location at 2115 Schappelle Lane, Forest Park, Ohio 45240.

Offered courses are both credit and non-credit courses and they are available to insurance agents, insurance adjusters and real estate professionals. The courses are designed to provide those in attendance with valuable information to allow them to better service their clients.

Some of the common course topics include fire damage restoration, understanding mold in the restoration industry, water damage restoration, biohazard cleanup, and ethics.

These Continuing Education Courses are offered periodically throughout the year. To find out more about upcoming Continuing Education courses or to register for an upcoming class, contact SERVPRO of Boone County at (859) 746-3400. Also, be sure to follow our social media accounts to stay up to date on future course dates!

SERVPRO of Boone County Sponsors Local Police Officer Organization

2/26/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Boone County proudly supports The Greater Cincinnati Police Athletic Association. This organization is made up of retired and active Cincinnati Area Police Officers who organize and conduct charity and civic programs in the community. Their goal is to help those in need of food and clothing and additionally, help needy youth sports teams with sponsorships and uniforms. 

A few of the programs made possible by The Greater Cincinnati Police Athletic Association include: 

  • Shop with a Police Officer- enables needy children to purchase Christmas gifts.
  • School Clothes for Needy Children - provides needy children with back to school clothes. 
  • Easter Food Baskets – distributed to churches and needy families.
  • Day at the Zoo - allows under-privileged children to enjoy a day at the zoo.
  • Sports Sponsorships & Reds Tickets - supplies needy youth sports teams with uniforms and groups of needy children the opportunity to attend a Reds game.
  • Drug & Alcohol Prevention Magazine – printing magazine for distribution to schools to educate kids and parents on dangers of drug and alcohol use and preventative strategies.

Many charities in the community benefit from the efforts of The Greater Cincinnati Police Athletic Association.  SERVPRO Boone County is thrilled to support such a great organization to help the less fortunate children of our community. 

Keep the Bugs Out of Your Firewood & Your Home!

2/12/2018 (Permalink)

There is nothing more relaxing than cozying up near a warm, crackling fire on a cold winter day. A wood-burning fireplace, in the comfort of your own home, presents the perfect setting to snuggle up and read a book, to watch movies and create cozy memories with friends and loved ones. But firewood, while being the fuel behind your relaxing fire, is also attractive to insects as a source of food and shelter. So it’s possible that you might just be welcoming a few unwanted guests, hitching a ride on the firewood, right into your home!


There are a few ways you can discourage insects from camping in your firewood and then riding into your home.

  • Store Wood a Good Distance from your Home: In the cold months, it is very tempting to store the wood pile close to your home, or even inside your home. Avoid this! Insects love to hide out in the pile, and keeping it close or inside your home is an open invitation.
  • Cover your Wood Pile: Wet firewood attracts insects. So it is important to protect firewood from the elements and let it dry. Use a tarp or cover on your firewood.
  • Elevate your Firewood: It is very difficult to keep wood dry if it is lying on the ground. Find a way to elevate your pile by using some sort of support or firewood holder.
  • First in First Out: If you always use the wood that is placed on the top of the pile, the old, unused wood at the bottom will make a perfect home for pests. Make sure all the wood gets used regularly by rotating your pile.
  • No Pesticides: While it is tempting to treat bug-infested wood with pesticides, this actually does more harm than good. Pesticides will cause the insects to burrow deeper into the wood to escape. Additionally, if you burn wood treated with pesticides, harmful chemicals will release into the air and cause a health risk.
  • Make two trips: Who likes to run outside in the cold every time you need another log for the fire? While it’s convenient to carry in the extra wood all at once, this invites pests into your home. Leaving wood lying inside your home could result in the bugs joining your party! Avoid this by only bringing in what you need and make another trip when it’s time.

A peaceful fire in your wood-burning fireplace is a great way to stay warm and relax during the cold winter months. Avoid the threat of inviting insects into your home by taking these precautions when using and storing your firewood!

Can the Carpet Be Saved?

1/29/2018 (Permalink)

When a homeowner is faced with a water damage situation in his home, he often wonders if the carpet and padding can be saved. When SERVPRO of Boone County is called for water restoration services in Erlanger, Kentucky, there are factors that the water technicians consider to help determine if the carpet and padding is salvageable.

Upon arriving to the site, the technicians will identify the category and classification of the water damage to ensure that the property is restored following industry guidelines. The level of contamination of the water helps determine whether or not the carpeting and padding can be saved.

There are three categories or classifications for floodwaters: Category 1, Category 2, and Category 3.

Category 1 is considered to be clean, non-contaminated water. It may come from overflowing tubs, leaky faucets, or broken pipes. In most instances of category 1 floodwater, the carpets and padding can be dried and restored.

Category 2 floodwater is classified as gray water. It is considered dirty water and it may result from malfunctioning washing machines or dishwashers for example. If the carpet has been wet for less than 48 hours, it can sometimes be restored. However, for category 2 floodwater, the padding is usually replaced.

Category 3 floodwater or black water is considered hazardous because it contains dangerous contaminants. Black water can come from instances like sewage backups and toilet overflows. In cases of black water floods, the carpeting and padding should be removed, disposed of and replaced.

The SERVPRO of Boone County technicians are experts in water restoration. They have the knowledge and expertise to inspect any situation and make professional decisions as to the appropriate restoration process to use.

If you are facing water damage in your Erlanger, Kentucky home, call us today! (859)746-3400!

Remembering the Message of Martin Luther King, Jr.

1/16/2018 (Permalink)

Martin Luther King, Jr. was an influential civil rights leader who believed in the power of words and peaceful demonstrations to portray his ideas and beliefs. Each year, on the third Monday of January, we celebrate his life and achievements. While the message of Martin Luther King was mainly about equality and civil rights, there is so much more that can be taken from his examples. He believed very strongly in what he preached, but he never resorted to violence in order to portray his messages. As a matter of fact, he strongly discouraged any forms of violent protesting. Instead, he promoted peace and love for all mankind, using powerful speeches to portray his ideas. In the difficult times that our country has been experiencing lately, this may be one of the most important lessons that we can learn from Martin Luther King. Whatever our cause may be, violence is never the best way to get the support and results we desire. So today let’s remember the words of Martin Luther King, “Nonviolence is the answer to the crucial political and moral questions of our time; the need for mankind to overcome oppression and violence without resorting to oppression and violence. Mankind must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression, and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love.” These words definitely stand the test of time.

Happy New Year from SERVPRO of Boone County!

1/1/2018 (Permalink)

Well, it is New Year’s Day and many will make resolutions for 2018 with aspirations of living a healthier lifestyle, losing weight, dropping a bad habit or being more organized. One important resolution to add to the list that could actually save lives in 2018 is to commit to getting prepared for emergencies.

Families and businesses need to have a plan in place just in case a disaster like a storm, fire or flood occurs. The American Red Cross offers a few steps to prepare your family or business in the case of an emergency.

First of all, put together an emergency kit for the home or the office. Suggested items to include in the kit are flashlights, non-perishable food and water, battery powered radio, extra batteries, first-aid items and extra cash.

Secondly, talk with family members or co-workers about what to do in the event of an emergency. Plan what to do if you are separated and choose a meeting place. Practice escaping your home or office twice a year. And don’t forget to include your pets in the plan!

And lastly, learn about the risks most prevalent to your area. For example, are earthquakes, tornadoes or hurricanes common in your area? Find out how to receive information from local officials in the event of an emergency. Learn first aid techniques so that you can respond before help arrives.

So this year, add being prepared for emergencies to your list of resolutions and stay safe in 2018! Be prepared!

Happy New Year from SERVPRO of Boone County!

Merry Christmas from SERVPRO of Boone County

12/25/2017 (Permalink)

The holiday season is the perfect time to show appreciation for those that make our success possible and to offer our very best wishes for a prosperous future. We know that our accomplishments and achievements in the mold, water and fire damage restoration industry would not be possible without our hard working employees, dedicated colleagues in the restoration industry, and our trusting customers. We truly appreciate the efforts of all those that we work with day in and day out to help our customers in need. So we would like to say thank you for your continued loyalty and goodwill throughout the year. And our sincere wish is that you find peace, joy, hope and happiness today and in the new year ahead!

Merry Christmas!

SERVPRO of Boone County


12/20/2017 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Boone County is offering a free continuing education insurance credit course entitled, “Ethics.” This course is for OHIO credits and will be held at our SERVPRO of Northwest Cincinnati location at 2115 Schappelle Lane, Forest Park, Ohio, 45240 on January 18th, 2018 from 8:30am to 11:30am with registration beginning at 8:30am. Please note that 100% attendance is required to receive CE credit for this course and that breakfast will be provided!

The premise for this course is that although we may have solid ethical foundations and usually make rational ethical decisions, ethical lapses are likely to come when we are stressed, angry, upset, worried, or otherwise disengaged. We will explore what “Ethics” is by participating in group activities that will help with understanding and making ethical decisions.

The reservation deadline for this CE course is January 2nd, 2018…So for more information or to reserve your spot, contact SERVPRO of Northwest Cincinnati at 513-541-3200 or email at mobrien@hartkes.com.

Course Number: 37868

Do you have a live Christmas tree? If so, here are some fire safety tips...

12/18/2017 (Permalink)

In the fire restoration industry, the holiday season can be a time when we see an increase in home fires. Many families love the tradition of picking out a live Christmas tree, bringing it home and beautifully decorating it for the holiday season. But what some fail to take into consideration is the fire hazard that comes along with having a live tree.

The American Christmas Tree Association offers the following safety precautions to help avoid home fires associated with live Christmas trees.

  • Choose a tree with fresh, green needles that do not fall off when touched. Fresh trees are less likely to ignite.
  • Always place the tree away from heat sources like fireplaces, radiators, heat vents, and lights.
  • To keep the tree from drying out, make sure the tree base is always filled with water.
  • Make sure all Christmas lights are safety tested and avoid using damaged lights.
  • At bedtime, turn the Christmas tree lights off.
  • When the tree begins to lose its needles, it is time to properly dispose of the tree.

So this year, if a live Christmas tree is included in your decorating plans, make sure to follow these guidelines to help avoid a home fire disaster!

When is the best time to take down the live Christmas tree?

12/11/2017 (Permalink)

According to The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), it is very important to timely dispose of live Christmas trees following the holidays. Live Christmas trees are very flammable and the longer they remain in the home, the more they dry out, increasing the threat of a home fire. A dried out Christmas tree can be engulfed in flames in a matter of seconds.

NFPA statistics show that nearly forty percent of home fires that start as a result of a Christmas tree occur in the month of January. So even though people may want to continue with the holiday festive spirit and leave the beautiful tree up in their home longer, it is best to remove it in a timely manner and avoid the risk of fire.

So as your holiday season winds down this year and it’s time to consider when to take down the decorations, remember the importance of fire safety and dispose of the live tree before it becomes a bigger fire risk.

Happy Holidays!

Spread Kindness This Holiday Season

12/4/2017 (Permalink)

The holiday season means time spent with family, enjoying meals together, exchanging gifts, and other family traditions. But the holiday season is also the perfect time to remember the less fortunate and incorporate giving back into your family holiday traditions.

There are many creative ways to give back. And not all acts necessarily involve a large monetary commitment. Here are several great suggestions:

  • Leave a note of cheer on someone’s windshield.
  • Give a complement each day leading up to the holiday.
  • Pay for the order of the person behind you in the drive-thru line.
  • Bake cookies and bring them to a nursing home or the fire department.
  • Offer time at a local animal shelter to walk dogs or simply spend time with them.
  • Purchase a few $5 or $10 gift cards and give them to those that you interact with often like the mailman or a cashier.
  • Anonymously pay someone’s layaway.
  • Donate the spare change in your car to the Salvation Army on your way into the store.

Even the smallest acts of kindness can have an impact. They can brighten the recipient’s day as well as your own and anyone who witnesses the act. They can have a ripple effect, inspiring others to give as well. These are just a few ideas of ways to spread kindness and joy to others during the holiday season. What can you add to this list?

SERVPRO of Boone County wishes you a joyous holiday season of giving!

Pets and Holiday Hazards...

11/27/2017 (Permalink)

The holidays can be a wonderful time of year…Time spent with family and friends, enjoying festive parties, food, decorations and gifts. But an emergency trip to the vet with a sick pet is a sure way to put a damper on your holiday celebrations. According to realsimple.com, there are several common holiday items that can be harmful to your pets.

6 Holiday Hazards to Pets:

  1. Turkey Bones: Resist those cute, pleading eyes! Turkey bones can splinter and puncture internal organs!
  2. Sugar-Free Baked Goods: Artificial sweeteners can cause the blood pressure of animals to drop to dangerously low levels!
  3. Chocolate: Chocolate is very dangerous to dogs and can cause agitation, intestinal issues, high heart rate, seizures and even death.
  4. Holiday Plants: Mistletoe and holly can be toxic if ingested by animals.
  5. Tinsel and Ribbons: If swallowed, these can cause intestinal obstruction.
  6. Hustle and Bustle: Pets feel anxiety too! Constant visitors and activity can be confusing and stressful for your pet. Provide a quiet space for your pet to relax if showing signs of anxiety.

So when enjoying your holiday celebrations this season, be sure to keep in mind the safety of your four legged friends! Take precautions and protect your pet from unnecessary holiday hazards! Happy Holidays from SERVPRO of Boone County!

Are You Hanging Holiday Lights This Year? Here Are Some Great Tips!

11/20/2017 (Permalink)

The holiday season has arrived and with this, the time has come to dig out the tangled holiday lights from the dusty attic and turn the exterior of your home into a blinking, twinkling display of holiday cheer. While this job can sometimes be challenging, there are a few tips provided by bobvila.com to help homeowners with the task of transforming their home into a wondrous holiday display.


  • Create a Master Plan: Taka a look at your home from the street and devise an overall plan. Take into consideration eaves, pillars, posts, windows and doors. Look at bushes, trees and paths. All of these can be perfect locations for adding lights.
  • Find Balance: Most people focus mainly on the roofline when hanging holiday lights, forgetting about balancing it with lights below!
  • Measure: Try to get an accurate measurement of how many lights you will need. One way to determine lighting for trees is to multiply the height times the width, then double that figure to get its square footage.
  • Assess: Test your lights before it is time to hang them. Check that lights and cords are in good repair and are rated for outdoor use. Check manufacturer recommendations to determine the number of lights you can safely string together. Never connect different types of lights on the same circuit or outlet.
  • Plastic Clips: Use plastic clips instead of hammer and nails to secure lights to roofs and walls.
  • Safety: Work with a partner when hanging lights. If using an extension ladder, place it firmly on flat ground, extend it well above the eaves, and lean it at a safe angle for climbing.

Hanging outdoor lights can be a daunting task that many dread from year to year. Planning ahead and following these tips will help simplify your holiday decorating and leave more time to enjoy festivities!


We Are Thankful for our Employees and Customers!

11/13/2017 (Permalink)

Well, it’s that time of year again to reflect on what we are thankful for! As Thanksgiving approaches, we at SERVPRO of Boone County would really like to take this time to thank our dedicated employees and trusting customers.

Dedicated Employees

We are very thankful for our dedicated employees. Our office staff and the water and fire crews put in long hours day after day. They are willing to put themselves in messy situations in order to help families and businesses get their lives back in order. They are eager to learn new processes so that we can continue improving on our services to our customers. We are very appreciative of their continual efforts.

Trusting Customers

We are thankful for our customers. We appreciate the confidence that our customers place in us to help them through their difficult times. From homeowners, to business owners, to agents and adjusters, we appreciate their trust in us to handle the job right.

During the hectic, chaotic times when disaster events are occurring, it is difficult to take the time to give thanks. So for this Thanksgiving season, we want to be sure that our employees and customers know that we appreciate them!

Happy Thanksgiving from SERVPRO of Boone County!!

What to do if you find mold...

11/6/2017 (Permalink)

Every mold situation is different and requires a unique solution. However, the general rules as to what to do and what not to do if you find or suspect there is mold in your home are basically the same. Mold spreads quickly and can cause health effects and damage to your home.

If you find visible mold or suspect there is mold in your home…

DO stay out of the affected areas!

DO turn off the HVAC system and fans!

DO contact SERVPRO of Boone County at (859)746-3400 for mold remediation services!

DON’T touch or disturb the mold!

DON’T blow air across any surfaces with visible or suspected mold growth!

DON’T spray bleach or other disinfectants on the mold!

The SERVPRO of Boone County technicians are experts in mold and mold growth. They have the training and expertise to remediate the mold in your property. So if you suspect you have a mold issue in your home, give us a call today! (859)746-3400

Veterans...We Appreciate Your Service!

11/2/2017 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Boone County would like to take this opportunity to thank our American Veterans!

Veterans Day, November 11th, is a special day set aside to honor American veterans, both living and dead, who have devoted themselves to serve our great country. This day is dedicated to showing our American veterans that we appreciate the sacrifices they have made to preserve the freedom of our country.

Veterans Day is a federal holiday and some Americans will even benefit with time off work or school. As we enjoy this break from the daily grind, we should definitely make an effort to thank veterans and show our appreciation for the sacrifices they have made.

How about sending a note or a card to a veteran either in the hospital or living in a retirement home? A brief, in person visit would be even better! Asking a veteran about his service and just listening to his story is a great way to show appreciation. Attending a Veterans Day event, proudly flying the American flag and donating to a veterans organization are also all ways to show appreciation.

So this year, be sure to remember and appreciate those who have sacrificed to provide our freedom! Find a way to thank a veteran!

Keep Kids Safe...Home Fire Safety Tips

10/31/2017 (Permalink)

Safe Kids Worldwide is a nonprofit organization that works to keep kids safe. According to safekids.org, home fires account for nearly 90 percent of all fire-related deaths and at least one child dies in a home fire every day.

Safe Kids Worldwide offers many tips to help protect kids and families from home fires and bring awareness to actions that can be taken to prepare for and know how to act in the event of a fire. This alone, will help save lives. First and foremost, working fire alarms are critical to staying safe. Smoke alarms that are working properly should be installed on every level of the home. Efforts should be made to teach kids never to play with matches or lighters. Always store them out of the reach of children. Create and practice an escape plan. In this plan, be sure to include two ways out of every room. Teach the kids how to respond if they hear the fire alarm. Make them aware of the importance of staying low and getting out as quickly as possible.

Following these tips can be very helpful in keeping families safe in the event of a home fire. Being prepared and taking precautions before an actual fire emergency can help families know exactly what to do if they find themselves in a fire emergency situation.

Halloween Fire Safety Tips

10/23/2017 (Permalink)

Creative costumes, pumpkin carving, and spooky decorations all make Halloween fun for the kids. But what could spoil a good time more than a fire accident?!

NFPA.org provides a few simple fire safety tips to help keep the kids out of fire danger on Halloween.

  • Keep costumes flame-resistant or flame-retardant. And for home-made costumes, choose materials that will not easily ignite.
  • Many fall themed decorations, like cornstalks and dried flowers are highly flammable. Always keep them away from open flames.
  • Use a battery operated light inside of carved pumpkins instead of a real candle.
  • Keep pathways and exits clear of decorations so that nothing is blocking escape routes.
  • Stress to the kids the importance of staying away from open flames.
  • Review and practice with the kids how to stop, drop, and roll just in case their clothing would catch on fire.

SERVPRO of Boone County wishes you a very happy and SAFE Halloween!

How I Have Decided I Will Use My Basement

10/16/2017 (Permalink)

Cassie Recording Information After Taking a Call

From the perspective of Cassie Kohrs – Administrative Assistant, SERVPRO of Boone County

When you think of buying a new home what do you envision? When I was younger I dreamed of the perfect basement where I could host parties and my future kids could play. I wanted to be able to walk out of my basement and right into my backyard. What I didn’t think of though, are the disasters that can happen that may make my picturesque home an expensive project to fix! As an administrative assistant at SERVPRO of Boone County, answering customer calls day after day, I have learned a few things! While I don’t own a home yet, I definitely hope to in the future. That is why I am thankful to this industry for teaching me what to look out for when I finally get to buy that dream home.

            One of the very first things I noticed when I started working for SERVPRO of Boone County is a trend of storm damage to basements. When Cincinnati gets hit with heavy storms the most common place we clean up is the basement. We see damage all the time from sump pump failures, sewage backups, water flooding in from window wells, and underneath doors. Many times these basements are finished and we have to tear out carpet, padding, and drywall. These are often expensive to clean up and then put back together and in some cases the damage isn’t even covered by insurance. It didn’t take long for me to become disillusioned from that perfect finished basement! That however, doesn’t mean that this has to become wasted space.

            Basements, even if unfinished can be a great place for many things. For instance, a basement makes the perfect laundry room. Growing up I didn’t have a finished basement but my dad built a great table that made the ideal work bench for folding laundry. A work bench like this could also be perfect as a crafting or tool table. Unfinished basement space can also be utilized as storage. But I have learned to make sure that items stored on the ground should always be in a deep plastic container so that, in the unfortunate event of a flood, the stored items are safer from water. Another good idea is to store the contents on racks that are at least a foot or two off the ground. And as an extra precaution, I would advise placing these in waterproof containers as well to help prevent water damage. This is especially essential if you are storing important papers, or family photos.

            I personally am not disappointed that I won’t have a big fancy finished basement someday. I am perfectly happy to adjust that part of my future home. (It just means that I get to claim that as my crafting room!) I also don’t want to discourage others from having a finished basement. These are very nice spaces if you are willing to risk the possibility of flooding. However, I will say that if you have a finished basement or are interested in having one in the future, talk with your insurance company and find out what kind of coverage you have and what coverage is available. Also, make sure that you are prepared for this situation by keeping the SERVPRO of Boone County phone number handy. We are always here to help!


A Quick Lesson about the Equipment We Use...

10/9/2017 (Permalink)

In the event of water damage to a residential or commercial property, trained professionals and expert equipment are very important for the restoration process. Our water technicians use exceptional equipment to extract and eliminate moisture from a property.

Detection equipment is used to find the areas of the structure that are affected by water and to determine the extent of moisture absorption. This equipment is also used to verify that the environment has been dried thoroughly upon project completion.

Extraction equipment is the equipment used to actually remove water from an area. This equipment is used to clean carpets and upholstery as well as to remove water from floors.

Air movers and dehumidifiers are used during the dry-out process to enhance moisture evaporation and reduce drying time.

And finally, to neutralize and eliminate any odors left behind after the water intrusion, deodorization equipment is used to help restore the area to preloss condition.

If you find yourself in the middle of a water damage situation at your property, give us a call for professional and efficient restoration!

SERVPRO of Boone County (859) 746-3400

Mold or Mildew? Can you tell the difference?

10/2/2017 (Permalink)

When it comes to mold and mildew, many often wonder, “What is the difference?” HGTV.com compares mold and mildew to siblings, stating that they have a few matching characteristics but they also have some striking differences.

As for similarities, they both strive in warm, moist areas and they both are able to grow on a multitude of surfaces. They are also both two types of fungi that no one is ever happy to find in their home!

Differences between mold and mildew can be seen in their appearance. Mold is usually fuzzy in appearance and can be various different colors, but it is most often black or green. Mildew, on the other hand, usually grows in a flat pattern and may appear powdery. It is usually white or gray in color. One interesting difference between mildew and mold is that there is no use for mildew. On the contrary, some molds are actually used in food production. For example, Penicillium is used in the production of cheese.

While mold and mildew definitely have differences, the methods to prevent mold and mildew in the home are very much the same. All areas of the home need to be kept dry and moisture-free. Humidity levels inside the home should be checked and controlled. Any leaks need to be repaired quickly and HVAC systems should be inspected regularly.

SERVPRO of Boone County specializes in mold testing and remediation. If you suspect mold is an issue in your home, give us a call today! (859)746-3400

Flash Floods are Unpredictable

9/25/2017 (Permalink)

Flash floods are usually caused by excessive rainfall that occurs in a short period of time. They are dangerous because they are powerful, speedy and unpredictable. They can happen with little or no warning at all.

Densely populated areas are at a high risk for flash floods. Buildings, roads and parking lots in the area reduce the amount of rain absorbed by the ground. Sometimes streams that run through cities are routed into storm drains. These drains can become overwhelmed and flash flooding can result.

Areas near rivers are also at risk for flash flooding. If levees along rivers fail, flash flooding can result. In 2005, New Orleans experienced devastating floods during Hurricane Katrina due to the failure of the levees.

Dam failures and rapid runoff from mountains and steep hills can also cause flash flooding. When water is falling faster than the ground can absorb it, a dangerous, flooding condition can result.

No area is really immune to flash flooding. During storms it is important to pay attention to weather watches and warnings and take the necessary precautions. Always listen to forecasters and be prepared with a plan in place just in case a flash flooding situation arises!

A Little Lesson About the History of SERVPRO...

9/18/2017 (Permalink)

Did you know that SERVPRO began in 1967 as a painting business in Sacramento, California? Yep, Ted and Doris Isaacson first launched SERVPRO as a painting business! However, having a background in cleaning and restoration, they soon transformed the company into the cleanup and restoration industry, selling its first franchise in 1969.

SERVPRO continued to thrive and in 1979, acquired 175 franchises from the Bristol-Myers Domesticare Division. And in 1988, the SERVPRO headquarters moved from Sacramento to Gallatin, Tennessee. At this time, there were 647 SERVPRO franchises.

SERVPRO continued its impressive growth throughout the years, and in the year 2000, sold its 1000th franchise. In 2005, in order to provide more room for expansion, SERVPRO moved its headquarters to an impressive 140,000 square foot, state-of-the-art facility in Gallatin, Tennessee.

Today, more than 1700 franchises are operating nationwide and SERVPRO continues to grow, with the goal of becoming the premier cleaning and restoration company in the world.

Be Aware of These Signs of Mold

9/11/2017 (Permalink)

Molds are fungi that can be found both indoors and outdoors and grow best in warm, damp, and humid conditions. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), mold can cause health effects in people with mold sensitivity.

When water invades your property, mold growth can begin in as little as 48 hours. Moldpedia.com lists many signs that there may be mold in your home:

  • Smelling a Mold Odor
  • Seeing Signs of Mold Growth
  • Signs of Water Problems
  • Water Leaks
  • Past Flooding
  • Condensation

If you suspect that you have a mold problem in your home or business, stay out of the affected area, turn off the HVAC system and fans, and contact SERVPRO of Boone County for mold remediation services. The SERVPRO of Boone County technicians have the training, equipment, and expertise to handle the situation effectively and in a timely manner.

SERVPRO Disaster Recovery Team Helps After Hurricanes

9/11/2017 (Permalink)

In late August, the state of Texas was drastically affected by Hurricane Harvey. Billions of dollars of property damage was sustained to homes and businesses throughout the state. And unfortunately, September brought Hurricane Irma to the state of Florida, also leaving a trail of devastation and destruction.

SERVPRO of Boone County is proud to be a part of the national SERVPRO Disaster Recovery Team to help the people whose lives have been disrupted by these natural disasters. Our Disaster Recovery Team is available 365 days a year and is always prepared for the unpredictable. When localized storms overwhelm the local restoration companies, SERVPRO’s Disaster Recovery Team is there to help manage the workload. SERVPRO has mobilization teams across the country to travel as needed, to support recovery after large storm events. With mobilized local command centers, management, crews, equipment and more than 1,650 franchises nationwide, the SERVPRO Franchise System has the ability and the manpower to relocate where needed and help make it “Like it never even happened.” 

Our thoughts are with all those affected by the recent hurricanes as well as with all those assisting with the recovery efforts! Our hope is that with everyone working together, it will be a smooth, efficient and successful restoration and recovery process.

Join in National Preparedness Month!

9/4/2017 (Permalink)

Did you know that September is National Preparedness Month? National Preparedness is observed in the United States every September with the hopes of encouraging Americans to prepare for emergencies in their homes and businesses.

How Can You Prepare?

Disasters usually strike unexpectedly, rarely giving any warning signs. But with a little thought and planning ahead, you can be better prepared for a disaster.

Disasters in the Home

No one expects a home fire. But there are steps you can take to be prepared just in case! Do you have an escape plan? Or how about a family meeting place outside the home? Do you have working smoke alarms in your home? How about a fire extinguisher? These are all ways to plan ahead and be better prepared for a fire disaster in your home.

A flooded home can also come unexpectedly. Have you checked and maintained the sump pump? How about the gutters on your home…Are they clean? Is your roof in good condition? Do you have your insurance agent’s contact information handy? How about the SERVPRO of Boone County phone number? You might be in need of clean up and restoration!

Disasters in the Business

Are you prepared if disaster strikes your business? Many business owners are caught off guard when disaster strikes, but there are steps to take to be better prepared. Does your insurance policy cover the type of disasters that are most likely to affect your business? Do you have a plan in place to help continue business operations during the recovery process? Is your business data backed up? Have you contacted SERVPRO of Boone County and developed an Emergency Ready Profile?

Join the nation this September by making an effort to be prepared! Take action now by planning ways to stay safe and lessen the impact a disaster might have on you, your family and your business!

SERVPRO of Boone County (859)746-3400

Extreme Weather in the Midwest

8/28/2017 (Permalink)

Extreme weather is when a weather event in an area is significantly different from the usual weather in that area. While those living in the Midwest do not frequently experience severe weather conditions, there are a few times that weather does become an issue. Droughts, floods, tornadoes, and snow storms are all extreme weather events that can affect the midwestern states.

Droughts occur about once every 10 years in this area. When they occur, these severe dry spells pose significant problems for farmers.

Flooding in the Midwest is most frequent in the winter and spring seasons and affects areas that are normally dry. The many rivers and streams make the area susceptible to flooding when faced with intense or prolonged heavy rain.

Tornadoes occur in all parts of the world and at any time of day or year. But they are most common in the Midwest during spring and summer afternoons and evenings. Depending on the severity, tornadoes can cause devastating damage to cities, businesses and homes.

Six or more inches of snowfall in a single day constitutes heavy snow in the Midwest. This occurs several times a year in the northern parts but much less frequently in the southern areas. Extreme snowfall can cause damage to homes by collapsing roofs. Gusting winds that accompany blizzards also pose a threat to homes and business.

SERVPRO of Boone County Offers Continuing Education Course 9/20/17

8/24/2017 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Boone County is offering a free continuing education insurance credit course entitled, “Understanding the Restoration Industry: Property Fire Damage Restoration.” This course is for agents needing OHIO credits and will be held at our Northwest Cincinnati location at 2115 Schappelle Lane, Forest Park, Ohio, 45240 on September 20, 2017 from 8:00am to 12:00pm with registration beginning at 7:30am. Please note that 100% attendance is required to receive CE credit for this course. Breakfast will be provided!

This course has been designed to teach and explain the special procedures used by professionals in mitigating and restoring fire damage claims. The purpose of the course is to provide insurance professionals a better understanding of what the insured is going through when they experience a fire damage situation as well as what is involved with the work performed by the mitigation vendor at fire damage work sites. Those in attendance will learn emergency tips which can drastically reduce the cost of the claim if performed in a timely manner and they will see examples of work performed to mitigate fire damage.

For reservations or more information, contact SERVPRO of Northwest Cincinnati at 513-541-3200.

Please RSVP by September 13, 2017!

Course Number: 43375-OH

Water Damage in Hebron, Kentucky Home

8/21/2017 (Permalink)

Water damage was caused to the finished basement of this home in Hebron, Kentucky when the sump pump failed to work properly. Five rooms in the finished basement were affected and in need of professional SERVPRO water restoration services. For this project, the highly trained SERVPRO of Boone County water technicians removed the saturated, non-salvageable carpet and padding from the area and cleaned all the surfaces. In some instances, following water damage, mold can become an issue as well. In order to prevent this, the technicians applied an anti-microbial agent to the area. Advanced drying equipment, including air movers and dehumidifiers were set up and monitored by the technicians. Once the dry out process was complete, the equipment was removed, all debris was hauled away, and the basement was ready for structural repairs.

What if Disaster Strikes Your Business?

8/18/2017 (Permalink)

Many business owners are caught off guard when disaster strikes. Thinking that it would never happen to them or never even considering the possibility of a disaster, they fail to have a plan in place for their business. Unfortunately, many times, once disaster strikes, it’s too late. Many businesses are forced to close permanently after disaster because they were not prepared.

According to foxbusiness.com, there are 7 steps you can take if you are a small business owner to help protect your business from disaster.

  1. Risk Assessment: Determine what types of emergencies are most likely to affect your company and then evaluate your level of preparedness. Check in with your insurance company, make sure employees are trained for emergencies, have data backed up and stored at a safe location.
  2. Review Your Insurance Coverage: Talk with your insurance agent to make sure your business is covered if hit by disaster. After determining what types of emergencies your business is most prone to, make sure your policy covers those particular types of situations. Ask about business interruption insurance which helps business owners continue to pay on-going bills while operations are shut down during disaster recovery.
  3. Create a Contingency Plan: Review your business operations and determine which are most important for the survival of your business. Form a process to manage these functions in the event of a disaster. Determine an alternate business location where business operations can continue during the recovery process.
  4. Create a Communications Plan: Disasters create chaos and having a communications plan in place in advance will help minimize panic.
  5. Back Up Your Data: Making sure all your data is backed up and stored in a safe place is critical. Cloud-based data solutions are best as they stay safe during disasters and can be accessed from any location.
  6. Build An Emergency Kit: Have an emergency kit available on site including items like water, flashlights, fire extinguishers, etc.
  7. Review and Rehearse You Plan: Once your plan is in place, make sure your employees know the plan and have practiced implementing it.

While disasters can be devastating to a business, preparation can definitely help in the recovery process. By taking action before disaster strikes and getting a plan in place, business owners can help protect their business in times of emergencies.

Would this Increase Productivity at Your Office?

8/14/2017 (Permalink)

A fidget spinner is a small gadget with ball-bearings that the user can rotate or spin between his finger and thumb. They are being marketed as the modern version of the stress ball, used to relieve anxiety and promote productivity.

How Are They Believed To Work?

Some believe that using the fidget spinner occupies parts of the brain that otherwise would distract the rest of the brain with random thoughts interfering with decision making and productivity. Others believe that body movements are actually part of the thinking process much like doodling or tapping a pen.

The Must-Have Office Toy

According to Forbes, fidget spinners are the must-have office toy of 2017. So for you or that co-worker or cubicle neighbor that constantly pen-clicks, desk-drums or nail bites, maybe pitch the stress ball and try upgrading to a fidget spinner!

What Do You Think? Would a fidget spinner increase productivity at your office?

Factors that Affect the Odors Left After a Fire

8/7/2017 (Permalink)

One of the most important concerns for complete restoration after a fire is controlling or eliminating the odors. When attempting to eradicate the odors after a fire, there are many factors that must be taken into consideration during the restoration process. These factors all impact the strength of the odor that is left behind.

Factors that Affect Fire Odor

  • Size – Larger fires burn more objects and bring more smoke. With more smoke, there is stronger smell.
  • Length – The longer a structure has been exposed to smoke, the more deeply the odor has seeped into porous materials.
  • Space – The smaller the room where the fire occurs, the more intense and concentrated the smoke odor becomes.
  • Items – Not all items smell the same when burning. For example, wood and plastic have very different smells and consistency. This needs to be considered during the restoration process.

Where the fire damage occurred and what items burned are the two main concerns in the fire restoration process. The technicians at SERVPRO of Boone County are fire restoration specialists and have the training, expertise, and equipment to restore your property back to pre-fire condition.

SERVPRO of Boone County Values the Community!

7/31/2017 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Boone County believes in giving back to the community whenever possible. We are always looking for ways to help out local schools, neighborhoods and charities by offering our time and talents.

For example, we were honored to help a local school district by donating labor and materials when one of the school buildings suffered a water damage and needed dry-out services. The school Board was very grateful for the donation because it allowed them to use funds elsewhere to better serve the students in the district.

SERVPRO of Boone County strives to have a positive presence in the community and is happy when an opportunity arises to help the students, residents and employees of our community. We value our community and are proud to support in any way we can!

Have You Found Mold in Your Home?

7/24/2017 (Permalink)

Mold is a fungus that thrives in warm, damp and humid areas. It lives both indoors and outdoors and can spread quickly through a property.

Where does mold hide?

Mold thrives in moist areas. It can most commonly be found in places like showers and tubs, leaky sinks or pipes and basement walls or crawlspaces. But sometimes it hides in places you might never suspect! According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), mold may be hidden in places such as the back side of dry wall, wallpaper, or paneling, the top side of ceiling tiles, or the underside of carpets and pads. Other possible hidden locations include areas inside walls around leaking pipes, the surface of walls behind furniture (where condensation forms), inside ductwork, and in roof materials above ceiling tiles (due to roof leaks).

Mold Cleanup

If you discover mold in your home and need professional service, SERVPRO of Boone County has the specialized mold remediation equipment and the highly trained mold remediation technicians necessary to handle any size mold infestation. We proudly serve Florence, Kentucky and other surrounding communities with our professional mold remediation services.

Our Water Restoration Process

7/17/2017 (Permalink)

A homeowner can be faced with a water damage when they least expect it! A burst pipe, flash flooding, clogged gutters, an overflowing sink can all cause water damage to a home. When homeowners are faced with an unexpected water damage they want to know that their home will be back in order as soon as possible. SERVPRO of Boone County has a proven process to restoration after a water loss.

Within ONE HOUR from the first notice of loss, one of our professionals will be in contact with the homeowner to arrange for service to begin.

And within FOUR HOURS from the first notice of loss, our expert crews will be on-site to start mitigation services. We understand that quick response is the key to reducing damage and saving money!

Once onsite, our trained and fully equipped crew will walk through the job process with the homeowner, explaining what to expect. We know that open communication is very important to build trust with our customers!

Our water crews will begin pretesting for restorability, working from the source of the damage outward. And within EIGHT business hours of on-site arrival, a verbal summary of the scope will be communicated to the appropriate person.

Our professional crews will work neatly and efficiently to regain control of the property when a damaging event has taken over. They will use state of the art restoration techniques to ensure that the property is taken care of right the first time. And after the work has been completed, a final walk through will be conducted to ensure complete customer satisfaction. We want to leave a job knowing that the homeowner is satisfied and happy with the results.

Develop a SERVPRO Emergency READY Profile for Your Business!

7/10/2017 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Boone County responds quickly, 24 hours a day/7 days a week if your business is suddenly hit by an emergency or disaster. We have the resources and expertise to handle any size disaster. From a small business building to a large high rise building, we can handle the situation.

According to research, nearly 50% of businesses permanently close following a large disaster. Of the businesses that do survive, the majority of them had a preparedness plan in place. We are always ready to respond when disaster strikes your business, but did you know that we can also help you set up a preparedness plan for your company before disaster strikes?

SERVPRO of Boone County can help you pre-plan by developing a SERVPRO Emergency READY Profile for your business. With this plan in place, the interruption of your business operations is minimized because you will have an immediate plan of action. Knowing what to do in advance of an emergency is key to timely mitigation and can minimize the damage to your company.

Visit https://ready.SERVPRO.com/home/readyprogram to find out more about the SERVPRO Emergency Ready Program! Be “ready for whatever happens.”

Happy July 4th...How will the weather affect fireworks this year?

7/3/2017 (Permalink)

Fireworks displays are affected by many different weather factors. Wind, drought, lightning and rain can all have an impact on July 4th celebrations.

Wind can really affect the quality of the display as well as pose a safety risk if not monitored closely. Calm wind doesn’t allow for the smoke to dissipate which means that the fireworks won’t be as vivid as spectators try to see them through the smoke. Strong wind affects the direction of the fallout, potentially blowing hot embers and smoke into the spectators.

A location experiencing a drought is not ideal for a fireworks show. This could be very dangerous as there is potential for fire damage when the fallout lands on dry grounds and possibly sparks a fire.

Lightning can also be one of the most dangerous weather conditions that affects a fireworks show. It is possible that lightning can strike the unlit fireworks and ignite them on the ground, which is very dangerous for anyone sitting nearby. It’s important to remember to always take shelter indoors if lightning is in the area!

And finally, while most would expect otherwise, rain is not really an issue for fireworks displays. As long as the pre-lit fireworks are protected from the rain so that the fuses are kept dry and will light, the fireworks will still burst through the raindrops and be seen without problems.

So this July 4th, be sure to take the weather into consideration as you head to your local fireworks display!

We at SERVPRO of Boone County wish you a happy and safe Independence Day!

Is Your Dryer Vent Clean?

6/26/2017 (Permalink)

According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, more than 15,000 fires start each year by the clothes dryer. When lint and debris build up in the dryer vent, a common fire hazard is created.

Signs That the Dryer Vent Needs Cleaning

According to ABC news, there are many signs that it is time to clean the dryer vent. Several of these signs include:

  • Clothing does not dry completely after normal drying cycle.
  • A musty odor is present in the clothing following the drying cycle.
  • Clothing seems unusually hot to the touch after a complete drying cycle.
  • Debris is present within the outside dryer vent opening.
  • Large amounts of lint accumulate in the lint trap of the dryer.

Reduce the risk of a dryer vent fire by watching for these signs and regularly maintaining the dryer vent. Not only will the risk for a dryer vent fire be reduced, clothes will dry faster and smell better!

Cleaning Surface Mold

6/19/2017 (Permalink)

Mold is a problem that many homeowners face and it is aggravating! Almost every home gets some form of mold at one time or another. Outside, mold turns up as dark spots on siding and it darkens wooden decks. On the inside, it blackens the grout lines in showers and discolors drywall.

Minor surface mold infestations, like those found on the grout lines in tiled showers, can be easily removed with regular household cleaning products. According to familyhandyman.com, with a mixture of ½ cup bleach, 1 quart water and a little detergent, these surface molds can be easily scrubbed away. The bleach in the mixture kills the mold and the detergent helps lift it off the surface so it can be rinsed away and won’t return as fast. As an alternative to the mixture, mildew cleaners can be purchased at local stores. If the mold doesn’t disappear after light scrubbing, reapply the cleaner, let it sit for a couple of minutes and then lightly scrub again. As a preventative measure, it is a good idea to seal the clean surfaces with a grout sealer when they are dry.

Even for simple cleaning, it is always important to protect yourself from contact with mold and bleach by wearing long sleeves, long pants, gloves and goggles.

While minor surface mold can most of the time be taken care of by homeowners, larger mold infestations can be much harder to handle. SERVPRO of Boone County has the specialized mold remediation equipment and the highly trained mold remediation technicians necessary to handle any size mold infestation.

SERVPRO of Boone County Ready to Respond for Disaster Recovery

6/12/2017 (Permalink)

Last October, Hurricane Matthew hit the Southeast coast of the U.S. leaving a trail of devastation and destruction. According to NationalGeographic.com, the hurricane’s storm surge and torrential rainfall caused severe flooding from Florida to North Carolina and inflicted damage in the U.S. estimated by analysts at a minimum of $10 billion. Many homes and businesses were left without power and sustained severe damage due to the high winds and flooding.

SERVPRO of Boone County is proud to be part of the national SERVPRO Disaster Recovery Team. This team provides help during events like tornadoes, hurricanes, blizzards or floods. The national SERVPRO System has a network of strategically positioned storm teams on standby should a disaster strike. Available 24 hours a day and 365 days a year, the SERVPRO Disaster Recovery Team is always prepared for the unpredictable. With the ability to mobilize local command centers, along with the resources of more than 1,700 Franchises nationwide, no disaster is too big.

During events like Hurricane Matthew, our local SERVPRO of Boone County crews are ready to quickly mobilize and help provide disaster relief to affected families and businesses in the area of the disaster.

Did You Remember to Clean Your Gutters?

6/5/2017 (Permalink)

Gutters play a key role in preventing water damage to your  home. That is why it is essential that you keep your gutters clean and free of debris. Their purpose is to channel rainwater to the downspouts and away from the home, protecting roofs, walls, and foundations of homes. To keep gutters working properly, it is important to make sure that gutters are cleaned regularly so that water can flow freely to the downspouts and away from your home.

So how often should you clean your gutters? It is recommended that you clean your gutters AT LEAST twice a year!

Clogged gutters can cause many issues for a homeowner. If water finds its way into the walls and ceilings of the home, it will cause interior damage. In winter months, pooling water around the foundation of the home can cause foundation cracks if it freezes and expands. The paint and siding of a home can also be damaged as water overflows from the gutters.

Failing to clean gutters regularly can be a very costly mistake! It is one of the most important tasks of a homeowner and, if done on a regular basis, can prevent many homeowner headaches!

Happy Memorial Day & Happy Grilling from SERVPRO of Boone County!

5/29/2017 (Permalink)

Memorial Day is a day set aside to honor the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military. SERVPRO of Boone County would like to first take this opportunity to remember and pay tribute to those that so unselfishly gave their lives to provide us with the freedom we enjoy.

Unofficially, Memorial Day marks the beginning of the summer season. And with the summer season, comes family picnics and outdoor grilling. When raising the lid to your grill this season, you may be surprised at what you find hiding inside…MOLD!

Mold thrives in a moist environment with poor air circulation. And a covered grill is just that! If you find mold growing in your grill this spring, grillbilliesbarbecue.com offers several tips to remove the mold and prepare your grill for the grilling season.

How to Remove and Clean Mold from Your Grill:

  1. Throw away any charcoal and other materials leftover in the grill.

  2. Fire the grill up as hot as possible to burn off all grease and mold. (If you attempt to scrape it off or power wash it first you may inhale mold spores.)

  3. Let the grill cool and then scrape and scrub every surface with a brush or a pressure washer. Don’t forget to include the drip pan and grates.

  4. Wash everything down with soapy water and rinse thoroughly.

  5. Fire the grill up once again to burn off any mold, grease, and soap residue.

*NOTE: If you have a ceramic grill, DO NOT use degreaser or a pressure washer to clean. For ceramic, only use a plastic scraper and start a hot fire.

So as we enter the summer grilling season, be sure to inspect your grill for mold and take the necessary steps to clean it! Happy Memorial Day and Happy Grilling!

Protect Your Pets During Storms

5/1/2017 (Permalink)

With the spring and summer seasons, severe storms become more frequent and tornadoes become a possibility. In the event of a tornado, most people consider the safety of their family, but many may forget to consider the safety of their pets. The Humane Society of the United States offers several tips to help keep pets safe during severe storms.

Tornado Safety Tips:

  • Bring your pets inside – Any time a severe storm is in your area, bring your pets indoors. If it is not safe for you to be outside, then it is not safe for your four-legged friend!

  • Make sure your pet is wearing a collar with identification or is microchipped – If you were to be separated from your pet during a storm, an identification tag or microchip will increase your chances of being reunited.

  • Practice getting your pets into your safe place – When you practice your tornado safety plan with your family, be sure to include your pets as part of the practice plan!

  • If you are forced to evacuate, take your pets with you – Even if you think you will only need to be gone for a short period of time, take your pets and some emergency pet supplies with you. Depending on the situation, you may be unable to come back for your pets at a later time.

These are just a few tips to take into consideration to help keep your pets safe during the stormy season. More information about tornadoes and pet safety can be found at the Humane Society website, http://www.humanesociety.org/issues/animal_rescue/tips/keeping_pets_safe_during_a_tornado.html.

Organize & Clean Your Office Too!

4/19/2017 (Permalink)

When it comes to spring cleaning, most people think of it as referring to their homes. But where do you spend so much of your time during the week? Spring cleaning shouldn’t be just for the home, the workplace can also benefit from a good cleaning!

How about those desk drawers?

Just like your junk drawers at home, filing cabinets can collect a lot of unnecessary items in a year’s time! Take the time to go through your drawers at work. Keep and organize the essential items and throw away the rest!

Are your filing cabinets in order?

After a year of use, does your closet at home stay organized? Many times filing cabinets become disorganized over time. Sort through your papers, organize what you need to keep and throw away or recycle the rest.

What is that stuck between the keys of your keyboard?

After a year of snacking at your desk and dust mites flying, computers and electronics need a good cleaning. Take some time to wipe down monitors and spray your keyboard! Get those crumbs out!

Germs are everywhere!

When was the last time you wiped down your office phone? How about the surfaces of your desk and chair? With so many employees working together, illnesses are bound to spread! Use disinfectant spray and wipes to keep those germs away!

Spring is finally here and it is time to start fresh, declutter and organize. So open the office windows, take a breath of fresh air and rejuvenate your workspace with a good spring cleaning!

Moisture Control - The Key to Mold Prevention

4/10/2017 (Permalink)

Most homeowners have concerns about mold and how to prevent it. Mold can grow anywhere, indoors or outdoors, and if not treated promptly, can spread very quickly. It is best to prevent mold before it ever becomes a problem.

Tips to Prevent Mold

The key to mold prevention is moisture control. The Mother Nature Network suggests several ways for homeowners to curb moisture indoors, and the mold that thrives on it:

  1. Identify problem areas in your home and correct them. Areas such as wet basements, water stained ceilings, or windows with condensation are examples of potential problem areas. Correcting these issues can prevent mold before it becomes a problem.
  2. Dry wet areas immediately. Mold needs moisture to grow. Don’t leave wet areas in your home. Remove wet carpets and furniture if they can’t be dried completely. Don’t leave wet items lying around the house. Always dry the walls and floors after showers or spills.
  3. Prevent moisture with proper ventilation. Make sure your home isn’t holding moisture inside by opening a winder or running an exhaust fan while cooking or showering.
  4. Equip your home with mold-resistant products. If building a new home or renovating your current home, always use mold-resistant products like mold-resistant drywall or Sheetrock, and mold inhibitors for paint.
  5. Monitor humidity indoors. Measure humidity in your home with a moisture meter and keep the indoor humidity levels between recommended levels.
  6. Direct water away from your home. Make sure the ground around your home is sloped so that water runs away from the home.
  7. Clean or repair roof gutters. Leaky roofs lead to moisture in the home.
  8. Improve air flow in your home. Increase air circulation in your home by opening doors between rooms and moving furniture away from walls. Let fresh air into your home.
  9. Keep mold off house plants. The moist soil in indoor plants is a perfect breeding ground for mold. Find ways to prevent mold from growing on your house plants.

If after following these tips you still find that you have a mold infestation in your Erlanger, Kentucky home, SERVPRO of Boone County has the specialized mold remediation equipment and the highly trained mold remediation technicians necessary to handle any size mold infestation. We proudly serve Erlanger, Florence, Hebron, Burlington, and other surrounding Kentucky communities with our professional mold remediation services.


3/28/2017 (Permalink)

According to the U.S. Fire Administration – Federal Emergency Management Agency, from 2009 to 2011, fire departments responded to about 86,500 nonresidential building fires in the United States. These fires resulted in $2.6 billion in property losses which accounted for 22 percent of the total dollar loss from all fires (residential and nonresidential). Because nonresidential fires include commercial properties, these fires can lead to a significant economic impact on communities due to lost jobs and closed businesses.

Fire damage can be devastating for a business property. In addition to the fire and smoke damage, water damage can also occur due to the efforts of firefighters and sprinkler systems. Many times, after suffering a fire loss, businesses are forced to temporarily shut down. And in some instances, the damage is so devastating that the business in unable to recover and closes permanently. Commercial restoration presents different challenges. SERVPRO of Boone County has the training and expertise in both commercial fire and commercial water restoration and understands that every hour spent restoring a business to pre-fire condition is an hour of lost revenue and productivity. We offer 24 hour emergency service to businesses in Erlanger, Florence, Hebron and other surrounding communities. We respond quickly to mitigate the damage and manage the project through to completion in order to get the business back up and running as quickly as possible.

So if your business experiences a fire loss emergency, call SERVPRO of Boone County for immediate response. We are a trusted leader in the fire and water restoration industry and we will work tirelessly to get you back to business.

SERVPRO of Boone County – Serving Businesses in Florence, Hebron, Crescent Springs, Union, Burlington and Erlanger.

(859) 746-3400

Use Extension Cords With Caution & Care

2/23/2017 (Permalink)

Extension cords are a very useful and common household item that, if not used with care, can pose a threat in the home. According to SixWise.com, there are three main risks presented with the use of extension cords:

  1. Fires
  2. Electrical Burns
  3. Tripping


The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) estimates that extension cords cause about 3300 residential fires each year. These fires are caused by short circuits, damaged cords, and overloading cords. These risks can be avoided by regularly checking and replacing old, damaged cords, not overloading cords or sockets, not running cords under rugs or near heaters, and just being aware when using extension cords for overheating.

Electrical Burns

According to the CPSC, electrical burns to the mouth accounted for half of the extension cord related injuries to young children. Plugs, outlets and cords can be very intriguing to young children who do not realize they are dangerous. Keep all extension cords out of reach of children!


The CPSC claims that about half of extension cord related injuries involve fractures, lacerations, contusions, or sprains from people tripping over the extension cords and that the elderly are the most at risk for this type of injury. The solution to avoid this risk is to simply avoid placing extension cords in areas where people walk. Instead, run cords along walls or thread them behind tables or other furniture where they are out of the way.

Most people do not consider the dangers of extension cords until something actually goes wrong. Don’t make that mistake…Use your extension cords with caution and care!


1/19/2017 (Permalink)

With the cold, winter months among us, now is the time to make sure your home heating system is working properly. Like most things, efficient operation is a function of regular maintenance and check-ups. There are several things you can do to keep your heating system in top working condition.

  1. Clean or replace the filter: A clogged filter causes the furnace to work much harder and deliver less heat!

  2. Make sure blower doors are replaced.

  3. Check the systems belts: Replace any belts that are worn or cracked.

  4. Check and make sure vents in the home are clear.

  5. Ensure that the exhaust flue to the outside of the home is clear.

These are just a few tips to help maintain a home’s furnace system. But regular maintenance and periodic checkups by a licensed heating professional are also beneficial for your furnace to remain efficient. Don’t wait until the cold hits and risk having a break down when you need your furnace the most!

Take the Stress Out of Holiday Shopping

12/9/2016 (Permalink)

The holiday shopping season is in full force with shoppers racing to get the best deals of the season. For many of us, the holiday shopping season is a time of stress and anxiety. How can I possibly stay within my budget and wow everyone with gifts on Christmas morning? Realsimple.com has provided a list of shopping survival tricks to help anxious shoppers get through the holiday season.

  • Make a List: Yes, make a list and check it twice! Write down everyone you plan to buy for, including those that you will want to give holiday tips (mail carrier, hair stylist, etc.) Include gift ideas and the maximum amount you are willing to spend. This will help with managing your budget.
  • Start Early: Don’t wait until after Thanksgiving to begin your shopping. Keep an open “Christmas gift buying mind” all year long. You just might happen upon the perfect Christmas gift for dad in July!
  • Research Online: Research brands or models for particular items online before buying. Read online reviews and feedback for just about anything you are considering. Check price comparison sites to find the best deals available on items you wish to purchase.
  • Brave the Black Friday Crowds: The day after Thanksgiving is truly a day for good shopping deals. If you are willing to fight the crowds, you may save some money on Black Friday.
  • Take Advantage of Cyber Monday: Cyber Monday is the Monday after Black Friday and is the biggest online shopping day of the season. Most retailers participate by offering discounts on this day so if you have online shopping to do, be sure to check out Cyber Monday.
  • Get No Cost Holiday Shipping: Look for Free Shipping deals whenever possible when shopping online for holiday gifts.

This season take the stress out of your holiday shopping. Consider these tips in order to lessen your holiday gift spending and still provide the perfect gifts for your family and friends! Happy Holidays from SERVPRO of Boone County!


11/28/2016 (Permalink)

If you are traveling during the holiday season, don’t let the stress of the hustle and bustle get you down. Realize ahead of time that there are millions of others that are also traveling and take steps to help cope with the situations that may arise due to the busy holiday traveling season. Travelchannel.com has provided the following tips to help you survive and calmly get to your destination.

Holiday Travel Tips

  • Do Your Research: Plan alternative routes when traffic gets overwhelming. Maybe there is a more scenic route that might take a little longer but has less traffic. When flying, be sure to check the airline’s restrictions ahead of time. Know the fees for carry-on luggage and checked bags.
  • Stay Connected: Load your smartphone with all the latest travel apps before leaving home. There are apps to provide updates on flights, airport lines, cheapest gas, cleanest bathrooms, etc. You name it and there’s probably an app for that!
  • Pack Light: If possible, avoid checking bags at the airport altogether.
  • Pack Earplugs: The best way to escape stressful surroundings is to escape to a quiet place. Pack earplugs to turn down the crying babies, loud music, or loud talker sitting in the next aisle!
  • Pack Snacks & Drinks: It’s more difficult to remain calm and make good decisions when you are hungry and your belly is growling. Always have snacks handy for when the need arises.
  • Ship the Gifts or Give Gift Cards: For lighter travel, ship your gifts ahead of time or give gift cards.
  • Travel on Off-Peak Days: The day before the holiday is always the most highly traveled. Try traveling on the actual holiday to avoid crowds and traffic.
  • Travel Early or Late in the Day: Flights that leave early in the day are on-time more often. And avoid heavier traffic on the highways by traveling by car through the night.

Busy holiday travel is much easier to cope with if it is expected and planned for accordingly. While the hectic crowds and stress may not be completely avoided, one can definitely overcome the challenges by considering these tips when planning travel. Happy Holidays from SERVPRO of Boone County!

Give Thanks for the Little Things Too

11/11/2016 (Permalink)

A Day of Thanks

What does it mean to be thankful? Around this time of the year, people reflect on what they are grateful for. They think about the people in their lives and the things they have. They come together with loved ones and enjoy a meal together. Some families might have the tradition for each family member to share one thing that they are thankful for. What will you say this year when it is your turn to share?

Many will share the old clichés like, “I am thankful for my family.” Or, “I am thankful for my friends, home, pets, food, etc….” Of course these are all very important to be thankful for…probably the most important! But did you ever stop to think about those random little things in your daily life that make life just a little more pleasant?

10 Simple Things to be Thankful For in a Day

  1. Snooze button on the alarm clock
  2. Hair dryer, hairbrush, toothbrush
  3. No line at the drive-thru
  4. Password auto-fill option
  5. Coffee
  6. Light traffic
  7. Garage door opener
  8. Dishwasher
  9. TV remote control
  10. Blankets, pillows, socks and slippers

How about adding a little creativity to this year’s “What are you thankful for?” conversation…This year take a moment to think about and appreciate the little things too, the things that we have every day and don’t even really realize. These are just a few examples…What can you add to this list?

Happy Thanksgiving from SERVPRO of Boone County!

Thank a Veteran on November 11th!

11/4/2016 (Permalink)

Veterans Day is November 11th and it is a day set aside to honor all American veterans, both living and dead, who have dedicated themselves to the loyal service of our great country. It is a time to give thanks to the American veterans and show them appreciation for the great sacrifices that they have made in their lives to preserve the freedom of our country.

Because it is a federal holiday, some American workers and students will have the privilege of enjoying the holiday free from work or school. On this special day, how nice would it be if every veteran could receive even a small gesture that shows they are appreciated? Even the simplest act can mean so much!

There are many ways to show appreciation to veterans on this day. One of the most meaningful activities that people can do is to send notes or cards to hospitalized veterans or veterans living in retirement homes. And a brief, in person visit could be even better! Ask a veteran about his service…Sometimes just lending an attentive ear is enough to show appreciation. Other simple ways to honor a veteran on November 11th include attending a Veterans Day event, flying the American flag, or donating to an organization that directly helps veterans in need.

So this year, on November 11th, remember and appreciate those who have sacrificed to serve our country. Take just a moment to thank a veteran!

SERVPRO of Boone County Provides Hurricane Relief

10/18/2016 (Permalink)

Hurricane Matthew pounded the Southeast coast leaving a trail of devastation and destruction. The storm brought strong winds, as much as 15 inches of rain and powerful storm surges to some areas. Many homes and businesses were left without power and sustained severe damage due to the high winds and flooding.

Many people’s lives were disrupted and SERVPRO of Boone County is making every effort to help those in need. As part of the national SERVPRO Disaster Recovery Team, our crews have mobilized and are currently onsite in South Carolina to help provide disaster relief to affected families and businesses in the area.

The employees of SERVPRO of Boone County are also working locally to provide hurricane disaster relief. On Saturday, October 15th, as part of the Contractor Connection Global Day of Service, a team of our SERVPRO employees and their families were honored to volunteer at Matthew 25: Ministries in Blue Ash, Ohio. Matthew 25: Ministries aids disaster victims and the poor by collecting, processing and shipping goods to them. To start the day, the SERVPRO group took part in a very informative tour and learned about the mission of Matthew 25: Ministries, what they do, and who benefits from their service. The SERVPRO group then contributed to the cause by unpacking and preparing items for shipment to those affected by Hurricane Matthew. It was a very satisfying experience for our SERVPRO employees to be part of such a wonderful cause!


9/15/2016 (Permalink)

As we are gearing up for the fall season, now is the time to check those gutters!

Gutters play a significant role in preventing water damage to homes. Their purpose is to channel rainwater to the downspouts and away from the home, protecting roofs, walls, and foundations of homes. To keep gutters working properly, it is important to make sure that gutters are cleaned regularly so that water can flow freely to the downspouts and away from the home.

Clogged gutters can cause many issues for a homeowner. Water that is blocked by the debris in gutters will find the path of least resistance when it tries to drain. This often means it will find its way into the walls and ceilings of the home causing interior damage.

In winter months, if water overflowing from the gutters pools around the foundation of the home, it can freeze with the colder temperatures. When it freezes, it expands. This can cause foundation cracks that then lead to flooded basements and crawl spaces. Also in the winter months, water that is blocked in clogged gutters can freeze and cause pressure on the roof. This can lead to damage to the roof and water leaking into the home.

The weight of the rain-soaked debris in gutters can also lead to damage. When the debris absorbs the water, it becomes extremely heavy and places a great amount of stress on the gutters and their brackets. This additional weight can cause the gutters to fall from the home which leads to costly repairs.

Water overflowing from the gutters can damage the paint and siding on a home. Additionally, if the water gets behind the siding and inside of a wall, the wood becomes wet and can rot. This can go unseen behind the siding until it is too late.

Obviously, failing to clean gutters regularly can be a very costly mistake! It is one of the most important tasks of a homeowner and, if done on a regular basis, can prevent many homeowner headaches!

A Back-to-School Lesson from SERVPRO of Boone County

8/19/2016 (Permalink)

It's Back-to-School time. And with the spirit of the back-to-school season, SERVPRO of Boone County would like to offer the following lesson on the ABC’s of SERVPRO…

A - Air: SERVPRO of Boone County inspects heating, ventilation and air conditioning units (HVAC). Keeping them clean can extend the life of the equipment. This can in turn save you money and give you cleaner air to breathe.

B – Biohazard: Exposure to biological and chemical contaminants can pose serious health consequences. A failure to properly remove such substances can contribute to unhealthy and dangerous environments. SERVPRO of Boone County is trained to safely remove biohazards and dispose of them properly in accordance with OSHA and health regulations.

C - Commercial Services: Cleaning and restoring commercial properties require a unique blend of training, experience, and equipment. SERVPRO of Boone County has the resources and expertise to give you excellent results while minimizing the disruption to your clients. 

D - Disaster Recovery: The SERVPRO Disaster Recovery Team can provide help whether you're dealing with a tornado, hurricane, blizzard or flood. The SERVPRO System has a network of strategically positioned storm teams on standby should a disaster strike near you.

E – Equipment: In the event of water damage, expert knowledge and state of the art equipment are paramount for effective drying and restoration. Trained SERVPRO of Boone County professionals use exceptional equipment and expertise to first create an environment favorable for drying and then to extract and eliminate moisture from the structure.

F - Fire Damage: SERVPRO of Boone County has the specialized fire and water damage cleanup and restoration training and experience to quickly restore your home to pre-fire condition. We also have specific training and equipment for odor removal and deep cleaning of upholstery and carpet.  

G – Guidelines: As one of the nation's leading providers of restoration services, SERVPRO has developed the most extensive performance guidelines in the industry. These guidelines assure you receive the best restoration service in the industry. 

H - Highly Trained: In addition to training at the regional level, SERVPRO developed the National Training Center to teach restoration and mitigation skills to Franchise Owners, employees, and insurance industry employees.

I - Insurance Services: SERVPRO strives to maximize the satisfaction of insurance companies and customers by developing and managing business-to-business relationships within the insurance industry.

J – Job: No job is too large for SERVPRO to handle. Our elite large-loss specialists are prequalified and strategically positioned throughout the United States to handle any size disaster. 

K – Knowledge: SERVPRO professionals are equipped with the knowledge to restore your property. SERVPRO Franchise Professionals are highly trained in property damage restoration, from initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO’s Corporate Training Facility to regular IICRC industry certification.

L – Local: SERVPRO of Boone County is a locally owned and operated business. We live and work in this community too, so we are close by and ready to respond immediately when you need cleaning or restoration services.  

M – Mold: Any home or commercial property can quickly become infested with mold if a source of water is present. And mold can spread throughout a property in as little as 48 hours. If mold is found, we have the training, equipment, and expertise to remediate your mold infestation. 

N - National Network: SERVPRO of Boone County is part of a national network of over 1,650 Franchises, which allows us to respond quicker with more resources.  

O - Odor Removal: As experts in deodorization, SERVPRO of Boone County Professionals are trained to identify and eliminate offensive odors.

P - Property Restoration: Restoring property is the first priority of SERVPRO of Boone County. Customers appreciate the immediate response and should know that everything is being done to limit the damage. 

Q - Quick Response: In many cleaning and restoration situations, immediate action is needed. SERVPRO of Boone County provides emergency cleaning and restoration services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week—including all holidays.

R - Restore First: SERVPRO of Boone County Professionals clean and restore property using specialized equipment and cleaning techniques. Their “restore first” mentality reduces interruption and gets customers back to their life.

S - Storm Damage: Storms occur with little warning and can be devastating. Regardless of the type of storm, SERVPRO Franchise Professionals can handle any size disaster. During catastrophic storms and major events, our Disaster Recovery Team can respond quickly with additional resources.

T – Trusted: SERVPRO is a Trusted Leader in the industry with over 1,650 Franchises. 

U - Upholstery Cleaning: Upholstery and carpet materials vary dramatically. The SERVPRO System offers a number of cleaning options to match any type of upholstery or carpet.

V – Vandalism: SERVPRO of Boone County will act quickly to remove vandalism and graffiti from home and commercial spaces. In addition to removing spray-painted graffiti from exterior walls, we can also clean driveways, walkways, asphalt, metals, wood, glass, plastic, and masonry. 

W – Water Removal: Professionals at SERVPRO of Boone County are water removal and cleanup specialists and are ready to help when flooding or water leaks cause water damage. Crews quickly dry the property using state-of-the-art water removal equipment and advanced drying techniques, documenting the drying process to make sure the property is dry and the job is done right. 

X – eXtraction: Water extraction removes the majority of the water from the home or property. By performing a thorough water extraction, SERVPRO Franchise Professionals help reduce the drying time which helps to prevent mold and secondary water damage. 

Y - Your Peace of Mind: The goal of SERVPRO of Boone County is to restore both the customer’s property and their peace of mind through timely mitigation.

Z – oZone: SERVPRO of Boone County uses commercial grade ozone machines to eliminate odors in spaces. Ozone machines efficiently and effectively break down organic matter, killing the odor at its source.

SERVPRO of Boone County Holds Employee Appreciation Cook-Out

8/8/2016 (Permalink)

The mission of SERVPRO of Boone County is to develop a team of quality people who focus on excellent service, fairness, and mutual respect. We want to provide the best service possible to our customers and we believe that having excellent employee morale in the workplace will lead to better teamwork and better production. This, in turn, will result in jobs well done and customer satisfaction!

In order to show our appreciation to our great employees and continue to build employee morale, SERVPRO of Boone County most recently held an employee appreciation cook-out. Our employees enjoyed a fantastic lunch of grilled burgers, hot dogs and a variety of side dishes and desserts. The casual setting of the cook-out allowed our employees to gather together, chat and build personal bonds. 

SERVPRO of Boone County appreciates the dedication, commitment, and hard work of all our employees. Our success would not be possible without them!


7/7/2016 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Boone County is offering  a free continuing education insurance credit course entitled, “Understanding the Restoration Industry: Property Fire Damage Restoration.” The course will be held at our Northwest Cincinnati location at 2115 Schappelle Lane, Forest Park, Ohio, 45240 on July 27th, 2016 from 8:30am to 12:30pm with registration beginning at 8:00am.

This course has been designed to teach and explain the special procedures used by professionals in mitigating and restoring fire damage claims. The purpose of the course is to provide insurance professionals a better understanding of what the insured is going through when they experience a fire damage situation as well as what is involved with the work performed by the mitigation vendor at fire damage work sites. Those in attendance will learn emergency tips which can drastically reduce the cost of the claim if performed in a timely manner.

For reservations or more information, contact SERVPRO of Northwest Cincinnati at 513-541-3200.

Course Number: 43375-OH, C34588-KY, 28814-IN

Take Steps To Protect Your Home From Water Damage While You Are Away!

6/13/2016 (Permalink)

With summer in full swing now, many families are excitedly planning summer get-aways, hoping for a stress-free vacation to relax and enjoy their time away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.  In order to fully relax, it is important to have peace of mind that your home will be safe while you are away.  Water damage is one of the most common types of damage to homes. And what a nightmare it would be to return from a relaxing vacation only to find that your home has suffered major water damage! If a pipe leaks or bursts while you are away on vacation, water can destroy carpets, furniture and more, which can be very expensive. SERVPRO of Boone County would like to share some steps that you can take to help protect your home from water damage while you are out of town.

  • Check your home for leaks before you leave. Be sure to look at the pipes under all sinks and inspect the water heater as well. Don’t forget to inspect the hoses that connect to major appliances such as the washing machine, dishwasher, and refrigerator to ensure that there are no kinks or damaged hoses.

  • Check the exterior of your home for potential causes of water leaks. Inspect the roof and make sure there are no loose or damaged shingles. Check the downspouts and gutters and clear any blockages. Make sure window seals are in good condition and repair if needed.

  • Examine your sump pump and check that it is in good working condition. Install a battery-powered backup source in case there is a power outage while you are away.

  • Ask someone you trust to check your home periodically while you are gone. Make sure this person knows where the water main shut off valve is located just in case a pipe does leak or bursts.

Leaking pipes and appliances and damage caused by storms cause millions of dollars worth of damage every year. In the event that a water disaster does occur while you are away, SERVPRO of Boone County has the expertise to help restore your home.  But prevention is key when planning to be away for any length of time. So before leaving your home, be sure to take precautions to avoid returning home to a big expensive mess!


5/20/2016 (Permalink)

Happy Memorial Day from SERVPRO of Boone County!

Memorial Day is a day of remembrance for those who have died in service of the United States of America. It is a very important holiday, established to give us a time to honor and remember the men and women who have sacrificed their lives by serving our country.

Many people consider Memorial Day to be the unofficial start of the summer season. And with the summer season, comes family picnics and outdoor grilling. According to the U.S. Fire Administration, grill fires cause an estimated $37 million in property loss each year. Patios, terraces, screened-in porches and courtyards are leading home locations for grill fires.

SERVPRO of Boone County would like to share the following grilling safety tips to help prevent outdoor cooking fire damage in our Boone County neighborhoods of Florence, Hebron, Covington, Erlanger, Union, Richwood, and other surrounding communities.

  • Only use grills outdoors

  • Keep grills away from siding and deck railings.

  • Clean grills often and remove grease or fat build-up.

  • Make sure the gas grill lid is open before lighting.

  • Always have a three foot safe-zone around grills.

  • Dispose of coals after they have cooled in a metal can.

  • Never leave grills unattended.

Knowing and following even a few fire safety grilling tips can help everyone have a safer and happier summer. In the event that you experience a grilling mishap and have a fire damage situation at your Boone County home, give us a call for quick, professional help.

For fire damage repair and restoration in the local communities of Florence, Burlington, Hebron, Covington, Belleview, Erlanger, Union, Walton, Richwood, and Crittenden…Call SERVPRO of Boone County – (859) 746-3400

SERVPRO of Boone County Supports "Service Above Self"

5/12/2016 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Boone County is proud to be a sponsor of the Rotary Club of Florence, Kentucky. The main objective of the Florence Rotary Club is to promote service in the community and throughout the world. The club motto is “Service Above Self.” The Rotary Club builds goodwill and peace, provides humanitarian service, and encourages ethical standards in all vocations.

The Rotary’s commitment to “Service Above Self” is channeled through five Avenues of Service, which form the foundation of club activity. These five service areas include Club Service, Vocational Service, Community Service, International Service, and New Generations Service.

SERVPRO of Boone County supports the Rotary Club’s efforts to bring together business and professional leaders in order to provide humanitarian services, to encourage high ethical standards in all business and professions, and to improve goodwill and peace around the world.

MOLDS - Did you know...?

5/6/2016 (Permalink)

Molds are fungi that can be found both indoors and outdoors and grow best in warm, damp, and humid conditions. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), mold can cause health effects in people with mold sensitivity.

When water invades your property, mold growth can begin in as little as 48 hours. A strong, musty odor may indicate hidden mold behind drywall or under carpeting. If you suspect that you have a mold problem in your home or business, stay out of the affected area, turn off the HVAC system and fans, and contact SERVPRO of Boone County for mold remediation services. SERVPRO of Boone County has the training, equipment, and expertise to handle the situation effectively and in a timely manner.

For more information: http://www.SERVPROboonecounty.com/mold-remediation

Restoring Items After Fire Damage

5/5/2016 (Permalink)

Regardless of the size, a fire in one room can damage belongings throughout an entire home. Personal belongings are treasures of life representing hard work and accomplishment. Photographs, books and other life momentos have a value that cannot be measured. When confronted with a fire loss, we at SERVPRO of Boone County understand the concerns about losing such treasures and about the expense of trying to replace them. Typically, restoring an item will save money versus replacing the item and, at the same time, relieve concerns of losing the priceless treasure.

So, if faced with a fire situation, follow these tips to increase chances of successful restoration:

1.      Limit movement to prevent further damage.

2.      Place clean towels or old linens on carpeted traffic areas to prevent more soiling.

3.      Do not attempt to wash any walls or painted surfaces without first contacting SERVPRO of Boone County.

4.      Do not attempt to shampoo carpet or upholstered furniture without first consulting SERVPRO of Boone County.

Let the professionals do the work.


5/3/2016 (Permalink)

In the event of water damage, expert knowledge and state of the art equipment are paramount for effective drying and restoration. Trained professionals at SERVPRO of Boone County use exceptional equipment and expertise to first create an environment favorable for drying and then to extract and eliminate moisture from the structure.

Detection Equipment is used to locate areas affected by water, define the extent to which the structure and contents have absorbed moisture, and verify that the environment has been dried thoroughly. Moisture sensors, moisture meters and thermohygrometers are all used by SERVPRO professionals in the drying process.  Moisture sensors detect moisture in carpets, baseboards and walls. Moisture meters determine the actual moisture content of various materials and provide readings that enable SERVPRO professionals to monitor the drying process. And thermohygrometers measure temperature and relative humidity which aides SERVPRO professionals in creating the proper atmosphere for more efficient drying.

Extraction Equipment is used to actually remove the water and moisture from the affected area. SERVPRO professionals use extractors, either portable or truck-mounted, to clean carpets and upholstery and to remove water from floors.

Air Movers are used to enhance evaporation at the surface level, thus reducing drying time. As airflow at the surface level increases, the moisture in the air increases. This moisture is then eliminated with the use of dehumidification equipment.

SERVPRO professionals use two types of dehumidifiers: refrigerant dehumidifiers and desiccant dehumidifiers. Refrigerant dehumidifiers work similarly to air conditioners and desiccant dehumidifiers use chemicals that absorb moisture from the air.

And finally, Deodorization Equipment is used to neutralize odors. SERVPRO professionals use either Ultra Low Volume Foggers or Thermal Foggers to eliminate odors caused by the water intrusion and restore the area to its original condition.


5/2/2016 (Permalink)

When presented with a water damage situation, after contacting SERVPRO of Boone County, here is what to expect:

ONE HOUR: Within one hour from notice of loss, our SERVPRO professional will contact to arrange for service. Help is on the way!

FOUR HOURS: Within four hours from notice of loss, our SERVPRO professional will be on-site to start mitigation services. Quick response is the key to reducing damage and saving money!

DETAILED EXPLANATION: Our trained, uniformed, and equipped SERVPRO professional will walk through the step-by-step job process, explaining what to expect.

PRETESTING: Our SERVPRO professional will begin pretesting for restorability, working from the source of the damage outward.

EIGHT HOURS: Within eight business hours of on-site arrival, a verbal summary of the scope will be communicated to the appropriate person, normally the adjuster or property manager.

CLEANING & RESTORATION: Our SERVPRO professionals will work neatly and efficiently to regain control of the property when a damaging event has taken over. They will use state of the art restoration techniques to ensure that the property is taken care of right the first time.

FINAL WALK THROUGH: After the work has been completed, a final walk through will be conducted to ensure complete customer satisfaction.


4/29/2016 (Permalink)

Since March of 2013, SERVPRO has been a national sponsor of the American Red Cross and their Ready Rating Program. This program is a free, web-based program designed to help businesses, organizations and schools become better prepared for emergencies.

We are happy to announce that in January of 2016, SERVPRO renewed our commitment to the American Red Cross. The strategy is now focusing more on their Home Fire Preparedness Campaign by supporting Disaster Responders. This Campaign is aimed at reducing home fire deaths and injuries across the country. Our support of Disaster Responders enables them to assist affected families quickly by providing trained volunteers, supplies, emergency response vehicles, and resources to transform community sites into shelters.

SERVPRO of Boone County is proud to support the American Red Cross to ensure that families and communities are prepared for disasters…especially home fires. Our goal is to build awareness about steps families can take to be prepared in their own homes.


4/29/2016 (Permalink)

According to redcross.org, 60% of house fire deaths occur in homes with no working smoke alarms. In the event of a home fire, working smoke alarms in conjunction with a practiced fire escape plan can save lives by allowing families to escape quickly and safely in an emergency situation.

The following are tips regarding the installation and maintenance of smoke detectors:

  • Install smoke detectors on every level of the home.

  • Smoke alarms should be installed away from the kitchen and at least 10 feet from a cooking appliance to avoid false alarms.

  • Smoke alarms should be tested at least once a month.

  • Batteries should be replaced in all smoke alarms at least once a year.

  • All smoke alarms should be replaced after 10 years.

In addition to working smoke alarms, a family escape plan is also important to home fire safety and everyone in the household should be involved in the planning process. The following are guidelines when creating a home fire escape plan:

  • Make sure that all family members know two ways to escape from each room of the home.

  • Have a designated meeting place outside for all family members in the event of a fire.

  • Practice the escape plan at least twice a year and at different times of the day.

  • Practice waking up to smoke alarms, low crawling, and meeting outside.

While home fires can be terrifying, working smoke alarms in addition to a practiced escape plan play a vital role in reducing fire deaths.


4/27/2016 (Permalink)

With the spring season comes lush green lawns, colorful flowering trees and warmer sunny days. However, spring can also be the prime season for severe weather. According to the American Red Cross, there are steps that can be taken to help ensure your safety if dangerous weather is predicted in your community.

Tornadoes often occur during the spring season between the hours of 3:00 and 9:00pm. The following are a few safety steps that can be taken to be ready if a tornado warning is issued is your area:

·        Know your community’s warning system

·        Pick a safe room in your home for your family to meet if a tornado is headed your way. This room should be a basement, storm cellar, or interior room on the lowest floor and should have no windows.

·        Prepare your lawn for strong winds by removing damaged limbs from trees and securing lawn furniture, trash cans, hanging plants, etc.

Thunderstorms are also common in the afternoon and evening hours in the spring and can produce very dangerous lightning. A few thunderstorm safety tips recommended by the American Red Cross are:

·        Where there is thunder, there is lightning! If thunder can be heard, then you are close enough to be in danger of lightning strikes. Go indoors!

·        Postpone any outdoor activities, such as sporting events and picnics until the storm passes. It is possible to get struck by lightning even if it is not raining.

·        Take shelter in a building or vehicle with windows closed and stay clear of the windows.

·        Do not shower or bathe during a thunderstorm.

Spring can also be the time of year for flooding. Flash floods occur suddenly when water rises rapidly along a stream or low-lying area. Below are some safety steps recommended in the event of flooding:

·        Be prepared to evacuate and head for higher ground.

·        Stay away from floodwaters.

·        Do not drive on flooded streets.

·        Be especially cautious at night when it is more difficult to recognize flood danger.

While severe weather can be frightening, you can help ensure your safety and the safety of the ones you love, by being prepared and taking precautions.


4/26/2016 (Permalink)

Need help fast in a storm situation? SERVPRO of Boone County is prepared to answer the call! The SERVPRO Disaster Recovery Team is a network of strategically positioned storm teams on standby, ready to act when disaster strikes. The Disaster Recovery Team is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, always prepared for the unpredictable. When localized storms overwhelm the local restoration companies, SERVPRO’s Disaster Recovery Team is there to help manage the workload. SERVPRO has mobilization teams across the country to travel as needed to support recovery after large storm events. With mobilized local command centers, management, crews, equipment and more than 1,650 franchises nationwide, the SERVPRO Franchise System has the ability and the manpower to relocate where needed and help make it “Like it never even happened.”  


4/26/2016 (Permalink)

Many think that once carpets are professionally cleaned, they get dirty faster. Why is this? It seems that it takes a couple of years before new carpets need cleaning, but why, after the professional cleaning, do the carpets look dirty in a much shorter period of time? Are professional cleaners causing a premature need for cleaning with the hopes of boosting business?

Absolutely not! In reality, new carpet is treated by the manufacturer with soil-resistant carpet protector, which allows the carpet to go much longer between cleanings. After about two years, the protector significantly wears off in the areas of daily use. These areas then accumulate soil much faster, as if they have never been treated with the protector.

So what is the solution? Professional carpet cleaners do not cause carpets to soil faster by cleaning them, but they can definitely prevent it! It is simple. If the cleaner restores the soil-resistant carpet protector in those high traffic areas, the carpet will go much longer before the next need for cleaning. Professional cleaners are able to reapply this protector and significantly restore the soil-resistance of the carpet. Reapplication of the soil-resistant carpet protector at the time of cleaning is paramount to making that cleaning last longer.


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